If it's the economy, stupid, can we stop being stupid on the economy!!

Long title, I know, but I am sick and tired of hearing blame placed on the President for jobs lost. Hello, America, the President does not and cannot "create jobs." He can expand government which will create government jobs...but that comes at the expense of income producing jobs. Why? Because the government jobs are paid for by our taxes...if we have less money, we cannot invest in the economy to create jobs!

What the President can do, and W has done, is create an environment that is friendly to private investment. Lower taxes, a less cumbersome tax code, and a secure environment are areas the President can affect. Even if John Kerry is elected president, and despite his promises, he cannot create jobs!

Have we forgotten? Kerry's people want to blame a net job loss on the President (see above) but ignore the fact that we have withstood a cyclical, and mercifully short, recession and um...what was it that happened on September 11? That shook our sense of security to the core and it took some time for private businesses to recover.

Let's hear the methods that Mr. Kerry would "create millions of new jobs" before we sign up for that pig in a poke. Similarly, Mr. Bush should not make idle promises about job creation. (see above). In the context of simplifying the tax code, reducing burdens on small business owners, and keeping the country secure he does, however, have the upper hand.

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