Bill O'Reilly and Juan Williams Talk About Williams' Firing at NPR

Great segment between the two men who are often at loggerheads with one another politically. After the outrage committed against him by NPR-National Politically Correct Radio, Juan Williams' stock has gone way up in my book.

Earlier in the day NPR CEO Vivian Schiller appeared before the media to address the organization's decision to fire Williams.

"We expect anyone who appears on our air either as a journalist or as a news analyst to conduct themselves according to our journalistic rules of ethics, wherever they may be. There have been several incidences where Juan has strayed from that line," continued Ms. Schiller, and we've had discussions with him. we've asked him to not do it again. This is not the first time quite honestly....his integrity as a news analyst has been undermined by the fact that he has expressed these very divisive views. This is not a reflection on his comments....Juan feels the way he feels that is not for me to pass judgement on. His feelings that he expressed on Fox News are really between him and his, you know, between he and his psycharist or his publicist or take your pick."

By off'handedly tossing out a comment like that, Ms. Schiller was implying that Juan Williams is either emotionally unstable and in need of psychiatric therapy, or is presently under the care of a psychiatrist. With this apparent violation of NPR's "rules of ethics" for journalists and news analysts, should Ms. Schiller in turn fire herself?

Andrew Breitbart comments: "Vivian Schiller describes Juan Williams' statement as 'very divisive views' and then says that they are 'not for me to pass judgement on'. How can she call his views divisive and at the same time not pass judgement on them?"

On the topic of journalistic "rules of ethics" the Washington Examiner found a 1995 segment where the NPR legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg tells the host of PBS's Inside Washington that Helms, "ought to be worried about what is going on in the 'Good Lord's' mind, because if there's retributive justice he'll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it.” Ms. Totenberg did not lose her job after making such heinous comments in a clear violation of NPR's purported "rules of ethics" for journalists and news analysts.

After worrying about what must be going on in the minds of her listeners and donors to NPR after making her 'psychiatrist' remark in connection to Juan Williams, Ms. Schiller had an apparent 'epiphany' and proverbial 'come to Jesus moment', when she issued this apology on NPR's blogsite, but not to Juan Williams personally.

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