Gee I wish I had said that...

Kerry's photo-op

I think someone should remind John Kerry that the last time we were treated to a photo-op of an egomaniac waving a shotgun around at a pep-rally his name was Saddam Hussein.


Just as people all around the world extended their sympathy and support to Americans like myself after 9/11, saying that "We are all Americans now," I would like to return the favor to the people of the Russian Federation: We are all Russians, now.

Personal note: Why did none of the reports call the terrorists what they are: Muslim extremists? We now know that a number of the child-killers were Arabs not Chechen "freedom fighters." If Catholic separatists had murdered several hundred children in search of an independent state would not the Pope have condemned the act? I am quite certain the press would have condemned the right wing religious nuts for their terror. Where are the fatwas against this horror? Where are the condemnations from Al Sadr and the Iranian mullahs? Ghostly silence.

What's in a Coalition? (Chris Hitchens)

Actually, when Kerry sneered at ''the coalition of the willing'' as ''a coalition of the coerced and the bribed,'' at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, no less, he was much more direct and intelligible. Yet I somehow doubt that he would repeat those clear, unmistakable words if confronted by the prime ministers of Britain, Poland or Australia. And how such an expression is likely to help restore America's standing is beyond this reviewer.

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