lead with the headline. Possible W. House hopeful Thompson says he has cancer and shows this picture of Fred looking like he is crying. (Link) The objective here is to communicate to the skim / scan reader to think that Fred is dying.In 2005, Thompson helped shepherd Chief Justice John Roberts through the Senate confirmation process and, most recently, he raised money for the defense of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff.
Libby was found guilty in March of lying and obstructing justice during the investigation into who released the identity of then-CIA operative Valerie Plame.
But just in case you read on. They want to make sure you understand that he is no friend of liberals. They never mention that he is for lower taxes. led with the headline Fred Thompson Says He Has Cancer. I wish it mentioned remmission. But the article was pretty much straight forward. They did make sure to emphasize that Guiliani and McCain both have cancer, but I guess that is relevant....If he enters the race, conservatives could be enticed by Thompson's steadfast positions against abortion, gay marriage and gun control.
Among the current Republican candidates, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney previously backed abortion and gay rights but now opposes them and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has supported abortion rights, gun control and gay rights.... and were factual and did not try to add liberal spin. makes fun of the situation as they endorse Edwards strategic use of cancer for PR and bash Fred's. It is funny unless of course you think cancer not funny.