"You Got A Dijon Mustard Or Something Like That?" Says Obama At Ray's Hell Burger Diner

You want cottage fries to go with that order Mr. President? Just a couple of working stiffs, that's our Prez and V.P. Joe Biden. The One dropped by an Arlington, Virginia burger joint with the Veep in tow to sample some of the local cuisine.

No word on whether the Vice President took the subway to get to the diner. Mr. Vice-President, to get there off the D.C. Metro, take the Orange Line to Courthouse. Here's a schedule.

Says ieatdc of this ground-breaking event; chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp:News! Ray's Hell-Burger--Still Delicious.

For those leary of taking public transit during Swine Flu Panic Week, the Veep has some sage advice.

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