Their Vision

This is from an Islamofascist website.  It is their vision of what Washington D.C. would look like if they were able to conduct an attack.  Their caption read "Washington after nuclear jihad."  Newsflash - even the Capitol would not be standing after same.  

Now some see this image and think we should talk to these people.  I see this image and believe that the time for talking is long past.  Copies of this image should be distributed to every member of Congress currently inhabiting this building.  Perhaps a simple caption like "Talk or Action?" could be placed at the bottom.  We are dealing with a culture of death...these are not normal people.  The time for action is slipping past us as we stand idly by and let the Mullahs in Iran develop the very weapons that could make this image a reality.  It is irresponsibly naive to believe that we can reason with the same people that Jimmy Carter tried to reason with for 444 days.

I am way past weary of hearing about the "religion of peace."  Do the math...if there are 1.2 Billion Muslims in the world but ONLY 10% are nut-job murdering fascists, let's see, that leaves....umm, wait a minute...carry the one...damned new math...ahh, 120,000,000 nut-job murdering fascists.  Let's put that in perspective. Yup, that's One two zero zero zero zero zero zero zero whackos. We have 304,207,788 people in the US of if they were all over here, 39.5% of our population would be nut-job murdering know, the kind that make Kamikazes look downright honorable.  With the population of the world hovering at 6.7 Billion, almost 2% of the WORLD is made up of nut-job murdering fascists that want to "wipe Israel off the map," and "bleed oceans of blood in America."  So, let's say you are on a transcontinental flight, a 747 - with seating capacity of about 416 people...there are good odds that at least 7 people on that flight are putting on their little nightshades to get some shut-eye and getting jiggy with dreams of seeing Los Angeles as a burning ember. Great! What should we talk about?

I know I speak for a number of our soldiers and sailors who proudly say "let's keep playing the away game."  Talk is not cheap.

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