2006 Domaine des Ormousseaux COTEAUX DU GIENNOIS PINOT NOIR (Loire Valley, France)

This was a very light but flavorful Pinot Noir from a backwater region in the Loire (near Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé).

Extremely light ruby with garnet highlights. Nose of spiced, sweet/tart cherry candy, with some high-toned, smoky minerality. Light-bodied, crisp, yet flavorful, with loads of sweet/tart cherry fruit and mineral flavors. Not complex, but good, straightforward Pinot Noir flavors in a refreshing, balanced style. It paired very well with Liz's fabulous roast chicken. 87. I can't remember where I got this, and I can't find the receipt, dammit. Will update when I remember. Imported by Fruit of the Vine, NYC.

Sorry, no photo.

UPDATE -- I paid about $25 at Spec's on Smith for this. So it's not a particularly good buy, although it still was quite nice.

10/15/09 UPDATE: Whole Foods on Bellaire has this on sale for $12.99 -- making it a GREAT BUY! (Maybe that's where I got it -- I don't remember paying $25 for it . . . .)

2007 Altovinum EVODIA "Old Vines Garnacha" (Calatayud, Spain)

This was a very tight but concentrated red.

Dark black ruby. Lots of steely and stony minerals in the nose, accenting deep, spiced black raspberry fruit. Seemed both lean and weighty in the mouth, with tight-knit scorched earth, dark raspberry, and mineral flavors. Displays a much more stony and minerally side of Grenache. It paired very well with a rich, Florentine beef stew. 88. Should keep for a couple of years. Was $9 and change at Spec's Warehouse on Westheimer in Montrose, making it a great buy. Imported by Eric Solomon European Cellars.

Netanyahu Slams U.N. 'Have You No Shame' For Giving Ahmadinejad A Forum

At least some men showed up for the United Nations General assembly this week. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pounds the world body for allowing Holocaust denier Ahmadinejad to address the United Nations on Wednesday.

Netanyahu told the world body, The man who called the Holocaust a lie spoke at this podium. To those who refused to come and to those who left in protest, I commend you. You stood up for moral clarity and you brought honor to your countries. But to those who gave this Holocaust denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere -- have you no shame? Have you no decency? A mere six decades after the Holocaust, you give legitimacy to a man who denies the murder of six million Jews, while promissing to wipe out the state of Israel, the state of the Jews? What a disgrace! What a mockery of the charter of the United Nations. Now perhaps,...perhaps some of you think, that this man and his odious regime, perhaps they threaten only the Jews. Well if you think that, you are wrong; dead wrong.

Here was the scene at the U.N. as the Iranian leader was left to address a packed chamber of empty seats as he delivered his canned anti-Israel tirade. Almost every seat was empty but not every seat was empty. For a hate-monger like Ahmadinejad every single seat should have been vacant.

Led by France, (Did you actually think the U.S. would lead the walkout on the Iranian dictator under this administration?) diplomats from eleven countries walked out on the scourge of Persia as he launched into his shop-worn anti-Jewish shtick.

Argentina, Australia, Britain, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand,….and the United States left Ahmadinejad talking to the shine on their seats as other countries sat and listened attentively to the leftist rants of the tiny tryant. Nice Deb thinks the U.S. delegation was prompted by a urgent sense of me too-ism rather than by actual conviction. I tend to agree. Obama is no friend of Israel. He'll do just about anything to get a meeting with Ahmadinejad so he can apologize in person for the U.S. to the little b_11sh*t3r from Bactria.

About Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Hot-Air says, Every year this degenerate does his same Jew-baiting shtick — “It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks” — and every year our moronic media lines up to interview him.

Shame on those countries who stayed at the forum and listened.

Cash For Clunkers Delivers On Predicted Unintended Consequences

Although it increased temporary demand in the short term, concerns for the C4C plan arose as early or even before the program was ended.
But, the government offered free money to entice people to buy a new car. What could go wrong?

A lot actually.

By artificially increasing the demand now, this dramatically decreased future demand. Another unfortunate consequence is based on government inefficiencies. There was such a large influx of requests for the government money, that they could not keep up. This forced dealers to sell cars at a loss, but promised them money after. This would not be a problem if the demand was sustained. Because the demand has dropped off, the dealers still have that loss, but now are not selling enough cars at full price to stay afloat.

On top of that the timing for C4C was picked poorly. Legislators were so concerned with getting a higher approval rating that they did not take the timing of the plan into account either. The program was implemented in July, and was stopped in late August. The new model year begins typically in September. Unfortunately the increase in demand was right before the new model year began when prices and profits would be higher.

Cash for Clunkers turned out to be a short term popularity boost for politicians, but it came with a long term cost for Auto manufactures and dealers.

Best Race Quotes Of The Week

First, I am not a Barack Obama fan. I wish conservatives would take over Congress in 2010 and slam on the spending brakes.

But I have to give him credit for his response to David Letterman bringing up the senile Jimmy Carter's cry of racism against people who oppose Obama's policies. In fairness, I thought David Letterman worded the question reasonably and in an unbiased manner. Although, I think a more appropriate Obama response regarding Jimmy Carter would have been, "He's a jackass." [Special thanks to Terry Moran of ABC.]

Obama basically said he was black when the American people elected him. Only 13 percent of the population is black so a lot of white people had to vote for him in order for him to win. My only criticism is that Obama did not take the opportunity to rebuke those who are continually crying racism - especially those in the media. He needs to firmly shut them up. But I don't think he really wants to.

In a comment on a HotAir post about this interview, milwife88 said this:
I would like to go on the record by saying…I distrust the White part of Barack Obama as much as I distrust the Black part of him.
I hope that clears things up.
H/T: HotAir

Boo-Hoo EU

The European Union has turned their Enviro-guns on the United States effectively as THE reason they believe that Global Warming has not been controlled.
“So far, we thought the basic problem was the Chinese and the Indians. But now I think the problem appears to lie most clearly with the US,” a European Commission official said.
Forget the fact that the United States has only increased their emissions by 0.7% while China has increased (and will continue to increase their emissions) by 2.6% and are not required by the Kyoto Treaty to reduce their emissions AT ALL...

The United States is THE cause for Global Warming!

China is projected to increase their emissions annually and by 2030 are projected to account for 34% of global carbon emissions. Right now they are at 21.5%. Based on the projection that the global CO2 emissions in 2030 will be 40.1 Billion Tons/yr, that is an increase from 6.1 Billion tons per year to 11.6 Billion Tons per year in China ALONE. That is a 90% increase over 25 years. The United States is projected to increase annually at 0.5% per year. In total that gives the United States a total increase in carbon emissions of 13.3% over the next 25 years, or 6.5 Billion Tons in 2030.

Sounds like the E.U. needs to point those guns someplace else.

2006 Tormaresca "NEPRICA" (40% Negroamaro, 30% Primitivo, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon) (Puglia, Italy)

Usually I shy away from non-DOC blends that include non-indigenous varietals like Cabernet, so I'm not sure what prompted me to get this, but it was surprisingly good after it aired out several hours. It had a gorgeously focused and unique fruitiness to it.

Fully saturated bloody-rich black ruby. The nose was closed for quite a wile, giving up only closed, dry earthy scents until a few hours later it developed a lovely, focused, freshly-crushed spiced blackberriness, with a hint of smoky gravel in the background. Full-bodied, but balanced and smooth, it featured tightly-wound blackberry fruit with a bit of a dark licorice note, along with a steely minerality. A fair amount of smooth tannins. 89 (after it blossomed). Be sure to give this lots of air time. Was a great value at $10.71 -- I'll call it "under $10, since it's close enough -- at Spec's on Richmond. Imported by Ste. Michelle Wine Estates.

2007 Cline "Ancient Vines" MOURVEDRE (Contra Costa County, Cal.)

This winery really has hit a consistent groove over the last several years with its "Ancient Vines" Zins and Mourvedres. This latest iteration of the Mourvedre is excellent and a very good value. Again.

Youthfully bright, dark black ruby. Deeply fruity nose, with loads of dark plums, blackberries, and even a hint of peach, along with a sweet, high-toned balsa smoke note. Rich, fruity, and balanced in the mouth, with concentrated plummy fruit accented with a vaguely bitter dark chocolate note. Lots of soft tannins in the long fruit-and-spice finish. 89. Widely available, I got mine for under $14 at Spec's on Westheimer near Montrose.

2007 Mas Carlot ROSÉ (VDP de Pays d'Oc, Southern France)

A flavorful but simple rosé.

Bubble gum pink color with orangey highlights. Big but simple, fruity nose -- lots of cherry juice, grapes, and fruit salad. Full-flavored and direct, with refreshing acidity for such a big, juicy wine. A nice, relatively cheap quaffer. Drink soon. 86. Was $9 at Richard's on San Felipe. Imported by Robert Kacher.


Major kudos to the Washington Huskies for putting the always over-rated USC Trojans in their place.

And the Cardinals beat the suckies again (10-5 for season)! If only Tennessee had upset Florida!

Leno Spoofs ACORN in 'Thank You ACORN' commercial skit

You know it's curtains when Leno starts hammering you. Jay Leno takes on the ACORN 'prostitution' scandal.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer Bombs In Jeopardy Appearance

Mainstream Media Talking Heads aren't smarter than the rest of us they only think they are.
Case in point. Wolf Blitzer's painful performance on Jeopardy. The only way you get negative scores on the gameshow is to hit the answer button before you really know the right answer. Blitzer's negative score is the second worst in the show's history.

Nancy Pelosi Fights Tears Warning Against Heated Rhetoric

This kind of reminds me of the old PTL club. I almost want to send in a check for $10.00 just to make her stop crying. (NOT) At least her mascara didn't start to run.

In the video Speaker Nancy Pelosi says, I have concerns about some of the language that is being used...This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening and it created a climate in which we, violence took place and ... I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made. Understanding the some of the people,...some of the ears that it is falling on,...are not,...as balanced,...as the person making the statement,...might assume.

Poles: Betrayal! The U.S. sold us to Russia and stabbed us in the back!

Here is Drudge's screenshot of the Polish tabloid Fakt's front page as the paper minced no words in describing the paper's reaction to President Obama's decision to scrap the missile defense sheild says the AP. Betrayal! The U.S. sold us to Russia and stabbed us in the back! screamed the headline. Given the recent Russian adventure into Georgia and a cut-off of natural gas to the Ukraine last winter the East Europeans have reason to be wary of a resurgent, newly aggressive Russia left unchecked by a weak U.S. committment to security in the region.

The Czechs were equally nervous about abandonment by an Obama administration in the face of a resurgent Russia. The AP quotes Czech newspaper Hospodarske Novine, an ally we rely on has betrayed us, and exchanged us for its own, better relations with Russia, of which we are rightly afraid.

Ask Eastern Europeans how that change is working out for them.

Obama Scraps Eastern Europe Missile Defense On 70th Anniversary of Soviet Invasion Of Poland

Of all available days on the calendar, today is the day the Obama Administration announced its decision to scrap plans to build the Bush era missle defense shield over Europe that was to be installed in Poland and the Czech Republic. On this date in history without a formal declaration of war on 17 September 1939 the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany invaded Poland, less than one month after the Bolsheviks signed the Molitov-Reibbentrop Pact with Nazi Germany. Temporarily freed from mutual suspicion the Nazis and Communists took the mutually advantageous oportunity to invade Poland simultaeneously. Poland fell to the advancing hordes within weeks.

My hunch is the timing of the announcement was no accident. If Obama wanted to send a message to Poland and the Czech Republic, the message was read loud and clear. The Times OnLine UK comments:

President Obama dismayed America's allies in Europe and angered his political opponents at home today when he formally ditched plans to set up a missile defence shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.

"This is not good news for the Czech state, for Czech freedom and independence," said Mirek Topolanek, the former Czech Prime Minister. "It puts us in a position where we are not firmly anchored in terms of partnership, security and alliance, and that’s a certain threat."

This was the scene in Poland 70 years ago to the day.

Obama's pronouncement today scuttled the anti-missile system that was to be deployed in Poland and the Czech Republic over the objections of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and China's President Hu Jintao. Obama's decision to 'shelve' the system gives a diplomatic victory to the Russians and Chinese in exchange for a promise by those two countries to 'get tough' with their client state Iran.

In rationalizing his reversal of the Bush policy, President Obama maintained, this new approach will provide capabilities sooner, build on proven systems and offer greater defenses against the threat of missile attack. Missle interceptors reportedly initially be placed instead on ships while land-based systems would be deployed at some future date. The plan was sufficiently vague to prompt high praise from the Kremlin. We value the U.S. president's responsible approach toward implementing our agreements, said Russia's Dmitry Medvedev in a televised address.

Here is the President's speech today.

Deployment of the anti-missile system was designed to thwart any long range nuclear attacks by Iran on Europe. Reflecting Administration confidence in the plan Vice-President Joe Biden told CNN reporter Chris Lawrence, I think we are fully capable and secure dealing with any present or future potential Iranian threat. To keep this in quote in context, remember this is the man of whom former President Bush said, If bullshit were currency Joe Biden would be a Billionaire!

Critics of the missile shield claimed that Iran poses no threat to Europe at the present time and that deployment of the system is a waste of money but recent reports show that Iran is close to mounting a nuclear warhead onto a ballistic missile. In a classified document revealed to the Associated Press the IAEA report said Iran has sufficient information to build a bomb and will likely overcome problems in developing a delivery system.

Obama's shift in policy toward Eastern Europe has been eyed nerviously by pro-American governments in the former Soviet Bloc.

The KyivPost observes:

Ex-communist states have already noticed that the unwavering support provided to them by the Bush administration and its tough rhetoric against Russia has been replaced in Washington by a more pragmatic, conciliatory stance.

Not to worry however, I'm sure there is nothing in this development that a well placed speech by President Obama can't handle.

Interesting times indeed.

Jimmy Carter: Obama Critics Are Racist

They say there's no fool like an old fool. And Jimmy is a prime example of that time tested adage. The former President and ardent defamer of Israel reiterated his claim that critics of President Barack Obama are motivated by racism.

Speaking to student at Emory University Carter said, When a radical fringe element of demonstrators and others begin to attack the president of the United States as an animal or as a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler or when they wave signs in the air that said we should have buried Obama with Kennedy, those kinds of things are beyond the bounds. I think people who are guilty of that kind of personal attack against Obama have been influenced to a major degree by a belief that he should not be president because he happens to be African American.

That's it! It must be skin color! It can't possibly be because people Carter frames as fringe elements are angry about issues. No, it's because they're racist! Those are funny words coming from Carter who freely criticized former President Bush when he was just six months into his presidency. I have been disappointed in almost everything he has done said Carter who later said George W. Bush's Presidency, has been the worst in history. Carter never once came to the defense of President Bush while he endured the most vile and contemptible insults from the lowest and most despicible elements of society. I guess character attacks on Bush were ok in Carter's book.

What a disappointment Jimmy C. was after his election in 1976. The country was still hung over from the Watergate and plumbers scandals of the Nixon era. We just elected a President who billed himself to be an evangelical Christian and promissed a new era of hope in Washington politics. He was the Obama of his time. In return for our trust Carter gave us the benefit of his foolish, weak and naive policies. Those policies paid off in big dividends of inflation, unemployment, gasoline rationing and Soviet aggression in Africa, the Carribean and Afghanistan. Carter was doing a whole lot better when he was swinging a hammer and bending nails for Habitat for Humanity. He was a far better carpenter than he was a head of state.

5th Shocking ACORN 'Prostitute' Video Airs

This is really sick. First Baltimore, then DC, then Brooklyn New York, then San Bernadino and now San Diego. Undercover reporters James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles record ACORN employees completely unfazed by the stated nature of their business and actively offering advice on how they can continue their fictional criminal enterprise and avoid detection by the law.

Commenting on Hannity's show, Andrew Breitbart says there was not one instance were the couple posing as a pimp and his prostitute were turned away at ACORN offices. The guy in the video, reportedly an ACORN employee, says he has contacts who can help the undercover reporters smuggle girls over the border for the purpose of prostitution.

Referring to the Mainstream Media's silence on this story, Andrew Breitbart says, it can't find the angle that will extricate its friends out of the mess...They don't want to give a victory to the conservative side here. He observes, There will be a zillion other James and Hannahs out there.

Racism! Racism! Racism! Just SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!

No one knows how to manipulate this country like the liberal media. They are a spoiled child that expects to get everything they want and they will stop at nothing to make sure it happens.

Tea partiers are racist.
Joe Wilson is racist.
Rush Limbaugh is racist.
Bill O'Reilly is racist.
Glenn Beck is racist.
George W. Bush is racist.
John McCain is racist.
All Southerners are racist.
All Republicans are racist.
Homeschoolers are racist.
Christians are racist.
All white people are racist (except liberal white people).
Your house is racist.
Your SUV is racist.
Your dog is racist.

The most accurate one: EVERYONE who opposes Barack Obama's policies is racist. The only way to NOT be racist is to AGREE with everything Barack Obama says and does.

I am sick of this and I want to fight back! Unfortunately, the liberal media has a choke hold on this country and if Obama and the Democrats have their way, they will silence as many conservative viewpoints as they can.

Our biggest battle is not with Obama. It is not with the Democrats. It is not with liberals as a whole. It is with the liberal media. Whatever we have to do to loosen their grip on the American people, we MUST DO!!

2008 Domaine des Cassagnoles VDP Cotes de Gascogne (SW France)

This was an outstanding buy in a fresh, crisp, character-filled dry white. Worth buying by the case if you like to have a fair amount of everyday white wine on hand.

Exceedingly pale, greenish straw gold. Beautifully fresh nose of herbs, pear, stones, and clover blossoms. Smells like there's a fair amount of Sauvignon Blanc in the blend. Crisp, lip-smacking mouthfeel, with loads of focused, green appley fruit and a lightly chalky minerality. A ridiculously refreshing, light-bodied dry white. 88. Was $8.76 at Spec's on Westheimer (outside the Loop near Fogo de Chao). Imported by Weygandt-Metzler.
(Sorry: 2005 label shown)

2006 Wine Guerilla "Forchini Vineyards - Old Vines" ZINFANDEL (Dry Creek Valley, Cal.)

Another terrific, hedonistically-styled Zin from this relatively new Zinfandel specialist.

Sultry, dark black ruby, though not fully-saturated. Decadent, rich, incredibly ripe, fruity nose of crushed, sweet mixed berries, with peach, lemon, and spice notes. Mouthfilling flavors of blackberry/cassis liqueur, crushed sandstone, and carmelized baking spices. Lots of body, lots of soft tannin, and a bit of alcohol showing through on the finish. But I can't get all dogmatic about the high alcohol (I think it was 16.5% or something like that), despite the fact that it's all trendy these days to denigrate wines like this as "Parkerized" fruit bombs. This wine was just too much fun and too tasty. 89. I think this was around $30 at Spec's on Smith, but given that there were only 48 cases made (what's that, one barrel?), that's not too bad.
(Sorry: 2007 shown)

2007 Viu Manent CARMENERE Reserva (Colchagua Valley, Chile)

Jeez, I'm really getting to LOVE this varietal. Carmeneres mostly fall in the $10 - 15 range, and have a flavor profile that goes well with the stews, braises, and pasta dishes I love to cook.

This is yet another winner from Viu Manent, although it is a little less overtly fruity than other vintages, maybe due to the slightly cooler year Chile had in '07.

Fully saturated black black ruby color. Intensely low-toned nose that got sweeter with air time, displaying cassis, iodine notes, pencil lead, and sweetish, smoky cinnamon component. Soft, ripe, mouthcoating flavors of cassis, blackberry, and lightly scorched earth. Extremely long, rich finish, displaying lots of soft tannin. This wine could benefit from another 2-4 years of cellaring. 89+. Was $14.99 at Whole Foods. Imported by Bacchus International (Longview, TX).

2005 Montebuena RIOJA (Spain)

This was a very straightforward, middle-of-the-road red. It's hard to get up any emotion to write about.

Had a nice, vibrant dark ruby color. Pleasant, low intensity nose of crushed, nameless berries. Medium-bodied, decently balanced and structured, but really devoid of any interesting flavors in the mouth. The finish consists more of the feeling of the physical structure of the wine than any memorable flavors. Quintessentially forgettable. 70. Was $14.99 at Whole Foods.

2004 Michele Castellani CORVINA ROSSO VERONESE "Seral" (Veneto, Italy)

This is a single varietal wine made from the dominant varietal in the Valpolicella blend (and therefore cannot be called Valpolicella). A year ago, it would have been a bit better. As it is, it's still pretty good, but it needs to be drunk up.

Medium dark ruby with some amber at the rim. Big, earthy nose, with lots of blackberry extract, and pungent, smoky balsa wood. Also, incongruously, a squeeze of lemon juice. Low-toned and intense in the mouth, with cassis fruit and woody flavors vying for attention, with a vaguely tarry note in the background. Seemed a bit flat-feeling at first, but then developed a bit more vibrancy with air. 87. Imported by Bedford International. Lost the receipt, but I think this was about $20 at Central Market.

US Census Bureau Cuts ACORN Ties

The U.S. Census Bureau announced that it has terminated its relationship with ACORN, after two explosive videos were released showing ACORN employees in Baltimore and Washington D.C. glibly providing loan and tax fraud advice to undercover reporters posing as proprietors of a prostitution ring. The videos were released on Andrew Brietbart's new website, BigGovernment.com. The group previously had worked out an aggreement to help gather household data for the 2010 census.

The latest video showing ACORN DC employees providing advice to the undercover reporter posing as a pimp with his prostitute girlfriend on how to obtain a loan for a house they plan to use as a bordello for underage girls, file tax returns and avoid detection by police appears here.

Census Bureau Director Robert Groves notified the group of their termination in a letter to ACORN President Maude Hurd. The Director wrote in part:

Over the last several months, through ongoing communication with our regional offices, it is clear that ACORN’s affiliation with 2010 Census promotion has caused sufficient concern in the general public, has ineed become a distraction from our mission, and may even become a discouragement to public cooperation, negatively impacting 2010 Census efforts. While not decisive factors in this decision, recent events concerning several local offices of ACORN have added to the worsening negative perceptions of ACORN and its affiliation with our partnership efforts.....We no longer have confidence that our national partnership agreement is being effectively managed through your offices.

And don't let the door hit you in the A** on the way out!

In Rememberance - 9/11 Memorial

We will never forget.

Here is a link to the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center.

Obama Heckled During Healthcare Address to Congress

The highly fractious and damaged nature of Washington Politics under Democrat majority rule was in full swing tonight, as the President addressed the nation on his proposed healthcare plan. During the President's address before a joint session of Congress, GOP members laughed as President Obama acknowledged that many details of his proposed legistation must be worked out before a bill can be signed. At another time during his speech, Obama took a swipe at Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News and Sarah Palin when he said, bogus claims by those who want to kill reform at any cost such as radio and cable talk show hosts and and prominent politicians, that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens. Such a charge would be laughable if it were'nt so cynical and irresponsible, it is a lie, plain and simple. At this Democrats applauded and cheered wildly as they rose from their seats. Republican members sat, stonefaced and unmoved by his assertion.

President Obama reached further and proclaimed that illegal aliens would not be eligible for healhcare under his plan. Hearing enough, South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson yelled out You Lie! which brought silence to the chamber. The interruption caught the President by surprise and clearly unsettled him. After a brief delay and some hushed chatter between Vice-President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi President Obama continued his address.

I thought Obama promised usher in an era of post-partisanship, sunshine and civility in Washington politics if elected to the nation's highest position.

Gibbs: Presidents opponents would rather start an 'Animal House' food fight

White House Press Secretary Robert (Gibbsy) Gibbs told reporters today, It's a sad state of affairs that many in this country politically would rather start an 'Animal House' food fight rather than inspire kids to stay in school, to work hard, to engage parents to stay involved and to ensure that the millions of teachers that are making great sacrifices continue to be the best in the world...

Uh huh. Now for some important content and just as good in Italian. Here is the build-up to the food fight from "Animal House".

Good times. Good times.

The Three Horsemen of Political Apocalypse: Ignorance, Apathy, and Arrogance

By now, you have probably seen this photo. It is the state legislature in Connecticut in session. To the right a gentleman is standing and speaking. No one is paying attention to him...we see two games of solitaire in progress, one baseball game and one screen looks a bit like Facebook. This is what political discourse has devolved to in our nation. These folks in Connecticut just happened to get caught. Most state legislatures that I have seen have a laptop issued when you take office, this could just as easily been Tennessee, Maryland or Utah. It could be Washington D.C., for that matter, but they generally a) don't take their laptops into session and b) barely know how to use them.

Part of the problem is the society we live in. The laptop, though it is a phenomenally powerful tool, has become another layer in many human relationships. Kids (and now adults) don't talk to each other, they text or Facebook or Twitter. The understanding and growth that happens when two people discuss a topic face to face does not occur. Seeing the nuance in a facial expression is lost. I see it in the classroom on both sides of the divide. Professors who have prepared lectures in PowerPoint years ago, no longer teach - they work their way through the PowerPoint. Students no longer sit in class and consider what the Professor is teaching, digest the material and write notes. At the college level and above and now many high schools, the students, armed with their laptops, are filling in the blank on the PowerPoint slides at best...at worst, they are acting like state legislatures. In this weird way, these legislators are acting, well, just like us.

But at the political level, we are dealing with an ossified party system and a set of people that, with few exceptions, no longer do this to serve the people...think Nancy Pelosi. Rather, to be elected in America today, is to join a class of people and begin the pre-set scrimmage of saying what your party leaders want you to say - the daily talking points...then go play solitaire on their laptops. The step-children of this mindset of apathy are ignorance and arrogance. Bear with me and watch Exhibit A:

Now, I know what you are thinking: "did he really just say that being greater in debt means you have a higher net worth?" That's the ignorance part. The arrogance part is when he goes on to suggest that his interlocutor didn't graduate from a decent enough university. (In the world of liberwocky, wouldn't that count for being anti-Hispanic? The university scoffingly maligned is the University of Puerto Rico.

What happened this past summer, the "Summer of Outrage," is that national sentiment, everyday Americans, boiled over. It was, on the whole, a mild summer (at least here in normally sweltering fever-swamp humid Tennessee), but tempers flared as years of putting up with it came pouring out. If you watch the videos of the various town hall meetings, some common threads emerge:

a) the citizens know much more about the subject matter than the Congresspeople.
b) the Congresspeople generally looked amazed - they have that look of surprise that a kid in a classroom might get when the Professor suddenly appears behind them and catches them playing solitaire on their laptop.
c) the citizenry is mad.

We are reaching a dangerous point in this country, where Congress had better be darned careful about pushing too hard. I say this apolitically too - people are just as mad at the 'Phants as they are at the Donks. I will say that our local Congresswoman, Marsha Blackburn, is a pretty big exception to the rule. I attended her town hall, and it was more of a love-fest - she is serving her constituency and listening to what they have to say. Unlike the vast majority of these folk who are NOT listening to their constituency and playing solitaire on their laptops. In it's arrogance, Congress has forgotten that they serve the people, not the other way around. And they have forgotten that they need the people. Not just for votes either, but for information. Some years ago, I used to lobby in Washington on an annual basis on behalf of the multi-family industry. I saw first hand the arrogance of an ossified legislator when we visited with Senator Jim Sasser (Remember him, Mr. "Deyafaceyet"? Face to face, he knew how to say the word in three syllables.) - in front of us, his chief of staff reviewed the contribution list. When it was apparent that the "Greater Nashville Apartment Association" wasn't on the list, Senator Sasser got up and walked out. No, he didn't say "got to run," or "see you later..." he said nothing, simply nodded, got up and walked out. I saw the apathy in numerous meetings with Senators and Congressmen who would sit in our short meetings and clean their nails....and don't get me started on the ignorance!

One particularly enlightening meeting took place with then Representative Van Hilleary. He had listened quite attentively as we ticked off our list of concerns. At one point, I apologized that it seemed we were "opposed to everything that was going on." He quickly stopped me and said "No apology necessary." He reached behind his desk and hoisted a stack of paper onto his desk that was about a foot and a half high. He then pulled a small stack of index cards from his shirt pocket - looked for a matching number then said: "You see this stack of paper? That's a bill. You see this index card? That's all I know about this bill. If you are not involved in the process, reading this stuff, God only knows what will get passed."

This is why we have to be engaged. Van Hilleary was only being honest. It would be physically impossible for any representative to read all the fine print in the bills, especially when they get marked up and hustled down to the floor minutes before a vote. If your Congressman or Senator tells you they have read the bill, they are probably lying. But they are arrogant enough to believe you will never call them on it. But they no longer serve you. Once they make it to Washington for the first time, many with the noblest of intentions, they become part of the system - a system, that sadly has become a machine for self aggrandizement and re-election. Play along with the system and the party doesn't run an opposing candidate in your district and you get lots of campaign cash to throw around...to say nothing of some nice fat slabs of bacon for your peeps back home. Be noble, try to rise above the fray and do what is right and you face destruction. The benefits of playing along lead to a rise in apathy. The longevity of this apathetic embrace of office lead to a shutdown of the brain, to ignorance and eventually to arrogance. They lead to Pete Stark telling a reporter with a reasonable question to "get the f**k out of my office."

Echoing Tolstoy, "what then must we do?" I offer the following five part program for returning our system of governance to its noble purpose:

1. Term limits - Thomas Jefferson famously said that the "tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots." Term limits is a non-violent means of achieving that infusion of fresh blood. We, no they, have lost what it means to serve - this can only be restored when the job becomes something you do at a point in your life, not a career. There are groups out there, like U.S. Term Limits, that are actively advocating term limits - get involved!

2. Engagement - Obama keeps issuing these calls to service...here's one. Serve your country by being engaged in the political process. Most of what our Congress sees is available on line. Be a citizen - read the bills and educate your neighbors about it. Then educate your Congressperson and Senators. Write letters, e-mails, get to know the staff. The passion of the Summer of Outrage will fade, but this nation needs a core of engaged people of both political persuasions to stay on top of the legislation. Engage the local media too - they are just as apathetic, ignorant and arrogant as the folks in Washington...time for a wake up call!

3. Education - Start a program of civic education at home with your own children. What they teach in the schools is by and large rubbish. They are taught all about multi-culturalism and diversity while completely ignoring the great accomplishments that this nation has produced. They certainly learn nothing about basic economics...if they did, and they got a look at the national debt, our school children would weep for what we have done to them. Take the time to review your child's textbooks if you want to get a scary look at what is being taught.

4. Define the Debate - whether it is capitalism, climate change or healthcare, radicals are very good at declaring the crisis and presenting a solution before any consensus is even reached on what the problem is. I have written here and over at the Rumbler Report, numerous times that conservatives and independents need to do a better job of understanding our opponents and forcing them to slow down and define their terms. The so-called health care crisis, for example, can be pretty easily picked apart if you force them to prove their assertions about "48 million uninsured," or the doozies like Obama's assertions that physicians will ghoulishly "chop off a leg" or "extract a tonsil," just for profit. Liberals don't like debates, facts scare them.

5. Attitude - approach this task of taking back our nation with happiness. We are doing good works! Think about Ronald Reagan's cheery approach to the darkest of times and the reassurance he gave us that it was still "morning in America," and that our "best days were yet to come." That spirit of optimistic conservatism is contagious. Along with the spirit, we have to offer solutions when real problems are identified. Do it with gusto, whether it is the economic benefits of free markets, or the increase in revenues that occur when you cut taxes and generate job growth, have fun skewering statist radicals with the facts!

I am not going to kid you that our task is easy. These are dark times (oh Lord, will an Anonymous liberal commenter tag me for a racist, insensitive remark?) ; I, for one, do not believe in Pete Stark's philosophy that greater debt is better. I can show him very calmly in any copy of "Economics for Dummies," that such is not the case - we cannot spend our way to surplus. But in this winter, I believe, the seeds of a new beginning are being sown. I believe in our hardship, Americans are rediscovering simple virtues like family and frugality. Anecdotally, I am noticing more bodies in the pews of our church. I get the sense that America has come to the brink of the socialist abyss, stared into that dark pit and seen the ruins of the Canadian and British healthcare systems, the starry eyed cult children of North Korea and Nazi Germany and we are repulsed. Perhaps we are reconnecting with the notion that there is something exceptional about being Americans In the words of Reagan, concluding his first Inaugural Address:

"The crisis we are facing...does require, however, our best effort, and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds; to believe that together, with God's help, we can and will resolve the problems which confront us. And after all, why shouldn't we believe that? We are Americans."

Let's do this.

Rumble on!

2008 Domaine La Suffrene BANDOL ROSÉ (Provence, France)

A crisp, dry, and unique rosé. Not to mention expensive.

Gorgeously bright, light copper-tangerine color. Refreshing nose of flowers, peaches, fruit salad, and earthy minerals. Round and silky in the mouth, with flavors of mixed, ripe fruit skins and lots of stony minerals. Long finish. Bone dry, full-bodied, and had decent acidity too. (Just a tad more acidity would have catapulted this one into the 90s.) As it is, I gave it an 88. $21.99 at Spec's on Richmond. Imported by Bandol Wines LLC of Houston.

2006 Felsina-Berardenga CHIANTI CLASSICO (Tuscany, Italy)

This "entry-level" Chianti from a respected producer is very nice. A classic-styled Sangiovese from a classic terroir.

Youthful, medium-saturation black ruby. Nice, exuberant nose of sweet cream, macerated, tangy bu ripe cherries, and gravelly minerals. Nicely-focused, medium weight flavors of winey cherries and dried gravelly earth. A fair amount of tannin and a tight core of fruit augur for 1-2 more years of beneficial cellaring to soften and expand. 87+. Was $18.99 at Spec's on Smith, making it a fairly good value for a Chianti Classico. (Sorry, forgot to make a note of the importer.)

2005 Verget MACON-CHARNAY "Les Clos St-Pierre" (Burgundy, France)

Yet another terrific 2005 from Verget. This unoaked Chardonnay was round, minerally, vibrant, complex.

Crystal clear, almost luminescent light gold with greenish glints. Interesting and complex nose of creamed crushed stones, and spiced pear juice. Round and flavorful, with bright acidity and a nice, insistent but subtle minerality over dry pear and apply fruit. Long finish. Refreshing and satisfying. 89. Was $18.46 at Spec's on Smith.

2005 Villa Matilde AGLIANICO "Rocca dei Leoni" (Campania, Italy)

A big, but austere and tannic red. Just missed the mark.

Sultry black ruby. Deeply earthy, gravelly nose, with high-toned minerality and some macerated dark cherry fruit. Weighty but austere in the mouth. Lots of tannin and acidity, with little fruit, and lean, minerally flavors. Despite not being the friendliest style, it actually went pretty well with stracotto (Italian pot roast braised in red wine), though it wasn't nearly as good on its own. 85. Imported by Empson. Was $24.95 at Central Market (which, judging for what it goes for on the Internet, was a rip-off).

2004 Fire Block Old Vines GRENACHE (Clare Valley, Australia)

This was a terrific, full-flavored, soft, and balanced Grenache. Yummy.

Medium dark ruby. Rich, ripe nose of oozingly sweet raspberries and dusty, spicy, hot sandstone. Luscious and rich in the mouth, but not an over-the-top fruit bomb. Lots of rich blackberry fruit and a sweet, minerally smokiness. A long, rich finish, with some just-perceptible alcoholic warmth (at 16.5% I would have thought there would be more hotness). Paired beautifully with homemade mac-and-cheese, and would be dynamite with grilled steaks too. 91. Was $21.59 at Richard's on San Felipe & Voss.

2005 Teira ZINFANDEL (Sonoma County, Cal.)

A pretty good, leaner style Zin that won't break the bank.

Medium saturation black ruby color. Medium intensity nose of crushed plums and sweet cream. Not a fleshy style Zin, but with medium-full body and a tight core of dusty berry fruit. Finish is refreshing and a little tangy, although a bit clipped. A fairly food-flexible wine. 86. Was $15 at Spec's on Smith. (Don't believe the shelf talker on this one. It portrays this wine as fleshy and lush, which is exactly what it is not.)

2007 Domaine des Herbauges MUSCADET "Cotes de Grandlieu Sur Lie" "Classic" (Loire Valley, France)

Zingy, zesty, and terrific, from one of the lesser known subregions in the Muscadet appellation.

Very pale straw gold. Stunning, intensely minerally/stony nose, with creamed pear and apple scents. Bone dry, with razor-sharply defined minerally, green apple and lemon-lime fruit. Mouthwatering acidity and great intensity, yet carrying only medium-light body. One of the best Muscadets I've ever had. Will easily last another year or two. 90. Unfortunately, I can't remember where the heck I got this. I'll update this post if I find the receipt or otherwise remember. Imported by The Stacole Company.
(UPDATE -- found receipt; was $10.44 at Spec's on Smith, making this a sick buy).

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