History Lesson: Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness

Listen up class. Today's history lesson is about a now extinct philosophy called "Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness." This concept was not created but was recognized as a set of divinely given rights to all human beings. Our forefathers wisely understood that our government must not do anything to abridge those rights.

Unfortunately, it is a concept that our current government does not understand. They continue to interfere in our lives, restrict our liberties, and impede our pursuit of happiness on a daily basis.

There is one crucial element of the constitutional structure of this nation that we ALL must understand lest we become puppets of the state. Please read carefully. The Constitution Of The United States does not grant its citizens one single right. I am referring to the original Constitution before the addition of The Bill Of Rights. Rather...

The Constitution Of The United States was designed to restrict and limit the federal government from interfering in our lives. It was written to protect us from the government.

Today, our government decides how much of our earnings we get to keep. They tell certain businesses how much profit they can make. If you dare stand against the almighty government you will be crushed by the unlimited funds they have to bankrupt you in litigation. They can take your money and give it to someone else. Even non-citizens. They can confiscate your property under the guise of eminent domain for the sole purpose of gaining more tax dollars.

The government established by our forefathers no longer exists. The government has become our nanny and we have become its children. If we pursue happiness and achieve it, it will be taken from us. If we express ourselves in ways the government does not approve of, our freedom of expression will be taken from us. If we are an unwanted life, our life will be taken from us.

God help us all.

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