Baptists vote on gays in member churches

Let me say this up front and VERY clear:

I have no problem with churches speaking their mind and being as hateful and bigoted as they want to be, okay?

What chaps my ass is that churces are so BOLD as to go BLATANTLY against Biblical teachings of outreach and preaching to the world! Jesus preached to the lepers and the adulterers. He even ate dinner with them! Yet, here is a state Baptist association that wants to vote on kicking out member churches that have accept gay congregants.

Didn't these people ever consider how they were going to preach the Gospel to the supposedly "stray sheep" if they didn't even allow them through the doors of their church?

There's an old saying in the South: You can draw more bees with honey than with vinegar.

Maybe if they stop being so sour and mean, they'd get better response from those they are trying to "convert." What a novel concept!!!

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