Video Shows Wellesley, MA 6th Graders Bowing to Allah on Public School Field Trip

Nothing to see here folks. It's just your average, everyday, non-muslim 6th graders from a Wellesley, Massachusetts public school, encouraged to offer up prayers to Allah while on a Social Studies field trip. The videographer comments that none of the chaperones or teachers accompanying students on the field trip voiced a single objection. Not so much as one peep came out of the sheeple about the "separation of Church and State", much less, separation of Mosque and State during this gathering. Can you imagine the howls of protest that would have greeted the ears of organizers had students visited the local Baptist, Presbyterian or Charismatic Christian church and participated in one of their worship services? This proves once again that in the minds of liberals, all Faiths are equal; but some Faiths are more equal than others.

Americans for Peace and Tolerance posts an article about the trip on Big Peace.

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