In time for Halloween - Profile of Code Pink Lunatic

Sweetness and Light has photos and a link from YouTube up on the flipped out straitjacket case that attacked the Secretary of State the other day. Video and still photos of Dr. Rice's encounter with the nutball appear here.

A profile on the sicko is available here. The scary part is that this psycho was a school teacher at one time. Can you imagine leaving your kids in that care of this creature? "You got a D on your test! A DEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee!"

In the article she's described as someone who "strongly supports the troops" and then goes on to proclaim, “Our troops are committing atrocities." From one side of her mouth she says she supports our men and women fighting terrorists and from the other side she accuses them of unspeakable horrors. That's the zany, madcap, upside down world of Code Pinko.

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