Ron Williams Calls for Government Defunding of NPR

Having momentary reservations about airline passengers who appear to, “identify first and foremost as Muslims” as Juan Williams confided on The O’Reilly Factor last Tuesday, is a thoughtcrime according to NPR-National Politically Correct Radio. That sort of crimethink is especially heinous if the person harboring the notion is associated with a state sponsored media outlet like NPR. Williams admitted to Bill O'Reilly, (PC Radio Inc.'s nemesis), "When I get on a plane and I see people who are in Muslim garb, and I think you know, they're identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims. I get worried. I get nervous." Williams also quoted the Times Square bomber who said in court last week, "the war with Muslims, America's war is just beginning. The first drop of blood. I don't think there's any way to get away from these facts."

Here is the segment that offended the oh-so-sensitive shills at NPR:

In the wake of the fallout generated by his ouster by government subsidized radio for the politically correct, Juan Williams told ABC's George Stephanopolus, "I always thought the right wing were the ones who were inflexible and intolerant. And now I've come to realize that the orthodoxy at NPR, if it's representing the left is just unbelievable to me. Especially for me as a black man. To say something if it's out of the box they find it very difficult. I think that they were looking for a way to get rid of me, that I was talking to the likes of Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity."

About NPR's attitude toward Fox News Williams spills, "I knew about their antagonism towards Fox. I knew they didn't like it....This current group (of managers) was getting really vicious and as I say, personal in terms of their animus. So I had a sense that they were, you know, looking for something."

While NPR continues to look for things to throw at Williams in the wake of his banishment, the outspoken author and social commentator has lent his voice to those calling for defunding of the decades-old drain on the public treasury. Regarding the taxpayer funded encumberance, The Daily Caller provides the latest narrative of Williams' message on Friday, when he told Fox and Friends, “If they want to compete in the marketplace, they should compete in the marketplace,...They don’t need public funds. I think that they should go out there. They think their product is so great, go out and sell the product.” - Indeed. Perhaps offering members novel fundraising products like, NPR lettuce wraps served up with tofu, soybeans and fresh regula would do the trick. (Naturally packaged in biodegradable containers of course)

Meanwhile, the 'bigs' back at the old NPR corral are really, really sorry. You just don't know how sorry they are. In an internal memo sent on behalf of NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller and later obtained by Fox News, Schiller apologized for the embarasment and inconvenience the Williams Kerfuffle has brought to NPR associates. In the memo, Schiller elaborated on a whole litany of pecadillos she says were committed by Williams, while he was tenured at NPR and painted a picture of the former commentator as an habitual problem employee. In all of the hubub generated by Williams ouster, the NPR President and CEO did have one regret, "We’re profoundly sorry that this happened during fundraising week." wrote Schiller.

Yes, a taxpayer subsidized organization, playing the role of poseur for free speech, the fifth estate and the advocacy of 'human rights,' summarily firing a high profile commentator and civil rights advocate like Williams, would tend to have a downward effect on NPR's seasonal, 'hit up the rubes for more money campaign.'

Noted Journalist and commentator Michelle Malkin weighs in on defunding NPR in the wake of its latest outrage when she quotes one of the nation's founders.

Thomas Jefferson famously opined: “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” NPR and PBS have no problem raising money from corporations and left-wing philanthropists, including billionaire George Soros, whose Open Society Institute just gave $1.8 million to pay for at least 100 journalists at NPR member radio stations in all 50 states over the next three years.

Not one more red cent of public money should go to NPR, PBS and CPB. Let the speech-squelching progressives and jihadi-whitewashing apologists pay for their own propaganda.

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