Hillary Rebuked by Pentagon

Saying that her comments regarding the need for the U.S. Military to plan for a withdrawal from Iraq "reinforces enemy propaganda" Undersecretary of Defense Eric Edelman responded to questions Mrs. Clinton made back in May of this year. Clinton spokesweasel Phillippe Reines shot back that Edelman's answer to Clinton's demagogary was, "at once outrageous and dangerous," and indicated that the Junior Senator from New York would respond his boss Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

MyWay carries the story here.

Undersecretary Edelman deserves a commendation for speaking the truth about the Democrats and their dispicable meme which in effect calls for the defeat of the United States Forces in Iraq and surrender of that country's people to the murderous ambitions of Al Qaeda.

Good for you Eric Edelman! I hope we have more people of your moral fiber in places of authority call it for what it is when it comes to the traitorous rhetoric of the Democrat Party.

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