Gee I wish I had said that...

I don't know about you, but jfk's powers of ESP are becoming somewhat annoying - Q: So was it a mistake to go to war in Iraq? jfk: "It depends on the outcome." On-line columnist David Warren puts it well:

To blame the Bush administration for not having anticipated everything that has

happened since they entered Iraq, is to assume they have godly powers of


Concerning the "coalition of the bribed"...which now turns out to be France, Germany and Russia, blogger Instapundit quips:

How do you pass the "Global Test" when those grading it have been bribed to flunk you?

From blogger California Yankee comes this reflection:

After watching the Cheney - Edwards debate, I now understand why Edwards only won one primary battle.

I've directed you to the Victor Davis Hanson site before, but I've got to do it again...this is in the "must read" stack...make sure you scroll back through and get parts 1 through 3 as well:

Finally, I've got to direct you to the new video at . If you haven't seen the remake of "This Land is Your Land," watch that...then catch their latest addition, "Good to be in DC." It's irreverent and hits at both sides...but we've got to keep our sense of humor.

I plan to publish the Friday Face-Off tomorrow after tonight's debates. Meet me in St. Louis!!

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