I read a stupid comment the other day that Georgia's Democrats might not turn out to vote for Jim Martin because they are racist. I have to assume, since Jim Martin is white, that this somehow refers to Barack Obama.
I, for one, am beyond exhaustion from the left's constant cry of racism. If you didn't vote for Obama you are a racist. If you want to pay less taxes you are a racist. If you are a conservative you are a racist. If you homeschool your kids you are a racist. If you live below the Mason-Dixon line you are a racist. If you are white, you are a racist.
Listen. I AM NOT A RACIST!! I do not treat people differently because of the color of their skin. If I disagree with them it is not because of the color of their skin. It is because of the words they speak and their philosophies regarding freedom, government, and individual responsibility.
I do not feel guilty because some white people owned slaves 250 years ago. I wish it would not have happened but it did and I didn't have anything to do with it. I do not feel like I owe anyone anything for it.
So please keep your unfounded accusations to yourself.
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