Debra Burlingame is the sister of Chris Burlingame, the pilot of American Airlines Flt. 77, which crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. Though a lifelong Democrat, she has put principle above party and has been an eloquent defender of W's Iraq policy. I don't know about you, but I was outraged last week when jfk attacked Prime Minister is her take:
It was these young people whom I thought of when Interim Prime Minister Ayad
Allawi stood before a joint session of Congress last week and paid tribute to
the sacrifices of his countrymen and the coalition forces fighting for us all.
For political partisans to call the hope of so many a cynical calculation or a
foolish dream risks, with a few cheap words, energizing our enemies who measure
their success by the blood and tears of these brave hearts. Optimism in the face
of obstacles is not living in "fantasyland." It's courage.
Whoo boy, if you think we have trouble with the French now, have a read here:
jfk's somnambulist style is obviously getting to fellow blogger at He weighs in with this:
Will Kerry not shut up? He has run the most bizarre campaign since Michael
Dukakis. I can only imagine that next Kerry will say he would sing kumbaya and
hold hands with the murderer of his wife, before letting the guy out on parole.
I actually found something by Gary Trudeau I like - this from 1971!! Have a read and enjoy: Ahh, the more things change, the more they stay insane!
From the late night circuit, the retiring Mr. Leno:
You see the pictures in the paper today of John Kerry windsurfing? He's at his
home in Nantucket this week, doing his favorite thing, windsurfing. Even his
hobby depends on which way the wind blows.