Laura Ingraham pwns Sunsara Taylor

Marxist Sunsara Taylor of "The World Can't Wait" employs the standard Bolshevic tactic of flooding the segment with bumper sticker statements like; torture, war criminal, US troops commit war crimes in our name, crimes against humanity. Sunsara can't answer one single question as she resorts to trying to talk over Laura Ingram on the program. Laura Ingraham totally punks Sunsara Taylor who can't get one glove on Ingraham while Ingraham takes on the role of the grown-up and Taylor the role of spoiled child. The Leftists' method of not dealing with reality and responding instead with squaling when presented with real questions and cold hard facts is a tactic they borrow from petulant two-year-olds throwing a temper tantrum whenever their parents tell them it's time for a nap. Crazy Leftists and America-haters perform this sixties-protest-era tactic to shout down those who don't share their dream of a world-wide Socialist Police State. It's time to get back in their faces like Laura did in this segment and refuse to tolerate any longer their disruption of events on US campuses. Peaceful protest is one thing, agitation to the point of attacking conservative speakers and groups or government agents because they take a stand for defense of the United States proves that you are on the side of the terrorists. These sixties-era hold-outs use threats and intimidation to shut down those opposed to their dream of a world-wide Communist State. Nice to see Laura highlight how this person's foolish and ultimately self-destructive behavior stands in stark contrast with adults taking on the roles of defending our nation and liberating others like Iraq and Afghanistan.

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