Gee I wish I had said that...

Whew! Redstater is almost back home from my trials in the desert. I submit this humble post from Winston-Salem, North Carolina having escaped the Kerry-bumper-sticker-laden confines of Duke University. Today, we'll do a count at the more conservative Wake Forest, but given the general state of academia today I don't expect much improvement. It is a testimony to the fortitude of America's youth that they somehow manage to rise above the brain-washing MTV messages and the intimidation of the typical college professor to still love this great land. Those of you that have children of college or about-to-be college age know the angst I feel in sending one out of the fold into the maw of the university system.

The campaign has gotten meaner - "rise up and walk!" - and I expect it will continue to do so. Barring a Bush blowout, we can expect this thing to go into overtime. The vast new class of voter registrants mixed with legions of lawyers posted at the polls is a poisonous brew that makes the hair on my arms stand up. Regarding the former, I pray that the "get out the vote" movement in the Evangelical community is half as good as the "Vote or die" and "Rock the Vote" and "Cocaine for your vote" movement being put on by the left to attract the chin-dribble voters.

One of the mean voices in this campaign is coming from an unusual source, the woman who would be queen, Teresa Heinz Kerry. A Portuguese who grew up in Mozambique and attended Swiss schools - great that she has an international perspective - but she also has an inbred hatred of America and a lack of appreciation for America's place in the world. Here's Dennis Prager's take:

It brings me no joy to say that Teresa Heinz Kerry is not worthy of being the

first lady of the United States of America. From her public utterances -- such

as young American men and women dying in Iraq because of American "greed for

oil" -- and her many years of financial support for radical groups, it is clear

to me and many others that this woman does not particularly care for this

country. Her primary identity is that of world citizen, and her values are those

of France and anti-American Europe.
OK, OK, one of the mean things those on the right have done is to call the distinguished Senator from the Tar Heel state, the "Breck Girl." Well, there's always an element of truth in these labels... (click it on and watch the whole painful video!!)

Please don't tell me that thing in his hand is a compact. Oh, dear. It is.

I am by nature and by force of trade an optimist. I'm a "half-full" kind of guy who believes, like Reagan, that America's best days still lie ahead. They are not without challenges, however, and Bill Whittle over at continues to offer some superlative analysis:

There is a big fight ahead of us, regardless of who is crowing loud in a few weeks time. Other civilizations have fallen; this one may yet. But none have been armed as we are, and our wonder weapon is not the Carrier Battle Group, the Smart Bomb, or the M1 Abrams. This Civilization is

armed with information, with real-time communication, with self-organizing expert systems. And for the first time in history, it has in its quiver the chance to hear from great minds otherwise buried in obscurity, to harness the power of billions of opinions and ideas and little, well-made boxes of

competence and expertise; brilliant and commanding voices thrown away with the chaff in preceeding generations. This is a force multiplier to cheer even the most pessimistic.

We have entered the realm of the ridiculous with jfk now campaigning about the flu virus. Why didn't W get out there and manufacture more of the dang stuff? Hell, he should have set the beakers up in the Green Room at the White House...what a slacker! Well, here's a humorous take on that score:

Flu Threat Spurs Kerry to Suspend Campaign

Scott Ott

(2004-10-19) -- America's flu vaccine crisis claimed its first victim today as John Forbes Kerry preemptively suspended his presidential campaign in an attempt to slow the advance of the impending epidemic.

"I defended this country as a young man in Vietnam, and I will defend this country now from the terrifying specter of influenza," said Mr. Kerry, a professional Vietnam veteran and distiguished war protestor who is also a U.S. Senator. "At my last rally, I shook hands with hundreds of people, many of whom routinely sneeze into those very hands. So, in a sense, I took part in atrocities, in that I engaged in a kind of bioterrorism or germ warfare, potentially ravaging entire local populations of Democrats in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan."

Mr. Kerry said his campaign would "remain on hiatus until every man, woman and child in this country receives a free vaccination and a year's supply of hand soap and Kleenex." A spokesman said Mr. Kerry's absence from the campaign trail is just an extension of what he has done to protect his colleagues in the senate for the past year. "Sen. Kerry believes that all Americans are entitled to the same healthcare that senators get," the source noted.

At long last, a visual interpretation of "THE PLAN!" Now I get it...maybe I should vote for jfk after all!

Well, got to get back to that "work" thing...hope y'all have a great week!

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