Slaughtered Goats at a DNC fundraiser?

A Democratic fundraiser sparked a major controversy by using a freshly slaughtered goat to raise money.

The nearly decapitated animal was the centrepiece of a party to celebrate the launch of the new campaign theme, "What would you do to get a Democrat in the White House"

"How about eating still warm intestines uncoiled from the carcass of a freshly slaughtered goat?

Guests at the event were invited to reach inside the goat’s still-warm carcass to eat offal from its stomach.

The GOP condemned the DNC, and said the grotesque "sacrifice" highlighted increasing concerns over the the ugliness of the campaign and the lengths to which the DNC will go to garner votes.

At the event, guests competed to see who could eat the most offal – procured elsewhere and intended to resemble the goat’s intestines – from its stomach.

They also threw knives at targets and pulled live snakes from a pit with their bare hands. (Guns were banned from the event.)

Bill Clinton added topless girls dipping grapes into guests’ mouths to the louche atmosphere.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare said it was "outrageous" that the animal’s death had been used "to drive voter registration".

A spokesperson for the animal welfare group said: "We are always opposed to any senseless killing of an animal and this sounds like a gruesome death. We condemn the DNC's actions. It is stupid and completely unjustified."

Nancy Pelosi describes the '08 campaign as "an adult-rated, fast-paced bloodbath – and enormous fun to boot", adding that it will be "bigger, better and as brutal as ever".

Of course I kid. A respectable group like the DNC led by Howard Dean would never dip so low to garner votes. That is as far fetched as a venerable brand like SONY pulling a stunt like this.

What? Sony actually held a similar event in Athens, Greece to launch the new violent video game God of War II last week.

I guess the DNC and SONY do have something in common. They both contribute to the moral decay of Conservative Kids.

Red State Update: Scars

Jackie and Dunlap talk about the various scars they have accumulated over the years.

Shot for The Fizz on DirecTV's The 101

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Red State Update: Impressions

Jackie and Dunlap do impressions.
Shot for The Fizz on DirecTv's The 101


Red State Update: Trends

Jackie and Dunlap discuss their least favorite trends.
Shot for The Fizz on DirecTv's The 101

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2005 Carchelo MONASTRELL (Jumilla, Spain)

Had the 2004 of this wine awhile back, and it was very good (and cheap) (link). So's this one.

Crystalline dark black ruby. Nose of crushed rocks, scorched earth, and blackberries swimming in sweet cream. Youthfully tight -- I'm noticing that lots of the 2005s from Spain are like that -- yet soft in the mouth. Filled with balanced, concentrated flavors of dry blackberry extract and high-toned crushed rocks. Lengthy, minerally finish, with some pepperiness and angularity that should resolve and soften in the next year or so. 87+. Good value at about $8-9 at Central Market (I think).

2005 Vina Salamanca (50% Rufete, 50% Tempranillo) (Castilla Y Leon, Spain)

This was a pretty good value.

Dark, sparkling, magenta-tinged black ruby. Assertive nose of crunchy berries, sweet cream, and powdered rocks. Vibrant, youthful flavors of resiny cherry/raspberry fruit, granite, and peppercorns. A little angular and elbow-y in the mouth, but that should settle down and round-out in the next year. Good, pure, long finish, with lots of fruit and some youthful tannin. 86+. Was about $8 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

Evans, Here; Fairchild, Here; God, God?

From Mose Lake, Washington to Virginia Tech tragedy has struck at schools across this country:

Moses Lake, Washington 2/2/96
Bethel, Alaska 2/19/97
Pearl, Mississippi 10/1/97
West Paducah, Kentucky 12/1/97
Stamp, Arkansas 12/15/97
Jonesboro, Arkansas 3/24/98
Edinboro, Pennsylvania 4/24/98
Fayetteville, Tennessee 5/19/98
Springfield, Oregon 5/21/98
Richmond, Virginia 6/15/98
Littleton, Colorado 4/20/99
Conyers, Georgia 5/20/99
Deming, New Mexico 11/19/99
Fort Gibson, Oklahoma 12/6/99
Santee, California 3/ 5/01
El Cajon, California 3/22/01
Blacksburg, VA 4/16/07

Do you know who was absent on all those days. GOD.

Why do you think GOD was absent? He was expelled from school.

It started in 1960 when Madeline Murray O'Hare complained to the Baltimore Maryland School District to ban prayer in school. She took her case all the way to the Supreme Court. The court ruled in her favor 8-1.

How does a small minority group like the aetheists have so much power? How can the ACLU have more power than all the Christians in the US (89% of the population)?

I send my kids to Catholic Schools for this very reason. We need school vouchers so everyone regardless of their financial situation can send their kids to school where God has a desk and a locker.

Would He Could He in a School?

Would you could you sign my nose?

I would and could if you take off your clothes.

Children's book writer, Richard Lynn Stack makes inappropriate comment to a 10 year old girl. I would not be surprised if Stack becomes the first guest on Rosie's new talk show.

Lesson for Conservative Kids. Some people are not very smart. And some smart people say and do dumb things.

Rosie in Bed with Alec Baldwin

Lesbian mom defends anger management flunky dad.

Rosie O'Donnell defends Alec Baldwin for his phone message tirade. (Previous Post) Here is my take. God made Rosie and unattractive lesbian for a reason. He did not intend her to have kids.

He most definitely does not want her giving parenting tips.

Also - She is gone from The View (ABC - daytime). She will not be gone from TV long. Conservative kids will enjoy the silence while it lasts.

When you think Disney you think American freedom, family and fun. You could easily add Disney to Apple pie, Baseball and Chevy. When you think if Rosie you think of socialism, destruction of the traditional family and ugly bitterness. Disney you are better off with out her bitter ugliness.

Ingredients of a Perfectly Prepared Consevative Kid

Recipe to prepare a perfect Conservative Kid


1 rude thoughtless little pig (Preferably about 12 years old without brains or decency)
1 God-damn phone (turned off)
1 Thoughtless pain in the ass mother (a tree hugging super model works best)
1 Angry liberal dad
1 Ugly public divorce
A dash of disappointment
A pinch of anger
A pinch of humiliation
1 last insult
A little crap
A load of shit

Preheat the oven to 500 degrees, put all burners on high
Make a call
Make an ass out of yourself
Feel like a fool over and over and over
Pull crap over
And do it over and over again
Fly out for the day
Straighten the little pig out
Make sure the little pig gets it
Get on a plane and go home
Let simmer until the little pig rebels against liberal parents and become an SUV driving, school voucher using, conservative Christian republican, with an I luv dub-ya tattooed on the small of her back.

Thanks Alec Baldwin. Conservatives will win your daughter in a custody battle.

Dumbass Party

Red State Update presents Dumbass Party, the hell-raisin'est, sh*t-kickin'est country party anthem since Skynyrd's plane went down.
Download: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Conservative Kids, Time to Turn in Your Guns?

Guns need to be banned to prevent tragedies like the mass murders at Virginia Tech this week. That’s the opinion of The View and others this week.

I am not a fan of guns. And much to the surprise of you liberals out there who might consider me a right wing conspirator, I do not have a gun or a gun rack. I do not hunt and I do not eat squirrels or possum pie.

Like video games, guns do not a mass murder make. Again mental illness is to be blamed.

The tragedy at VT got the gun control crowd buzzing again. Here is my take in it. We already have fine laws on the books to prevent these events. Virginia Tech is a Gun Free Zone.

Since VT is a gun free zone, Cho Seung-Hui broke the law to commit those heinous crimes. The point. If guns are banned all the good gun carrying citizens will follow the law and turn in their guns. The criminals and the unhinged will not.

Virginia is a conceal and carry state. The College is a Gun Free Zone in that state. So if, a student was packing heat and happened to kill Cho during the shooting spree, he or she would have been a hero and a law breaker.

The system failed those victims on the VT campus. We have background checks before a gun can be purchased. (I agree with tight controls on who can get a gun.) Cho was deemed by the court to be a threat to himself and others. How come this court order did not prevent Cho from purchasing a gun?

Unfortunately, we live in a world of guns. Guns were invented because people are resourceful. If guns completely disappeared from the earth people, would find another way to kill each other. You can not ban hate or mental illness. But what a great world it would be if you could.

A Proposition

To solve the great debate over marriage rights for gay people, I have a proposition.

There has been much discussion about marriage being a religious sacrament. For those raised in the Catholic faith, like my partner, that rings true. However, not everyone, whether heterosexual or homosexual, views marriage this way.

My proposition is that to allow marriage to continue to be viewed as a religious sacrament; however, that requires that any couple united by a church officiant is considered married by law. Note that MANY faiths are beginning to recognize, acknowledge, and provide the sacrament of marriage to gay couples. Therefore, these gay couples would be legally recognized as married.

For those who don't want to be united by the church, these couples, both heterosexual and homosexual, would have basically what we would call a civil marriage or civil union (to appease all palates). However, whether it is called a civil union or marriage is purely a technicality and a reference to the environment in which the union was performed, because both would carry the same benefits.

Is this a reasonable solution? What are your thoughts?

Bitching about Progress

In New Hampshire, Washington, Oregon, and many other states, positive strides have been made in either passing nondiscrimination policies and/or civil union/domestic partnership legislation.

Some people crap on the idea of CUs or DPs because it's only half a loaf. I agree. We are not nearly done with this fight. Marriage is the ultimate goal for many of us (though I will agree not all of us). In fact, some GLBT folks would be more than happy to only have CUs or DPs because they don't want to be "like the hets." We know we are different and have accepted our difference. On the other hand, some of us want the benefits of commitment and fidelity. I've been with my partner for 11 1/2 years, we own a home together, share our finances, I've changed my name, and now we're having a child together. The commitment should count for something on the legal and civil field.

In Tennessee, it doesn't. Plain and simple.

Some GLBT folks think that we should tell society to shove their half loaf up their ass. Some of us are grateful for those crumbs...temporarily.

I will venture to say that when you have nothing, literally an environment where you may be acknowledged as existing but where you can also be legally denied recognition, something is better than nothing. I'd take that something over nothing right now. I think it's the fact that I have a child on the way that drives my attitude. It's bullshit to even have to worry about the possibility of being denied access to the delivery room when my partner goes into labor. A man never has to consider this when his wife goes into labor. Why should I?

2004 Tenuta Villanova PINOT GRIGIO (Friuli, Italy)

This wine had loads of character. I'm not usually a Pinot Grigio fan, as so many of them are akin to glasses of water tainted by some faint bitterness and acidity. This one, however--which was given to us as a gift--was really good.
Bright, light, brassy-gold with a greenish tint. Intense nose of minerals, peach pits, and earthy herbs. Round, mouthfilling, minerally flavors. Bone dry, with excellent balance, and a long finish. This would be superb with Brodetto (a fish stew from the Marche region of Italy) or pasta with a red fish sauce. 88. A quick search on the Internet shows that most stores selling this price it at around $12, making it a very good value.

2003 Tenuta Le Farnete CARMIGNANO (Tuscany, Italy)

A flash-in-the-pan wine: good up-front fragrance and flavors, but a very short finish.

Dark, brickish-blood ruby. Spicy, smoky nose, with gingery spice and smoky balsa wood & berries. A burst of fruit, minerals, and scorched earth quickly fades, however, into a lean, minerally/earthy finish. 83. Was about $18 at Spec's on Richmond.

Time to Ban Video Games and Clowns?

Violent video games need to be banned to prevent tragedies like the mass murders at Virginia Tech this week. That’s the opinion of The View and others this week.

I am not a fan of violent video games. I limit my kids access to these games as much as a parent can without being overly oppressive.

But let’s get something clear video games do not a mass murder make. Do you think that mental illness may be the cause? I do.

What violent video game did Hitler play? Doom 3
What violent video game did Ghengis Khan play? Mortal Kombat or Grand Theft Auto. Wait a minute, is this a trick question they did not have cars back then. He must have played Mortal Kombat.
Did Ted Bundy play Half Life 4?
Did David Berkowitz, The Son of Sam, play GunSlinger Girls? His reign of terror on summer nights in the 70’s happened before Atari released Pong. In fact, his dog told him to kill those lovers in cars. Let’s ban dogs. If you told me that Pong causes mental illness I would believe you.





John Wayne Gacy the "Killer Clown" murdered and raped 33 men in the early 70’s. Yep "Pogo The Clown" entertainer at many a kids birthday party was a mass murderer. Again, 70’s sorry no video games yet. He probably did not even play the board game SORRY.

Hey lets ban mental illness. Now there is a cause I can get behind. Oh yeah and dogs. Throw in cats to, I am allergic to them. Better ban kid party clowns. Not the clowns that are good enough to make the big show, just the loser clowns in the minor leagues.

I am all for ratings on games and I am all for parents limiting access to games that have no redeeming value. I am against government getting overly involved to ban something that will not in any way limited human minds from becoming unhinged.

My springtime garden

UPDATE: 4/23/07 a.m. Good thing I took this picture last week. The deer have finished off my tulips and most of my pansies. I'm investing in some deer repellent. No idea how well it works, but it's either that or no flowers in the yard.Snow on the tulips [click picture for large view]. You can't see the other three groups of tulips here, but it's just as well--the deer ate the blooms in two entire groups a couple of days ago. I can't blame them. Those bright red blooms do look good enough to eat!

Who's Lookin' Out For You?

Okay, so I borrowed the title from Bill O'Reilly, but I am using it in a different context. The shootings at Virginia Tech University were tragic and sad. We are fortunate that there are only a few people who can lose touch with reality and take the lives of others without conscience or remorse.

The left is already in a feeding frenzy over this. "Gun control" would have prevented this they say. I presume outlawing cow manure would have prevented the OKC bombing in 1995. That is exactly what their ranting is...a big pile of cow manure.

In today's society, there are very few safe places. People are being killed in office buildings, malls, restaurants, schools, hospitals, police stations, churches, homes, in the streets.

The answer to the question, "Who is lookin' out for you?" is no one. No one has got your back. There aren't enough law enforcement officers to protect you. Not campus police, not city police, not county officers, not state police, nor FBI agents.

So, who is responsible for your protection? YOU ARE. You and no one else.

This is where I will push the left over the edge. How many people would have been killed if at least one person in each of the Virginia Tech housing facilities and campus buildings were armed, trained, and authorized to use deadly force?

At a Pearl, Mississippi high school in 1997, a student, after shooting and killing his mother, shot and killed his former girlfriend and a friend of hers. An assistant principal ran to his car and retrieved his own gun. He held the shooter at gunpoint until the police arrived, preventing more unnecessary and horrific deaths.

You anti-gun pacifists, listen closely. Gun control will DO NOTHING to prevent crimes. It is illegal for a felon to own or possess a firearm. However, it happens EVERY DAY. People who can't pass background checks obtain guns illegally. Your toothless laws will not stop criminals.

You would only succeed in disarming the law-abiding citizens who serve as a deterrent to crime. Don't take away their Constitutionally-ordained right to protect themselves.

The Little Things that Bigotry Affects

I had a hard time getting started on this post. My mind couldn’t wrap itself around how the TN anti-gay marriage amendment weaseled itself into the most mundane aspects of our life.

Back when I first posted on the effects of an amendment within the state, I focused on the obvious problems such as being denied access to or the right to make medical decisions for a partner. Little did I consider at the time, that we wouldn’t even be able to participate in a “vow renewal ceremony” at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival.

There are two issues that bother me immensely with this, aside from the obvious discrimination. One is it’s a vow RENEWAL ceremony for those who are already married. In other words, it’s not legally binding ANYWAY. There will be no marriage certificates signed or issued at this ceremony. Second, the TRF site merely states that the ceremony is for “legally married couples” (at least as of this writing unless they change their website). However, TRF doesn’t clarify that it is a heterosexual only event. Gay couples can be legally married just not in all states.

Here is what TRF site says:

May 12 - 13:Romance WeekendIn the spirit of Romeo & Juliet, love is in
the air, along with many a love ballad. Saturday will feature a vow renewal
ceremony in which legally married couples may register to participate
. On Saturday, Mix 92.9 FM will be broadcasting live from 10:00am - Noon. Our Romance Weekend is sponsored by Nashville Scene.

I emailed TRF to inquire about registering for the ceremony. Below is my email:

Regarding "Romance Weekend," how can a couple register for this? My
partner and I were married in Canada and would love to renew our vows.

TRF’s response:

Our vow renewal ceremony is a group ceremony performed by one of our vendors,
who is an ordained minister. Participants in the ceremony must be legally
married under the state laws of Tennessee.
We encourage participants to come in costume. If you are interested, when you arrive on May 12, check in and register at the information/souvenir booth as you walk in.

TnRen Staff
Tennessee Renaissance Festival
2124 New Castle Rd.
Arringtion-Triune, TN

For all the yahooing by the fundamentalists that the amendment wouldn’t hurt us, wouldn’t change anything, but would only reinforce one way over another, this proves that these amendments are insidious.

As an educator and one who has studied history, the Renaissance Festival was always one that I enjoyed attending. Now that my partner and I are having a child, it was something educational I hoped to share with our child. How many other programs and events will we be shut out of because of this amendment?

My first instinct is to protest. It would be wonderful to show up with a crew of other GLBT couples and their kids and have our own ceremony. The other part of me doesn’t want to support this with one of my hard earned red pennies.

What can we do when even the most inane events turn political and personal? What will we do to stop this insanity?

Quick Notes on Easter Wines

These are quick, truncated notes from memory.

NV Veuve Cliquot Brut (Champagne) -- toasty, full-bodied, intense and bone dry. Nice balance.

2004 Domaine Bott-Geyl "Pinot d'Alsace" -- a blend of 35% Pinot Blanc, 35% Pinot Auxerrois, 20% Pinot Gris, and 10% Pinot Noir. It was very nice, and I think it was around $14. Fragrance of orange skins and peach, lots of fruit and mineral flavors. Crisp and dry.

2000 Domaine Pavillon-Mercurol Crozes-Hermitage -- when last tasted a year or so ago, this was still holding beautifully. This bottle was over the hill, however, with the fruit drying up.

2003 Las Rocas Vinas Viejas GARNACHA (Calatayud, Spain) -- much leaner and more astringent than the excellent 2001 version I previously reviewed.

2004 Rosenblum Monte Rosso Vineyard ZINFANDEL Reserve -- I saved the best for last. This was a wonderful, powerful Zin. Huge aromas of port-like fruit and lots of oak spice and pepper. Rich, powerful, ripe, minerally flavors. Massive body, yet still retained elegance.

Non-vintage Patrick LeSec "Petite Crau" (Southern France)

Patrick LeSec is an excellent broker/negociant of wines from around the Rhone Valley and Provence. This is his bargain basement-priced red. It's got a lot of character for the money.

Deep ruby garnet. Fragrant nose of sweet, spiced cream, sweet-tart plums, and sandstone. Intense, lean flavors of minerals, scorched earth, dark cherries, and baker's chocolate. A bit angular, but delivers lots of galumphy flavor. Fairly long finish, with some rustic-feeling tannin. 86. Was $8 and change at Spec's on Richmond.

2004 Thorn-Clarke "Terra Barossa" SHIRAZ (Barossa Valley, Australia)

I drank this about 2 months ago but lost the notes temporarily.

It was excellent. Deep, opaque ruby (like blood). Deep nose, too, of cassis, blueberry syrup, hot sandstone, and smoky graphite. Dense, deep, and dry, with flavors of ripe cassis, minerals, and salty iodine. Very distinctive. Well-integrated tannins are barely discernible but provide nice structure. Long, smoky finish. 90. Will hold for another 2-3 years or so. Can't remember where I got it, but it was definitely around $15.

Media Bias in reporting Fred Thompson's Cancer

I first looked at CNN. The headline was positive showcasing remission. (Full Story) The article was factual and positive about Fred Thompson's health and his ability to run. Then of course the last two paragraphs were added to chip away at his credibility just in case he decides to run against CNN's beloved Hillary or Obama.

In 2005, Thompson helped shepherd Chief Justice John Roberts through the Senate confirmation process and, most recently, he raised money for the defense of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff.

Libby was found guilty in March of lying and obstructing justice during the investigation into who released the identity of then-CIA operative Valerie Plame. lead with the headline. Possible W. House hopeful Thompson says he has cancer and shows this picture of Fred looking like he is crying. (Link) The objective here is to communicate to the skim / scan reader to think that Fred is dying.

But just in case you read on. They want to make sure you understand that he is no friend of liberals. They never mention that he is for lower taxes.

...If he enters the race, conservatives could be enticed by Thompson's steadfast positions against abortion, gay marriage and gun control.

Among the current Republican candidates, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney previously backed abortion and gay rights but now opposes them and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has supported abortion rights, gun control and gay rights.... led with the headline Fred Thompson Says He Has Cancer. I wish it mentioned remmission. But the article was pretty much straight forward. They did make sure to emphasize that Guiliani and McCain both have cancer, but I guess that is relevant. and were factual and did not try to add liberal spin. makes fun of the situation as they endorse Edwards strategic use of cancer for PR and bash Fred's. It is funny unless of course you think cancer not funny.

Red State Update: Don Imus Scandal

Jackie and Dunlap discuss Imus & Sharpton, Rutgers & cowboys, and hos & Hamburglar.

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Fred Thompson Announces Running Mate; Cancer

Fox News interviewed with Fred Thompson today. He announced that he was diagnosed with lymphoma two years ago , but it is in remission. He mentioned that it is the slow growing and non-life threatening kind of lymphoma. (Story)

Fred Thompson is announcing this now to gauge public opinion.

Fred is waiting to hear from us.

We need to let him know that we are not scared of cancer. We are scared of liberalism. We are scared of immigration amnesty. We are petrified of socialized medicine. We are afraid of terrorism.

Fred, Lance Armstrong triumphed many times with cancer. You can too.

Republican Sen. John McCain has battled melanoma, a very aggressive form of skin cancer, and Rudy Giuliani has battled prostate cancer. So it should not be an issue.

Red State Update: 5th Graders Having Sex

Jackie and Dunlap on the Louisiana fifth graders accused of having sex with each other in their classroom.

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He is Risen!

The Resurrection

Luke24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.' " 8Then they remembered his words.

9When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. 10It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles. 11But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. 12Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened.

2005 Revolution SHIRAZ (McLaren Vale, Australia)

This was a very rich, elegant Shiraz.

Dense, sataurated black ruby color. Rich nose of black raspberry ice cream, balsa wood, and grilled meat. Dense, deep, oaky, iodine-y, salty flavors. Richly-extracted, but not overly jammy like lots of Shirazes. Long, soft finish. Macho and refined at the same time. 90. Was about $18 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

Nancy goes Gucci on Mideast Tour

Smiling and ever poised Mrs. Pelosi wowed the hoi poloi and foreign dignitaries while traveling with an entourage of Democrat and Republican members of Congress this week. During her travels Mrs. Pelosi met with various mideast leaders including Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad. Following her trip to Israel, the new speaker of the House also tried her hand at a bit of mideast shuttle diplomacy by informing the President of Israel's shadowy enemy Syria, of Israel's willingness to begin peace talks with that nation. Following this announcement which seemed like a diplomatic breakthrough the office of Israel's Prime Minister issued a quick and unprecedented "clarification" of the Israeli government's wishes. The office of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert wrote, "although Israel is interested in peace with Syria, that country continues to be part of the Axis of Evil and a force that encourages terror in the entire Middle East."

In diplomaticspeak, this was a polite smack-down of the Speaker's brief carreer as impromptu diplomat. In fact, Mr. Assad has been given the silent treatment from the Bush administration for his funding and material support of terrorists operating against Israel and in Iraq. It is widely believed that Mr. Assad also played a pivitol role in the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri in West Beirut. The intense International and Lebanese pressure that followed that outrageous act was the catalyst for Syria's removal of its troops from Lebanon after occupying that region for nearly thirty years. Mr. Assad is a bad actor who has a long history in meddling in the affairs of his neighbors and has provided a safe haven for terrorists operating in the region.

The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and surprisingly USA Today have been highly critical of Mrs. Pelosi's trip to the middle east. Today's Wall Street Journal even brought up the fact that the Speaker of the House has committed a felony by violating Federal Law with respect to the Logan Act.

While all of the criticism and scathing editorials regarding her travelogue in Syria are well-deserved no one can fault the House Speaker for her tony sense of style! I harly think anyone is seriously considering prosecuting the Speaker of the US House of Representatives for violation of the Logan Act. I would'nt be so crass as to advocate prosecuting Nancy in violation of the Logan Act. Maybe they should instead go after Congressman Tom Lantos of San Mateo. The Congressman and head of the House Foreign Relations Committee told reporters while on his trip to the middle east, "We have an alternative Democratic foreign policy, I view my job as beginning with restoring overseas credibility and respect for the United States." Well we must thank our lucky stars for Tom Lantos! How can we ever repay him for his making us palitable to all the world's dictator's and kleptocrats?

The Logan Act states: Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Out of his own mouth Tom Lantos has implicated himself as violating an act that prevents U.S. citizens from interfering with negotiations between the United States and foreign governments. Lantos is in effect saying that there are two foreign policies and two State Departments in the United States. Perhaps he yearns for the bygone days of the Confederacy, when Democrat Senators voted to split from the Union and create their own form of government known as the Confederate States of America?

I vote for an all-expenses trip for Tom Lantos to Leavenworth, Kansas. Maybe Nancy can visit him when time permits and bring him one of those goodie bags the Iranians gave the British hostages upon their release.

It's Not a Good Friday to Work in the UK

In the UK, the Grampian branch of the National Health Service (socialized or should I say socialised medicine agency) decided to stop giving Christian workers holidays for Good Friday and Easter. (Story) It was a move of political correctness. They did not want to offend people of other religions.

Did you notice that they do not mind offending Christians. Do you know why they do not mind offending Christians? I'll tell you. Christians do not strap explosives packed with nails and ball bearings to themselves and detonate them in public places.

British Airways recently banned a worker from wearing a Christian cross to work. British Airways can do this because Christians do not hijack and blow up planes.

What do you think would happen if British Airways banned a Muslim from wearing a turban? I will tell you. Willie Walsh CEO of British Airways would go the way of Theo Van Gogh (Film Maker Killed in Islamic Revenge)

Conservative Kids take note. There is a global assault on religious freedom. And the most dangerous evil is cowardly political correctness. Britain is the place were they banned the Three Pigs Story so not to offend. What is happening to England?

I Still Hate John Kerry

A note to Conservative Kids: Sometimes you can get help from an unlikely ally.

Sen John Kerry went to bat for us baseball lovers to block a TV deal that would have made Major League Baseball broadcasts exclusive to satellite TV.

I am a Yankee fan stuck in Reds country. I watch a lot of baseball (mainly the Yanks). Satellite TV been there done that. It's great until it rains. Guess what I like to do when it rains. Yep, watch TV. I tried MLB.TV to watch games on my laptop, but that was a painful experience. DSL is not quite ready for TV.

The lesson to Conservative Kids is that democracy won the day. It was the uproar of fans that got MLB to listen and to change course. So when there is a wrong to be made right call or email your elected official and be heard. And call and email the company making the decision.

Now back to my regularly scheduled loathing of the anti-American Sen John Kerry and the Red Sox.

Go Yankees.

Sen Dodd Picks Barney Frank as Running Mate in '08

Presidential hopeful Democrat Senator Dodd spoke to a group of high school kids about gay rights.

Seriously, does America really need elected officials going into our schools to talk about gay marriage?

Senator Dodd, you are at meager 5% in the polls for a reason. Most High School kids do not vote and 85% of America is against the gay marriage issue. So I question your strategic thinking.

Do you want to be President? Then act presidential. Unless of course you are running for president of the Gay Coalition. Is Barney Frank going to be your running mate? You two do make a nice couple.

You're an idiot.

House Committee Banishes the Global War on Terror

The use of the use of the term, "Global War on Terror" is a “catch phrase” to be avoided the House Armed Services Committee has decided. In future, the committee has decided that the use of more specific terminology with respect to operations against terrorists is to be used, according to an unidentified Democrat aide to the committee. The Drudge Report links to a report posted yesterday on MilitaryTimes to recount the story.

According to the report, aides to the committee who wished to remain anonymous stated that one of the reasons for the decision was that it "has a political element involving a disagreement over whether the war in Iraq is part of the effort to combat terrorism or is actually a distraction from fighting terrorists."

This would help the Democrats in their effort to denounce the war in Iraq and claim that we are not fighting terrorists but are merely seeing the effects of a civil war in that country. The Democrats can help prop up one of their talking points about Iraq by claiming that we ignited a civil war by invading Iraq in the first place.

Never mind that Saddam DID have WMD's and had terrorists sheltered in Iraq under his murderous regime. The Democrat position on this war is that there are no terrorists in Iraq and there is no need for us to be there at all.

The talking points of the Democrats have been carefully crafted by people who are totally committed to our defeat in Iraq and in the Global War on Terror with the aim that they can capture the White House in 2008. They are so maniacally obsessed with that goal that they will without hesitation sacrifice the safety of the nation, its citizens and its armed forces to achieve that aim. The Democrats will stop at nothing to gain the White House in '08. A resounding defeat or retreat for the United States in a time of war is what they want. If the United States wins against terrorists they stand little chance of winning a Presidential election in 2008 and posing as the great Saviors of the nation. Their insatiable thirst for power has corrupted them mind body and soul.

Liberals Take Chatter Out of Baseball

What is happening to my world? No Santa in stores. Easter Egg hunts are now called scramble egg hunts. The 10 Commandments are being erased from society. Every kid gets the same grades in school. And now this. No Chatter in baseball.

An ugly incident led to the banning of chatter in Cincinnati. Kids can no longer say batter, batter, batter swing batter, batter, batter in Cincinnati. Don't you dare say, rally, rally the pitcher's name is Sally in the Queen City. For God's sake, don't call a batter a broken ladder. You can't say, hey shortstop I have seen quicker hands on a clock or you throw like Mayor Mark Mallory. (See video)

Don't yell to the catcher, you couldn't catch the bird flu in a Cambodian chicken coop. We don't want little Johnny to take his ball and bat and go home crying.

Don't get me wrong, I am not for mean spirited unsportsmanlike talk. But chatter is a part of baseball. It is a part of life. You can not protect kids from the ugliness of life. Kids need to develop a thick skin. The world is tough. Rules to artificially protect a kids self esteem drive me nuts because the kids only have a high self esteem in a fantasy world. Learning to cope in both good and bad situations is what growing up is all about.

Conservative Kids learn what not to do from bad situations if their parents help them understand the situations they encounter.

Conservative Conservationist?

A liberal friend (yes I do have some) introduced me as a conservative to another liberal. We had some good natured banter back and forth. There was one joke this person said that struck me as odd. He said, "Do you idle your car all day so it's nice an warm when you are ready to head home." I guess he assumed that since I am a conservative I must not care about the environment and I needlessly waste resources.

I grew up in the 70's. The well informed teachers of the day were talking about the world running out of oil. That was 30 years ago. Oh yeah, they were also talking about global cooling too. No oil and global cooling the inconvenient half-truth of the day got our attention. So we were taught to conserve energy. There was also a long draught period in New Jersey when I was younger. We had to conserve water - If its yellow let it mellow. But if it is brown, flush it down.
So I am familiar with conservation. Well I must admit that I flush every time and wash my hands. I also turn out lights that are on when not needed.

Just because Conservative Kids do not believe that global warming is caused by humans does not mean that we give polluters a free pass and waste costly resources.

The same day that I had this conversation, I got this info in an email (author unknown).

A tale of two houses

House 1:

The four-bedroom single-story house is a paragon of environmental planning. The passive-solar house is built of honey-colored native limestone and positioned to absorb winter sunlight, warming the interior walkways and walls of the 4,000-square-foot residence. Geothermal heat pumps circulate water through pipes buried 300 feet deep in the ground. These waters pass through a heat exchange system that keeps the home warm in winter and cool in summer. A 25,000 gallon underground cistern collects rainwater gathered from roof urns; wastewater from sinks, toilets, and showers cascades into underground purifying tanks and is also funneled into the cistern. The water from the cistern is then used to irrigate the landscaping around the four-bedroom home. This house consumes 25% of the energy of an average American home.

House 2:

This 20-room, 8-bathroom house consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year. The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, this house devoured nearly 221,000 kWh, more than 20 times the national average. Last August alone, the house burned through 22,619 kWh, guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of this energy consumption, the average monthly electric bill topped $1,359. Also, natural gas bills for this house and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year. In total, this house had nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for 2006.

House 1 belongs to George and Laura Bush, in Crawford, Texas.

House 2 belongs to Al and Tipper Gore, in Nashville, Tennessee.

The email checked out as true on

The Devil Visits the Holy Land

Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the secular progressives, slayer of traditional marriage, eraser of the 10 commandments, the Devil herself, brought her forked tongue to the Holy Land for a photo op. (Story)

Conservative Kids need leaders who believe and trust in a higher power. Perhaps Nancy does but she sold her soul for the pursuit of power and greed.

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