Gee I wish I had said that...

I might need to start dating this column, but I want it to be a weekly event. Herewith, this week's installment:

From the venerable Pat Caddell - a true good guy Democrat (and there aren't many of them left!) His own party has him so worried that his grey streak in his hair has turned black from the heat! This was on the Hannity and Colmes TV Show:

I've always had great respect for Dan Rather. I cannot believe what's going on

in this story. I think the entire elite in this country is on Kool-Aid. This is

one massive Jonestown going on. What are you people drinking?
Hanging in Redstater's office is a picture of the Twin Towers I took when I was putting a ship through overhaul in the Brooklyn...I keep it there to remind me - we must never forget. A fellow blogger observes:

I watched a five-year-old movie over the weekend. It had a quick shot of

the NY skyline. I felt bloody rage when I saw the Twin Towers, and

remembered. I'm glad we have a President who I know feels that kind of rage, but

can also make a measured response. I'm not sure John Kerry feels

anything. – boomer on

Can't remember where I saw this one, but I jotted it down... so true!

I've remarked before that "Catholics for Kerry" is analogous to "Carnivores for


Get the kiddies involved with the election! Show them the Prez really knows how to move!

And you’ll simply have to go there: Redstater’s mother always said put a matchstick between your teeth when you’re cutting onions!

From an article sent to Redstater from a friend...I don't know, Bunny suit, be the judge!

Craig Crawford, now with Congressional Quarterly and MSNBC, spent 1988 covering

the Dukakis campaign. "Do I see parallels? I see only parallels."

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