Video from Sky News of Glasgow Airport Terminal Attack.
Hospital evacuated because of burned terrorist
The vest was removed and blown up in a controlled explosion. Little Green Footballs relates that school let out for the summer vacation in Scotland and there were many school children with their families at the Airport at the time of the attack. Nice huh? These vermin were trying to target families with children going on their holiday. There's a special place in Hell for guys that do this kind of stuff. Methinks that the cockroaches that belong to this loser's terrorist cell are scurrying about right now trying to find familiar hiding places for themselves under greasy kitchen stoves and warm cozy sewers in an attempt to avoid the long arm of the law.
Twenty-six Iranian-linked terrorists killed in Baghdad Raid
Brietbart carries the story here. The military said that another 17 terrorist suspects were apprehended in recent action against the so-called militants.
Great work by our guys.
Amnesty: Good For America?

We have immigration laws for a reason. We need to protect our citizens from the unrestricted entry of people whose intent is to do harm. We need to protect our workers' jobs by not allowing a population spike and cause people to have to compete for jobs. This has nothing to do with race. As I said in my original post, my mother is Hispanic and immigrated here.
For the last few weeks I have racked my brain to come up with a reason why our government would want to overlook crime, overlook the drain it would put on our coffers, overlook history, and overlook the wishes of the American people (including many legal immigrants) to give amnesty to 12,000,000 illegal immigrants.
To be honest, I can't figure it out. But I have a strong suspicion. I don't believe it is because they are much more intelligent than we are and they see the positive aspects. If that was the case, they would be blasting it all over the media. No, there is something they know that they don't want us to know. I am sure some smart person out there has figured it out. If you have, please share it with us.
Take this stupid comment by RNC Chair Mel Martinez:
“The voices of negativity now have a responsibility to come up with an answer. How will you fix the situation to make peoples’ lives better? How will you continue to grow the economy? How will we bring people out of the shadows for our national security and for the sake of being a country that is just?”
Spoken like a true moderate. It is not our responsibility to make peoples' lives better. That is their responsibility and they must do it, legally. I could make my life better by robbing a bank but I would also go to prison for it. If I knew the government would give me a pardon (or amnesty), then I wouldn't be as concerned about doing it. I'm having a hard time understanding how this bill would grow our economy. Don't tell me it's that garbage about illegal immigrants doing jobs that Americans won't.
My favorite comment by Martinez is the "out of the shadows comment". Can you imagine this? Amnesty passes. 12,000,000 illegal immigrants (sorry, legal now) line up to become documented.
Government Agent: "State your name please."
Immigrant: "Jose Cuervo."
GA: "Do you have a job?"
I: "No, I'm an MS-13 gang member."
GA: "You can't be given amnesty if you are a gang member."
I: "Okay. I'll quit the gang."
GA: "Fine. Sign here. Welcome to America. Go over there to sign up for all of your free stuff and benefits."
Compare that to the red-blooded American war veteran who goes into a gun store to buy a rifle for hunting.
Store Clerk: "Why do you want a rifle?"
Veteran: "For hunting deer."
SC: "Have you ever committed a crime?"
V: "No."
SC: "Fill out this form that has 75 questions on it, show me 8 forms of photo ID, and we'll check you out with the FBI to make sure you aren't a threat to Americans. We'll get back to you in a few days."
I don't understand why this amnesty bill was written to treat illegal immigrants like royalty. They were being offered benefits that Americans aren't offered. They were being given preference over immigrants who are trying to come here legally.
I am not a racist and I don't hate these people. Many of them are good people who just want a better life for their family. My mother's family immigrated here from Venezuela (legally). Note: Thank God they got out before that moron took over down there. Mark my words, we will have to deal with him sooner or later.
It is our responsibility to control our borders and control immigration. As it is, we don't have any idea who comes in and who goes out. That is extremely dangerous and will catch up with us someday.
Carte blanche amnesty is bad for America. If it comes up again, we must fight again.
SUV on fire rammed into Glasgow Airport Terminal
Fox News carries the update here.
Any chance the slime who was driving the Jeep is part of the same bunch that left two cars laden with bombs in Picadilly Circus?
Here are pictures of the human vermin suspected in these terror attacks.
Fox news now reports three losers were arrested in this incident.
From the report:
"A green Jeep was in the middle of the doorway burning. There was an Asian guy who was pulled out of the car by two police officers, who he was trying to fight off. They've got him on the ground," another eyewitness, Richard Gray, told the BBC.
Bystanders according to AP news said that a green SUV barreled toward the building at full speed shortly after 3 p.m., hitting security barriers before crashing into the glass doors and exploding, witnesses said. Two men jumped out of the burning vehicle, one of them engulfed in flames, they said.
Also from the article, witnesses told BBC News executive Helen Boaden, who was at the airport at time. She described the men as South Asian (in the British Isles South Asian is used to refer to people of Middle Eastern descent). Clarkson described him as a large South Asian man. "His whole body was on fire.... He was just talking gibberish," he told the BBC.
"An Asian guy had been pulled out of the car by two police officers he was trying to fight off and they'd got him on the floor," Grey told the BBC. Boaden said police "wrestled him to the ground - the fire was burning through his clothes - and finally put him out with a fire extinguisher."
Gee what a couple of great guys huh? I guess the terrorists are now commuting to their destinations. Probably both want to get in on that 72 Virgins thing. Sounds kinky.
Fairness Doctrine: What's Fair About It?

And that's just the Republicans.
What has happened over the past few months with the attempted passage of the illegal immigrant amnesty bill is that the "powers that be" in Washington started to see that they weren't "the Almighty" that independently formulated and passed legislation upon "the sheep".
When you threaten a politician's grasp on power, you had better duck because the knee-jerk reaction will be to start firing in all directions in an attempt to regain control. Immediately after the chaotic knee-jerk will be a hurried attempt to place blame on a group or individual, i.e., The Religious Right, the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, the anti-abortionists, the homophobes, etc. You get the picture.
In their rush (no pun intended) to point the finger of blame, they have mistakenly targeted talk radio. As I pointed out in the previous post, the American people defeated the illegal immigrant amnesty bill. Talk radio simply echoed the sentiment of the American people.
Liberals used the word "dittohead" in a derogatory manner. What's funny about that is the term is a joke that is used as an entertainment/marketing tool. Even funnier is that there is a higher percentage of independent thinkers who listen to Rush Limbaugh than who listen to the network news.
Fortunately, someone in Washington understands that. Yesterday the House of Representatives passed the Pence Amendment (309-115) which prohibits the FCC from using government dollars to impose the Fairness Doctrine on talk radio. Here are Congressman Pence's remarks after the vote:
“Today the House of Representatives affirmed that freedom will continue to reign on the airwaves of America. Thanks to the support of 308 of my colleagues, Congress has ensured that the Fairness Doctrine will remain in the grave for now. This was a resounding victory for free speech.
“However, the fight for freedom on the American airwaves is not over. With many still hoping to resurrect this archaic doctrine of unfairness, we must continue to stay on the offense. Tonight I will introduce the ‘Broadcaster Freedom Act’ to ensure that the victory we experienced on the House floor today extends to future generations.
“I thank all my colleagues, especially the Republican leadership in the House for delivering this resounding victory for the freedom of speech.”
Make the celebration a short one. The talk radio haters will be back. But in the end, free speech will win.
A Different Border Fence Project

This is approximately the equivalent of me owning one acre of property and my neighbor's fence being 1/8" on my side of the property line. It will cost about $3 million to move the fence 1 to 6 feet.
What is Mexico's position on this? They want the fence moved. I think that is a fine idea. Let Mexico take $3 million from the U.S dollars that are being sent back to their country on a daily basis by illegal immigrants and move that fence. If they don't think that's fair, the fence stays.
Amnesty Bill Gets Deported

"To those people who opposed this as an amnesty bill, I don't know how you can say more strongly, this is not," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Excuse me Ms. Feinstein. Did you even read this bill? Illegal immigrants would be granted legal status within 24 hours. Would you explain to me what THAT is?
Ted Kennedy said, "We will be back. This issue isn't going to go away, and we will succeed." Look Teddy. We know you are a rich liberal who is accustomed to getting everything he wants. You have run roughshod over your political opponents but you can't do that to the American people. We are an opponent who has the power to take you down and we proved it today. You can come back with this idiotic bill but be prepared for another kick in the teeth.
I'll even go so far as to make a prediction. Sen. Lindsay Graham, who ardently supported this stupid bill, is up for re-election next year. Tell Mr. Graham he needs to start looking for a job in the private sector now - unless the people of South Carolina have a short memory. Look at John McCain's poll numbers. He is out of touch with the American people.
Even my Democratic senator, Mark Pryor, who is one of the few Democrats I like (but don't always agree with), voted to end the debate and kill this bill. The writing was on the wall. It was just a matter of who was willing to make a trip to the guillotine for this one.
Did talk radio do this? Maybe indirectly. The only thing talk radio has done is to give voice to what the American people already believe and want. It has provided a way for the American people to unite. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity don't tell the American people what to think. The American people already think it and they just echo it.
In the end, we win, politicians lose. That's the way it ought to be.
Bush faces Republican Mutiny
The sour mood between the White House and GOP lawmakers in Congress is spilling over into support for the war in Iraq and renewal of the No Child Left Behind Act.
The GOP is headed for a great split in D.C. because of the firestorm of controversy that has errupted over Bush and Kennedy's sponsorship of the "immigration reform" bill.
Keep up the pressure. Call your Senator today and urge them to kill this bill.

Don't be offended. I'm not talking to you. Unless you are some kind of GOP leader who is supporting the worst piece of legislation of the Bush Administration era. Yes, I'm talking about the ill-conceived illegal immigrant amnesty bill. House Minority Leader John Boehner said it best when he called it "a piece of s#@!.
The answer to both of those questions in the subject is 'no'. This is sheer arrogance. In the late 1970's a U.S. Senator told his constituents he voted to give control of the Panama Canal that we built to the Panamanians for reasons that we as common folk were too dumb to understand. He didn't use those words but that is precisely what he meant.
The GOP is exhibiting this same kind of arrogance in this absurd amnesty bill. Want an example? Trent Lott who was po'ed because "talk radio" derailed the first attempt at passage. Sen. Lott, do not bite the hand that feeds or you will be sorry.
This is my final warning to the GOP. You stop this insanity and bullying of the American people or you will drive a stake in the heart of the party. It is already suffering tremendously. If you allow this idiotic amnesty bill to pass, I will NEVER AGAIN vote for any candidate who is left of Ronald Reagan. I am dead serious! That means every GOP candidate that is currently running for president is off the table. I will NOT VOTE before I will put another moderate in the White House.
The first provision of any illegal immigration bill has to be to secure the border. You thought you were clever by passing the border fence bill knowing it would never get funded. Hear me and hear me well. The American people are not as stupid as you think they are.
Remember that you serve us or heads will roll in 2008.
2005 CARRIL DE COTOS (Tierra de Castilla, Spain)
1 + 1 = 3 CABERNET SAUVIGNON ROSE (Penedes, Spain)
2003 Chateau Signac COTES DU RHONE VILLAGES-CHUSCLAN "Cuvee Terra Amata" (France)
Dark black ruby. Light intensity nose of scorched earth and mixed berries. Round and full in the mouth, with nice but subdued flavors -- blackberries, chocolate, charcoal. Balanced, mellow finish. A very "laid back" wine. 86. Was about $17 at Spec's on Richmond.
Senate Votes to Advance Amnesty Bill
Here is a copy of the latest iteration of the "Shamnesty Amendment" pushed before Congress by Ted Kennedy.
A run-down of who voted and how appears here.
No other issue since the 9/11 attack on our country has galvanized the nation such as has this rotten-to-the-core piece of legislative flotsam. Eighty-two percent of respondents polled in a Time Magazine SRBI Survey believe that the United States is not doing enough to keep illegals from entering this country. Eighty-five per cent of the American public is AGAINST legislation that would legitimize illegal immigration and grant amnesty to millions of aliens who flaunt our laws to invade our country. You would think that in a representative government such as that which exists in our Constitutional Republic that the vote in the Senate would be at LEAST 65% against this outrageous Amendment sponsored by Senior Teodoro Kennedy of Massachusetts. But this greviously is not the case here. The members of our Senate have long since passed from being representatives of the people who elected them to high office. The members of the Senate have instead degenerated into a self-interested, preening cabal of elitists that fancy themselves as a ruling class who can dictate to the lesser members of society what is good for them. They couldn't be more wrong on both counts!
Call your Senator and TELL THEM to strike down this proposed Amendment which one pundit has termed the "second attack on America" since 9/11.
Arrogant GOP'ers Alienating Base

Never forget, you serve us, not the other way around. We sent you to Washington to do the things we wanted. Are you now so arrogant that you believe we are not smart enough to make those kinds of decisions?
It is not talk radio that is running this country. It is the people. The people who put you in office and who can take you out.
SF's Gavin Newsom battles the bottled water cartel
They just had to throw in global warming. Can they get any more foolish in "Bagdad by the Bay". I think the answer is most certainly yes. The only question is into what new depths of folly can the city of San Francisco drop?
2001 Marchesi di Barolo BAROLO (Piemonte, Italy)
Medium light garnet color. The first night I opened it, the nose and flavors were very tight and closed. I put it under a Vacu-vin closure and then didn't get around to re-tasting it until 4 days later. It was much better then. Lots of chokecherry and menthol on the nose. Not very concentrated, but correct Nebbiolo flavors (winey cherries & minerals). Pretty good finish. Would have been good if it were a generic Nebbiolo d'Alba appellation, but for a Barolo, it was disappointing. 86.
2005 Peachy Canyon "Westside" ZINFANDEL (Paso Robles, California)
Dark ruby color, but not as saturated as I like. Classic Zin nose of briary, spicy raspberries, with lots of Paso Robles minerality. A tad on the lean side, but still fairly concentrated, this wine had dark, ripe, minerally fruit and full body. Fairly long, balanced finish. Were it a bit lush and concentrated, this could have been very special. 87. Was $19.99 at Central Market (and I've seen it at the Richard's at Welayan & Bissonnet for the same price).
Is it just me, or are Zinfandels getting leaner and less concentrated across the board? My current thesis is that this varietal's gain in popularity over the last 10 years has led growers to increasingly overcrop (so they can sell more grapes or wine), leading to thinner, less concentrated wines.
Red State Update: Ron Paul vs. the Loch Ness Monster
QuickTime iTunes's got a new Red State Update every Tuesday. Watch it first on Video Dog!
ron paul, loch ness monster, nessie, libertarian, red state update, youtube
Red State Update: Bush Meets Pope
Jackie and Dunlap on Bush and the Pope, what Jesus would wear, and Daddy Bush crying all the time.
QuickTime iTunes
bush, vatican, pope, catholics, red state update, youtube
Bush's Self-Destruction

This character trait is also going to be his downfall. The American people have made it clear that they do not want the so called "immigration reform bill" foisted up them. It is bad for America. It does not address a growing problem in the right way.
In Iraq, we fight regardless of the continued attacks against us. In America, we are waiving the white flag by giving "amnesty" to 12 million illegal immigrants.
Look, I have no problem with people coming here to make a better life, but there must be a system in place that monitors and manages who gets in and when. As it stands, we don't know who or what is coming into this country. We have an open border that has increased our crime rate, gang activity, hit-and-run automobile accidents, welfare roles, and more.
Many people come here to work and make a good life. That is how this country was founded and how it grew. But there are too many who are coming here to make a life of crime or live off of our government's generosity. That is why we need a system. Weed out the bad, allow in the good.
So what do we do with the 12 million illegal immigrants who are here? Apply the same system to them. If they've held a steady job for at least a year, the give them a work visa and let them stay for another couple of years. If they don't have a steady job or have been convicted of ANY crime, it's hasta la vista, baby to the point of no return. Oh, and their family goes with them, too. Back in Biblical times if a person broke a law that was punishable by death, the whole family got the axe just to get rid of the bad DNA.
I just read today that Bush is going to push for passage of this immigration reform bill in spite of what the American people want. With this he will create a legacy that no American president would want.
From the article: In numerous cases, county and city law enforcement agencies released offenders with existing criminal histories—including serious weapons and drug charges—who had been previously arrested without notifying the Department of Homeland Security to begin deportation proceedings.
The rest of the article can be viewed here.
The list of cities mentioned includes the usual liberal-town suspects. Notice the brand of liberalism we see paraded today which portrays itself as the fulfillment of enlightenment and tolerance always leaves a bad stench in its wake. That's because it offers a false justice and a false mercy that is based on nothing more than the fashions of the day. It is a cheap imitation of what true justice and mercy are all about and based on nothing more than shifting sand and the foolish notions of mere men trying to be gods.
But even further than the insufferable primping and posturing of self-serving politicians crowing about their "convictions" regarding the poor notice that these same cities are bastions of the Democratic party. The so-called party of the little guy and the "oppressed" masses. This is pure political theatre played for the press. I submit that the real reason these politicians refuse to cooperate with Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) is that their party bosses and fat cat contributors TELL THEM NOT TO enforce these laws when they come across illegal aliens. These bosses and fat cats would rather have the low cost labor illegal aliens bring so they can work on their construction projects, manicure the lawn around their homes and country clubs, pick their fruits and vegetables and bring them their coffee and paper in the morning. So what, they reason if some of the illegals commit crimes and destroy the quality of life around THEIR neighborhoods, I want the cheap labor so I don't have to pay out all that money in social security and other federal taxes that it would cost me to employ legal American citizens to do my work for me. This entire farce will continue as long as the Federal Government pays out money to these cities to enforce immigration laws which they have no intention of ever enforcing on the local level. The local politicos have no motivation to comply with Federal Law since the source of their funding is never threatened. The end result is that crime goes up in these communities while the politicians keep seeing their coffers enriched.
If you have people at the Federal level who will stop funding and subsidies for these wayward cities because of their non-enforcement of Federal Law then you will see a sudden interest at the local level for the apprehension, detention, prosecution and deportation of criminal illegal aliens in these same cities. Without that the local politicians have the best of both worlds, good press and no accountability to anyone.
2004 Alto Moncayo "VERATON" (Campo de Borja, Spain)
2005 Gallo Family PINOT NOIR "Sonoma Reserve" (Sonoma County, California)
2005 Artazuri GARNACHA (Navarra, Spain)
2005 Alfred Merkelbach Kinheimer Rosenberg RIESLING Kabinett (Mosel, Germany)
Red State Update: In and Out Like Paris Hilton (not porn)
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Red State Update: Fred Thompson vs. Jackie Broyles
Is Fred Thompson running for president? Dunlap goes through his closet, pulls out all the skeletons, stacks them, packs them, and also racks them. Plus... Jackie has been doing some soul-searching, and makes a big announcement regarding the 2008 election! now brings you a new Red State Update every Tuesday. Watch it first at Video Dog.
fred thompson, president, 2008, red state update,, john edwards
Red State Update: Night at the Creation Museum
Jackie and Dunlap on Kentucky's new Creation Museum, the new Billy Graham library, and Murfreesboro's own Bible Park. Plus, a sneak peek at the new Ben Stiller comedy "Night at the Creation Museum".
QuickTime iTunes
creation museum, evolution, creationism, science, christianity , red state update, billy graham, bible park, murfreesboro, atheism, night at the museum, chik-fil-a, answers in genesis
2004 Casa Castillo JUMILLA Monastrell (Spain)
Deep, saturated ruby garnet color. very deep-toned nose of scorched earth, and roasted fruit and meat. Massive in the mouth, with lots of very dark, black fruits, unsweetened dark chocolate, and iodine flavors. Some heat and a fair amount of tannin (not coarse) in the finish. The grapes were probably picked just a tad too ripe, resulting in a huge wine -- on the verge of being overly-extracted and overblown, but still pretty good in a unique way. 85. Was about $12 at Spec's on Richmond.
2005 Verget du Sud Grenache-Cabernet Sauvignon "Endes" (Southern France)
Blog Archive
- Glasgow Airport; Terrorist Attack
- Hospital evacuated because of burned terrorist
- Twenty-six Iranian-linked terrorists killed in Bag...
- Amnesty: Good For America?
- SUV on fire rammed into Glasgow Airport Terminal
- Fairness Doctrine: What's Fair About It?
- A Different Border Fence Project
- Amnesty Bill Gets Deported
- Bush faces Republican Mutiny
- 2005 CARRIL DE COTOS (Tierra de Castilla, Spain)
- 2004 Ercavio TEMPRANILLO Roble (Tierra de Castilla...
- 1 + 1 = 3 CABERNET SAUVIGNON ROSE (Penedes, Spain)
- Senate Votes to Advance Amnesty Bill
- Arrogant GOP'ers Alienating Base
- SF's Gavin Newsom battles the bottled water cartel
- National Lampoon's 72 Virgins
- 2001 Marchesi di Barolo BAROLO (Piemonte, Italy)
- 2005 Peachy Canyon "Westside" ZINFANDEL (Paso Robl...
- Red State Update: Ron Paul vs. the Loch Ness Monster
- Red State Update: Bush Meets Pope
- Bush's Self-Destruction
- Judicial Watch has a post up about self-described ...
- 2004 Alto Moncayo "VERATON" (Campo de Borja, Spain)
- 2005 Gallo Family PINOT NOIR "Sonoma Reserve" (Son...
- 2005 Artazuri GARNACHA (Navarra, Spain)
- 2005 Alfred Merkelbach Kinheimer Rosenberg RIESLIN...
- Red State Update: In and Out Like Paris Hilton (no...
- Destroying rocket launchers near Sadr City
- Red State Update: Fred Thompson vs. Jackie Broyles
- Red State Update: Night at the Creation Museum
- 2004 Casa Castillo JUMILLA Monastrell (Spain)
- 2005 Verget du Sud Grenache-Cabernet Sauvignon "En...