I began reading the speech that B. Hussein O. delivered to the “Muslim World” with some trepidation. The propensity for this man on foreign soil has been to blame their problems on the United States or the West in general. It didn’t take long for my fears to be met. How does BHO explain the problems of the Islamic world? Two paragraphs in he said:
“…tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam.”
So colonialism (which the United States NEVER engaged in), which raised many of these countries out of the dust of the Middle Ages, a Cold War (which we did engage in, but the purpose was to defeat communism, not keep Islamic countries down-trodden) and our own success are why the West is “hostile to Islam?”

He continues: “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles — principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” OK, Obama, show me the common principles between the Judeo-Christian ethic of ALL individuals being equal and Sharia law. Show me the progress of how women are treated in these countries with “tolerance and dignity.” The two traditions could not be further apart…this is ignorance or purposeful blindness.

Here’s another stem-winder: “And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.” Tell that to the Christians living in Muslim countries:
In Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country and one traditionally renowned for its religious toleration, terrorists bombed churches in 18 cities, killing scores and wounding hundreds. Violence against the Christian minority has steadily continued over the past decade." As an example, he cited the beheadings of three Christian teenage girls in Sulawesi in late October. International Christian Concern's Jeff King brought photos of the incident; the girls' heads were left at a church, each with a note that vowed, "We will murder 100 more Christian teenagers and their heads will be presented as presents."

In Egypt Christians are treated as "second-class citizens" under state-sponsored discrimination and actively persecuted by Islamic militants apart from the government. He cited the week-long riot in October against St. George's Coptic Church in Alexandria by a 10,000-strong mob incensed by rumors of blasphemy.

Christians face repression in Iran. Tehran's tyrannical President Ahmadinejad met with 30 provincial governors and reportedly declared, "I will stop Christianity in this country," avowing to shut down the country's growing house-church movement.

In Saudi Arabia, Christians, a large percentage of the foreign workers making up a quarter of the population, will not be able to find any churches whatsoever to worship in. Churches are forbidden. Dozens of those who pray together in private houses were arrested and jailed earlier this year. This fanatically intolerant kingdom even forbids Muslims, under threat of death, to wish a Christian "Happy Holidays," much less "Merry Christmas." (Source: Center or Religious Freedom)

Continuing, BHO asserts that there are “almost 7 million Muslims living in the United States…” Pew Research puts the number at 2.4 million in 2007 – have almost 5 million immigrated since then? The only source that puts the number that high is the terrorist connected Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), dutifully repeated by Newsweek.

In discussing the "war on violent extremism," Obama actually does a pretty good job of defending why we went into Afghanistan (and are still there) I read that section of the speech I thought he was actually "getting it," and just changing the vernacular. But then he wrapped up that part with this doozy: "The enduring faith of over a billion people is so much bigger than the narrow hatred of a few. Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism — it is an important part of promoting peace." Islam IS part of the problem and until moderates and sane members of their religion start policing from within and root out the insane murdering huns that have overpowered their faith, there can be no peace.

BHO muddles into Iraq with this campaignspeak: "Let me also address the issue of Iraq. Unlike Afghanistan, Iraq was a war of choice that provoked strong differences in my country and around the world." Iraq was a lot of things, many of them wrong, but to call it a "war of choice," as if we sat around and played Eenie, meanie, minie, mo and "chose" Iraq" is irresponsible and damn near traitorous. We "chose" Iraq because Saddam had violated every UN resolution ever passed and was thought to have WMD's. EVERYONE thought he did - whether he got them out and into the Bakaa Valley we may never know, but post-facto denial...should we call it "Pelosification," is a disease rampant among the left.

He wraps up the "foreign wars" section with this: "So America will defend itself, respectful of the sovereignty of nations and the rule of law. And we will do so in partnership with Muslim communities which are also threatened." This might have been a good place to have mentioned that almost EVERY engagement we have fought in the last twenty years has been to help Muslims. Bosnia? Help Muslims against Christian Serbs. Kosovo? Ditto. Afghanistan? Liberate mainstream Muslims from fanatical Huns. Iraq? Liberate Muslims from a fanatical oppressive regime. How about a little "cred" on the "Muslim Street," Barry?

The next section of his speech dealt with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It's the usual call for two states. It's really a "blah blah" part of the speech in that it repeats the usual mantra for peace that all sides have ignored: Arabs have to recognize Israel (tell that to the Saudis and the Iranians); Hamas has to play nice; Israel has to stop building. The symbology of this whole trip is such an afront to Israel that his line about our bond with the Israelis being "unbreakable" rings a little hollow. Here's what the Israelis think:
These posters appeared yesterday all over the country after a massive protest at the U.S. Embassy. These folks see past the empty rhetoric and three-second teleprompting head swing. Anyhoo - BHO has now solved the misunderstanding over our military presence in the Middle East, brought peace and purple unicorns to the Arab-Israeli conflict, cured the common cold...what's next? Oh, that nagging nuclear situation.

Well, here's the first part of the history lesson: "For many years, Iran has defined itself in part by its opposition to my country, and there is in fact a tumultuous history between us. In the middle of the Cold War, the United States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government. Since the Islamic Revolution, Iran has played a role in acts of hostage-taking and violence against U.S. troops and civilians." First, the 1953 Coup was conducted to prevent the nationalization of the British and American oil companies operating in Iran. By today's standards, boorish behavior. It was also a defensive move to present the Soviets from either allying or taking Iran by force. But the reasons for the coup are far more complex than BHO lets on - let alone the fact that the Muslim clerics in Iran strongly supported the coup! Further, the "Islamic Revolution" was allowed to proceed, in large part because of the acquiescence of Jimmy Carter and his active engagement in forcing the Shah from power. Only in "History for Dummies" can you get such a boiled down, audience pleasing summary of what happened. It wasn't just simple old misunderstanding and "hostage taking," it was the seizing of an Embassy! The very fabric of diplomacy was ripped asunder by the Iranian the son of a diplomat who grew up overseas, what happened in Tehran is extremely close to Rumbler's heart. From that point forward, EVERY U.S. diplomat has had a target on them. Writing it off as bad behavior does nothing to restore diplomacy or trust.

BHO wraps up Iranian relations by asserting that they have the right to peaceful nuclear power...two questions: first, why did they turn down repeated offers by member nations of the EU and Russia to provide nuclear fuel for peaceful reactors AND two, Barry - if they get nuclear power, can we? Sure would be a lot more efficient than the windmills!

The next chapter is about democracy in the Middle East. BHO says that Americans like democracy and respect democratically elected leaders, especially those that don't abuse their population...wonder if economic abuse counts? He SAYS these things having just left Saudi Arabia, one of the most viciously oppressive monarchies in the world and while standing in Egypt, one of the most viciously oppressive regimes in the world. Talk is cheap. I'm not sure what he could have said, to be honest, but why bother to bring it up? They are not going to change because of a few sentences on the teleprompter. If you are going to bring it up, back it up. Call out the regimes - talk about Christians and women in Saudi, talk about Jews and Christians in Egypt.

He circles back to religious tolerance in the next volume. With this nice juxtaposition: " Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition." I get it! Islam good, Catholics bad! Never mind that the Inquisition was over 500 years ago and that Catholics have progressed out of that awful time to true tolerance while Islam has gone straight back to before the Dark Ages. And Barry, check your history, the coexistance in Andalusia and Cordoba was tolerated bacause the Christians and Jews paid the tax dictated by the Koran.

In chapter six he brushes over women's rights. He rightfully points out the countries that have elected women to high office, but why not call out those that treat women like, say, Saudi Arabia or Egypt? But all of this is prelude to the concluding act in our drama: the goodie bag!!

So, for having to sit through this 6,000 word scrabble, what do the gangs in the crowd get? Obama's list includes:
  • Expanded exchange programs for Muslim students.
  • A new "corps of business volunteers to partner with counterparts in Muslim-majority countries."
  • A Summit on Entrepreneurship...gotta have one of those.
  • A "new fund to support technological development in Muslim-majority countries."
  • A bunch of "centers of scientific excellence in Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia."
  • Umm, they're getting what we're supposedly getting: "programs that develop new sources of energy, create green jobs, digitize records, clean water, grow new crops."
  • And we're going to eliminate polio and get better healthcare for women and children in Muslim countries.
Whew! I'm guessing the audience was a little disappointed. This is usually where Barry tells them how much cash he's going to spend. But sounds like they will get a rich new source of bomb targets and kidnap victims. Sorry to be so cynical, I want all God's children to get along as much as the next guy. And, I firmly believe that the one common thread to all humanity is the wish that our children have a better world than the one we grew up in. Sadly though, there is a group of "humans" centered in the Muslim world that want to strap bomb vests on their children and send them in to kill Jews, Christians and Americans. As Golda Meir said so plaintively almost fifty years ago: " We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."

A truly bold speech would have called on Arabs to stop suicide bombings and terrorist plots. Put in some salve for scientific advancement and algebra, but point out the FACT that change has to come from within their world. We can't impose it on them or buy it for them. Until that happens, it's just words.

Rumble on!

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