Happy Thanksgiving Day?

Focus on the Family wants to make sure that New Yorkers don't have a "Happy" Thanksgiving Day, at least in a "gay" way.

Instead of spending time with their own families (since they are SOOOOO family values-oriented, you know) on Thanksgiving, they would rather spend that precious family time pelting New Yorkers at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with anti-tolerance ad campaign.

Focus on the Family has announced plans to distribute 5,000 balls during Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to promote a website it operates that claims homosexuality is a disorder that can be changed through faith.

The balls - called "stress balls" are part of a major effort by FOF reach a wider audience during the holidays. Each ball carries the name of its advice site http://www.troubledwith.com. The Web site also carries faith-based advice on topics ranging from eating disorders to depression.

The balls will be tossed out by volunteers along the route and is not part of the official parade. Because they will be on public property there is little Macy's can do.

Last week the Colorado-Springs-based FOF began running ads on the giant electronic billboard in Times Square, and on Monday, it launched ads on "Dr. Phil" and "The Oprah Winfrey Show" on New York television stations.

This ad campaign is not an accident though.

The conservative ministry appears to be in a desperate search for new, younger followers to tune in to the radio show by Focus founder James Dobson. Web site creator Steve Watters told the Associated Press that the number of listeners has not been growing in recent years and that most people who call for help are in their late 40s.

These folks just need to get a life! What is it with this perpetual need to ruin perfectly happy events? Seriously, whatever happened to spending quality time with your OWN family? When people spend this much time worrying about other people's families and personal lives, they are surely neglecting their own and are bound to get a BIG bite in the ass one of these days.

FOCUS ON YOUR OWN DAMN FAMILY, DOBSON!!! (or at least go pick on another cartoon character)

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