Gee I wish I had said that...

They are gearing up in Tempe for tonight's showdown! Since I will be travelling on Friday, I will post the "Friday Face-Off Special Debate Edition" tomorrow. In the interim, here's this week's installment of "Gee, I wish I had said that..."

One of the most incisive columns I've read in awhile come from you have to read the entire piece on Deterrence!! Here's a taste:

It all comes down to carrots (liberals) or sticks (conservatives). By the way: if you’re in a rush and need to run, here’s the spoiler: You can offer a carrot. Not everybody likes carrots. Some people may hate your carrot. Your carrot may offend people who worship the rutabaga. But no

one likes being poked in the eye with a stick. That’s universal.

I’m a stick man. I wish it were different. But part of growing up – in fact, the essential part of growing up – is realizing that wishing does not make it so.

Good stuff!

More mass graves have been found in Iraq, the most recent in the northern section of the country. The fact that Saddam was a mass-murderer of Hitlerian proportions is simply lost on the left...and the entire EU, except England.

Mr Kehoe said that work to uncover graves around Iraq, where about 300,000 people are thought to have been killed during Saddam Hussein’s regime, was slow as experienced European investigators were not taking part. The Europeans, he said, were staying away as the evidence might be used eventually to put Saddam Hussein to death.

This is moral equivalency run amock! These are the "carrot men" jfk would have us wait on before we could engage in self-defense. The whole revolting story is available at:

When Redstater was in his liberal phase and spending entirely too many hours at the fraternity house sampling ale at the ol' Alma Mater, we got a big kick out of Earnest Angley, the TV Evangelical who was out "heeeeeeling people." Little Johnny Edwards must have been watching the same show! Why yesterday, he claimed...folks, I couldn't make this stuff up:

"Well, if we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk, get up out of that wheelchair and walk again"

Charles Krauthammer, the Pulitzer Prize winning reporter said this in response on Fox:

For Edwards to make the claim he did is the worst demagoguery I've heard in Washington in a quarter century. To imply that Christopher Reeve was kept in the wheelchair because of the policies of the Bush administration on stem cells is ridiculous and insulting.

Folks, Charles Krauthammer ought to know - he is a former MD and a paraplegic: Time Column.

OK, on to the funny stuff!

"The second presidential debate was tonight. It was a town hall meeting. Sure you all watched that. Last time John Kerry did a town hall meeting, true story, a woman in the audience told him he was 'hot.' Yeah, then she told Kerry she needs healthcare so she can afford a pair of glasses."

--Conan O'Brien

"(Friday's) debate in St. Louis will be before an audience made up entirely of undecided voters. That creates a huge dilemma for Kerry. Does he stand on stage beside Bush or sit in the audience with all the other people who can't make up their minds?" --Jay Leno

"Martha Stewart's empire is said to be worth a billion dollars. Or as John Kerry calls her, the one that got away." —Jay Leno

Behave yourselves out there folks!!

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