Christmas is, without a doubt, the most wonderful time of the year. For those of you who may not celebrate Christmas I hope that you have other times during the year when you can spend time with your family and reflect on all of the things you have to be thankful for.
I am truly thankful for my wife and children who I love more than anything on this Earth. I am thankful that my family is financially sound and that we never want for any necessity. I am thankful for a wonderful extended family. Most of all, I am thankful for a God who loved me enough to give His own life so that I might have the opportunity to escape the future that I truly deserve. I fail to live up to what I should be every day but He is full of mercy and grace.
I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas. Always remember that Christmas is not about gifts, Santa, or even family. It is about Jesus Christ who was born into this world so that we might have life.
Merry Christmas.
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