Honeymoon Over? - Zogby Poll Shows Obama Job Approval At 50%

Bad news for the new President elected on the promise of hope and change. Pollster John Zogby says a new sample of American's opinions of Barack Obama's job performance to date show an approval / disapproval rate of 50/50 for the new CinC. Zogby says that the state of the economy, coupled with the high expectations the public had for Obama along with a series of Presidential gaffes drove his approvals down to the 50% mark. Unwelcome news for the commander-in-chief only 56 days into his administration who still enjoys a solid personal-favorability rating.

Zogby quotes Kareem Crayton, associate professor of law and political science at the University of Southern California, It's pretty clear that the Obama administration has bumbled, just as every other administration has bumbled, and there are questions out there in the public about their ability to manage the economy, Afford him for the moment a significant amount of latitude, but it's not endless. Over the course of time, people want to see results.

In the meantime, it seems the President can't get enough of the limelight. After his high profile appearances on the economy, making his picks for March Madness with ESPN’s Andy Katz and bantering with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, Obama will hold his second prime-time press conference tonight at 8PM eastern.

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