Hospital evacuated because of burned terrorist

Little Green Footballs reports that the terrorist who was burned while trying to drive a green SUV into the main Glasgow Airport terminal was found to have been wearing some sort of a vest. The Royal Alexandria Hospital where the terrorist was taken was evacuated as a precaution against the slimeball being able to detonate and send his sorry a-- to Allah.

The vest was removed and blown up in a controlled explosion. Little Green Footballs relates that school let out for the summer vacation in Scotland and there were many school children with their families at the Airport at the time of the attack. Nice huh? These vermin were trying to target families with children going on their holiday. There's a special place in Hell for guys that do this kind of stuff. Methinks that the cockroaches that belong to this loser's terrorist cell are scurrying about right now trying to find familiar hiding places for themselves under greasy kitchen stoves and warm cozy sewers in an attempt to avoid the long arm of the law.

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