Some Legislation Dies, Others Live On--WHY?

The Republicans seem to have the common sense at the last minute to pull back legislation such as ANWAR, but the Judiciary Committee passes on a 5-4 vote to let anti-gay legislation pass through (i.e. the right to marriage equality).

Sen. Arlen Specter said that even though he opposes the measure he was voting for it to get it out of committee. I'm still trying to make sense out of that one.

You would think that Republicans would have learned something from the stupidity of Schwarzeneger's homophobic "girly-men" comments and refusal to acknowledge ANY legislation for the large gay California constituency (didn't even TALK to them!). Bloomberg won back NY and I don't recall him making nasty comments about gays or actively trying to relegate them to the dark ages.

The only logic I can see with Specter bringing this out of committee (and it's heartening that it BARELY got out of committee) is that he KNOWS it will DIE a miserable death. With the Republicans weak, this is prime time to let this legislation die again. It could also show how shallow, hateful, and narrow-minded the Republicans (and some Democrats) are. If these representatives have ANY common sense, they won't vote for discrimination of Americans and they certainly won't do it when they want to get re-elected.

They should see what happens to the hatemongers and the results of their elections. A smart representative will stand on the side of justice and fairness. It's time to call our elected officials on this. To tell them, we won't vote for someone who votes for discrimination.

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