Two Doctors Held in Glasgow Airport Attack

Sweetness and Light relates that two Muslim Doctors are being held for Saturday's attack on Glasgow's Main Terminal. The article states that, two doctors were among five people being held as terror suspects last night after the bomb plots in London and Glasgow. One was one of two men who tried to drive a blazing Jeep packed with petrol, gas canisters and nails into Glasgow Airport on Saturday.

I guess these guys have their own take on the Hippocratic Oath.

The Doctor's (I prefer to think of them as a couple of slimeballs who got medical degrees answering an ad in the back of a tabloid.) were among five arrested so far in raids related to bomb plots in Glasgow and London. The article reports that a bomb factory was found at an address in Scotland.

One security souce described the suspects as, highly-educated, articulate and intelligent people. That blows the whole liberal meme that terrorism is due to poor, uneducated, unfortunates who are just expressing their dispair at injustice out of the water.

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