New British PM Hails Bush Leadership

Britain's new Prime Minister Gordon Brown praised President George Bush for leading the fight in the global war against terror, adding that the world owed America a huge debt.

Hurrah for Great Britain!

Thank you Mr. Brown for making plain what liberals, most of the broadcast media and timid politicians will never say while enjoying the benefits of safety in our land thanks to the leadership of this President. While the war is brought to the terrorists via special delivery by the Armed Forces of the United States, Great Britain and Coalition Forces, critics of George Bush will never acknowledge that they live free of the fear of being attacked by the minions of crazed sociopaths inspired by their own twisted version of Islam.

In words sure to shock Bush-haters everywhere the Sun reports, GORDON Brown last night praised George Bush for leading the global war on terror — saying the world owed America a huge debt.

The Prime Minister vowed to take Winston Churchill’s lead and make Britain’s ties with America even stronger.Mr Brown stunned critics by THANKING President Bush for the fight against Islamic extremism, and insisted the UK-US relationship will be his No1 foreign policy priority.

I love the part in the article where the word thanking is capitalized. I'm sure it came as a shock to Bush-haters.

The Sun article continues:

He said on his first visit to the President’s US retreat at Camp David: “Winston Churchill spoke of the ‘joint inheritance’ of our two countries.”

The PM said that meant “a joint inheritance not just of shared history but shared values founded on a shared destiny”.

He added: “America has shown by the resilience and bravery of its people from September 11 that while buildings can be destroyed, values are indestructable.

“We acknowledge the debt the world owes to the US for its leadership in this fight against international terrorism.”

.....the PM stressed America and Britain will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder.

He said: “I have always been an Atlanticist and a great admirer of the American spirit of enterprise and national purpose and commitment to opportunity to all.

Well said Mr. Brown.

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