Tinsel Town set to produce Iraq anti-war films

Set against the backdrop of Hollywood's run-of-the-mill anti-war sentiment and in time for General Petraeu's September report on our progress in Iraq Warner Independent Pictures on September 14th plans to release “In the Valley of Elah", a story based on the murder of Army Specialist Richard R. Davis four years ago. Specialist Davis was murdered by two of his fellow servicemen back from Iraq after a night of drinking at a Hooter's restaurant and topless bar near Fort Benning, GA.

The New York Times reports on the latest round of filming for a slew of soon to be released anti-war movies as Hollywood's latest contribution to the war effort. Speaking with the New York times reporter via telephone Director Paul Hagis states, “This is not one of our brighter moments in America, We should not have gotten involved.” Mr. Hagis maintains that, his film is not intended to enforce his point of view. Rather, he said, it is meant to raise questions about “what it does to these kids” to be deployed in a situation where enemies are often indistinguishable from neutral civilians, and the rules of engagement may force decisions that are difficult to live with.

Gee, sounds like something we've encountered before in our history, something like....like....Vietnam!

And the men in uniform are just haples children thrust into the jaws of adversity by the evil American empire headed by the Sith George Bush and Dick Cheney. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Now we get it!

Too bad Hollywood doesn't.

To its credit the article does give a nod to the realities of returning Iraq war verterans with this passage:

By contrast, Dennis Griffee, a wounded veteran who is national commander of the Iraq War Veterans Organization, said he turned down a request to become involved with the film after learning that Susan Sarandon, a vocal opponent of the war, had a prominent role.

“At the very least it is offensive,” Mr. Griffee said of what he sees as a widespread refusal to acknowledge the troops’ pride at achievements in Iraq. He added that virtually every member of his platoon wound up in college, not jail, on return.

The current crop of tinsel town misfits can always be relied upon to stand behind our troops.....and push!

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