
Summer is almost upon us and here in the mid-South, the humidity and heat can make life pretty uncomfortable. Better to lay in, keep the shades drawn and run that megawatt draining AC all day. It also is a time of wonder - beans sprouting in the garden, the first trips to the pool and the lake, the beginning of summer vacation for the kids and all the adventure that two-and-a-half months of languor can muster.

The analogy of this season and the current state of conservative politics is apt. There are many on the right who have lost their heart for the fight and have drawn the intellectual shades tightly, afraid to speak out on any subject from the insane overspending to milk-toast diplomacy and it's by products for fear of being branded "racists, bigots, homophobes!!" "You had your chance," the Looney Left shrieks,"now we have to fix all the evil done by the incompetent boob, Booosh!!" You know, these people:

Then there are those of us on the right who view this as our time of wonder, a chance to start afresh, perhaps clean house, but certainly not to give up the intellectual fight. So let's lay some issues out there and see where our journey leads.

1. Boosh!! The Bush legacy will, I believe, in the long run be very mixed. The single largest component of it is that he performed his Constitutional obligation to "protect and defend" superlatively. The Left knows this and thus has to nibble at the edges and attempt to degrade this assessment with oft-repeated mantras of "torture," "Abu Ghraib," "no blood for oil" and the like. On each of these, many of our conservative warriors surrendered the premise without a whimper. And this is wrong. EVEN if you concede that water boarding is "torture," which I do not, it was used on three subjects and valuable, life-saving intelligence was gained. Obama knows this and for that reason will not release the memos documenting what was learned. Fortunately, our voice in the wilderness, Dick Cheney has been on point on this matter and his service is invaluable. Abu Ghraib is a pointless canard - the real story is how swiftly the perps were dealt with and the silliness stopped.

It is also a canard to suggest that we invaded Iraq and therefore the Taliban got stronger and Usama Bin Laden escaped etc. etc. The simple, irrefutable fact is that Presidents and decision makers act on intelligence that never can provide a complete picture. There was ample evidence that WMD's were being produced, we know Sadam had a history of using them, and we were dealing with a post-9/11 world where action to prevent catastrophe was at a premium. We may never know whether the WMD's did, in fact, exist. There was ample time and plenty of willing accomplices in Syria and Iran to see to it that the stuff got out. But even if they did not exist, the assessment was there (and was shared by all the top Democrats) that Sadam was a clear and present danger. More mistakes were made in the aftermath of the invasion than in the decision to invade and many of those were costly and dumb: dismantling the Iraqi military probably tops the list.

The other great triumph of the Bush years, in my view, was the appointment of Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Sam Allito. As we watch the appointment of Sotomayor unfold, it is somewhat of a relief to note that we still have the intellectual firepower on the bench of Roberts, Allito, Scalia and Thomas.

The largest failures for Bush were on the domestic side. A quick list would include:

a) passage of an all new entitlement program without doing anything to address the impending disasters of all the entitlement programs already in place.
b) failure to make a more compelling case to stop the Fannie and Freddie debacle.
c) the 11th hour panic that got the ball rolling on "stimulus spending." We need to be honest, Bush opened the door and Obama has driven a truck through it.

In his heart, I think Bush was a genuinely compassionate president. Like all politicians he wanted to be liked and he carried some of his father's baggage about "compassionate conservatism." He wanted to somehow prove that conservatism wasn't mean...he surrendered the fundamental premise and paid dearly for it. Conservatism is not about being "nice" or "mean," it's about freedom. It is about trusting people to do the right thing and allowing them the freedom to do it. Quite the converse to what we are dealing with in the halls of power now.

It is time to retire Bush and restore conservativism to its proper place in social policy, in foreign affairs and in economic policy.

2. Where to turn? Where is the leader? I had an interesting note exchange with a friend the other day who lamented that there is no standard bearer, no leader for the Republican party. I confess, I have a hard time calling myself a Republican given the liberal behavior of these last few years, but we'll run with it. The interesting thing is that if you get past Obama and his teleprompter, the picture on the Democrat side is far worse! Joe Biden? Nancy Pelosi? Harry Reid? Barbara Boxer? Barney Frank? Chris Dodd? WTF? WTFF?? Frankly, until we restore our philosophic principles and core values, it might be best for there not to be a leader. Anyone who rises to the surface would be destroyed right now...time is on our side. Certainly Newt Gingrich has shown himself to be an innovative thought provoker and I have little doubt that he is going to run...and there are others out there. Jindal and Palin are often mentioned, but the MSM has been busy trying to discredit them even though both their executive records are proving to be quite impressive. No, I think someone new and fresh will emerge between now and 2012. One thing the Republicans have GOT to get over is this sense that they have to select a candidate based on race, gender, ethnic group etc. Leave that business to the Democrats and the Left - they are the ones that judge people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.

3. Where can we dig in? Obama and his community organizers are a mighty wave right now. They are pushing through the most radical, economically destructive agenda in the history of the Republic. The Kos kids used to foam at the mouth about Boosh's destruction of the Constitution yet they lovingly fall silent over this fantastic power grab. Nationalize the auto industry? Where is that in the Constitution? Take over and dictate terms to the banks? Which Article is that under? Nationalize Healthcare? Which clause covers this? Appoint a racist judge to the Supreme Court? Why not - justice SHOULD empathize with the race/background/orientation of the defendant and adjust the rulings accordingly. This is the ennui part I mentioned earlier - you don't have to be a conservative, liberal, libertarian...you just have to have a brain and be able to read the Constitution and you should be outraged! I mean, it's gotten so bad that even Pravda is warning us that we are rocketing into Marxism!

The guy has been a whirling dervish of activity making it hard to pick a place to fight. But we need look no further than a few years ago for guidance. Pull up Ronald Reagan's First Inaugural Address and sit back for a heapin' helpin of some wisdom - and some very useful quotes:

  • "You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation?"
  • "It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the Federal establishment and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the States or to the people. All of us need to be reminded that the Federal Government did not create the States; the States created the Federal Government."
  • "It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government."
  • " I am told that tens of thousands of prayer meetings are being held on this day, and for that I am deeply grateful. We are a nation under God, and I believe God intended for us to be free. It would be fitting and good, I think, if on each Inauguration Day in future years it should be declared a day of prayer."
  • " To those neighbors and allies who share our freedom, we will strengthen our historic ties and assure them of our support and firm commitment. We will match loyalty with loyalty. We will strive for mutually beneficial relations. We will not use our friendship to impose on their sovereignty, for our own sovereignty is not for sale."
  • "As for the enemies of freedom, those who are potential adversaries, they will be reminded that peace is the highest aspiration of the American people. We will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it; we will not surrender for it—now or ever."
These six points cover the gist of a conservative philosophy that is appealing to all regardless of race, color or creed:

  1. You can't spend your way out of debt. Debt is enslaving, we prefer freedom.
  2. As it says in the Constitution, Amendment X: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." The Federal Government's expansion is enslaving, we prefer freedom.
  3. Other than the military, name one thing the Government does well....speechless? Then why do we want them involved in everything? If you want a healthcare system that imposes solutions like the DOT, vote Democrat...we prefer freedom.
  4. There is a fitting place for religion in the public square. We will never establish a state religion, but to allow enduring and ennobling principles to be part of our navigation is desirable. The censorship and thought control of the left is enslaving, we prefer freedom.
  5. We take care of our friends...we protect free peoples because we prefer freedom.
  6. As the Marines say, "no greater friend, no worse enemy." Don't threaten our freedom.

Obviously I am picking out a theme here...and it is one that should be very appealing to all age groups: FREEDOM!

I am sure Obama looks at those humble Scots and sees the good folks of Western Pennsylvania...but it is a testament to what free men can do.

These guiding principles should be crafted into a more manageable message that is easily understood and can be repeated tirelessly - not into the robotic mind numbing "yes we can" lunacy, but as bulwarks to sally forth from and to start the turning of the tide.

Each of these points has enormous policy implications. On the economic front, for example, the subtleties of tax policy are vast. I am not proposing a simplistic conservatism, just establishing some base-line principles that are easily understood. But these guiding principles when bounced up against the expanding blob of the Obama government are refreshing and enervating.

Case in point - the sad demise of General Motors. Tomorrow morning at 8 AM, GM will go "four paws up" and enter bankruptcy. Volumes could be written about how it got to this point with ample blame for Federal policies, Union intransigence and just plain bad management at the core. But there NEVER was a place for the government at this table. I want Charles Schwab as my broker, not Barack Obama! Failure is a natural result in capitalism and in a free market. But out of that "creative destruction," to borrow from Schumpeter, better things emerge. A post-bankruptcy GM that was free of onerous Union obligations and able to become more nimble with smaller companies building what the American consumer wants, would have been far better for Detroit than the government owned model will be. Being free means you are also free to fail. This whole program should be dragged into the Congress and picked apart for the shameless grab and reward program it is. Good place to start the fight.

Case in point - the appointment of Sotomayor. True, the Dems have the votes to get her installed, so be it. But a civil, non-personal evaluation of her judicial experience is warranted. Have her explain why she thinks one's background and sex necessarily create better judgments than someone else. This is what political correctness has wrought. The issue isn't that she's a Latina, just as it wasn't that Clarence Thomas was black - the issue is the philosophy of one who is about to get a permanent job. Good place to start the fight.

Case in point - the treatment of Israel and the pandering to Muslims. It would be a wonderful world if all God's creatures could just get along. But the real world isn't so, and right now, the number one threat to world peace is radical Islam. Rather than sucking up to them and begging for forgiveness, we should be encouraging them to moderate their own religion. When you are ready to stop acting like 5th Century barbarians, we can work with you. Until then, heal thyself first...we should stand strong on the principle that we are NOT the problem, they are. This is a fundamental difference between the progressive left and conservatism. The former looks at the USA as a bad player on the world stage, constantly seeking to oppress other people and build our "empire," and therefore we have to constantly purge ourselves on the world stage. The latter sees the US as a fundamentally good and decent place...flawed and in need of improvement, but with nothing to be ashamed of. Good place to start the fight.

Finally, the entire spectrum of foreign policy is wide open for attack. We have dissed our allies, made clumsy grasping overtures to bad actors giving them the distinct impression that the time has come for the mice to come out to play. Very good place to start the fight.

In all, conservatives should hold thier chins high and rejoin the battle with aplomb. History and common sense are on our side. Reagan was the "happy warrior," and that is the approach we should take. The grimness and "sky is falling" attitude is what defines the left - they live for the crisis of the moment, not because they want to solve the problems, but because every crisis is an opportunity to expand their power. Confident, up-beat and ready for a summer of fun is the attitude that emboldens me and, I hope, many more on the right side of the solutions that will be needed to repair the harm being done.

Rumble on!

Mr. Incredible vs Liberals

I'm always excited to hear about Hollywood celebrities who "lean right". Well, I just saw Craig T. Nelson (Poltergeist, Coach, The Incredibles) on Glenn Beck. He not only leans right, he leans way right.

Watch the clip below. Nelson is so tired of being taxed and his money wasted that he is threatening to stop paying taxes. He really attacks the bankrupt California state government and their wasteful ways.

Craig, thanks for standing up against government insanity. You are Mr. Incredible.


2007 La Quercia MONTEPULCIANO D'ABRUZZO (Central Italy)

This was a more modern-styled, but delicious, Montepulciano. Would pair well with lots of pasta and meat dishes.

Nearly saturated black ruby with vivid violet highlights. Deep and at the same time bright scents of ripe, tangy red and black berries and flinty minerals. Ripe, deep, and focused flavors of cherry and blackberry, with a clean minerals and balsa wood component. Gorgeous balance of ripeness and acidity. Not at all your typical rustic bruiser of a Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, nor is it like some of the innocuous cheaper Montepulcianos that have recently appeared on the market. 89. Was under $8.99 on sale at Whole Foods on Bellaire. Imported by Small Vineyards Discovery Wines.

2005 Gerard Valee ST. NICOLAS DE BOURGUEIL "Les Perruches" (Loire Valley, France)

This wine was loaded with character. Not for everyone, but very good!

Dark blackish garnet. Intense nose of walnut oil/machine oil, tree bark, and black cherry skins. Bone dry, yet with concentrated, razor-sharp, focused and low-toned flavors of dark minerals and dry blackberry extract, with a hint of iodine. Excellent length, with some substantial yet soft tannin to provide structure. 88. Was $21 direct from North Berkeley Imports. (Yes, there have been a lot of North Berkeley wines on the blog recently. Yes, I bought a mixed case from them and am working through it.)

2005 Domaine Michel Rey JULIENAS "Tres Vieilles Vignes" (Beaujolais, France)

Very good, old-school Beaujolais.

Light garnet ruby color. Tart, intense cherry fruit and stoney minerals on the nose. Tight cherry and stone flavors too, with great balance and a very refreshing quality to it. Nice concentration and focus. Would be very good with a wide variety of foods. 87. Was $21 directly from North Berkeley Imports.

2007 Terrazas de los Andes MALBEC (Mendoza, Argentina)

Pretty good Malbec, with this varietal's trademark coarseness pretty well in check.

Very dark, mulled ruby color. Lots of ripe, plummy-blackberry fruit in the nose, with a sweet, earthy/woody note. Rich, deep-toned flavors, nice ripeness, with lots of tannic structure, veering over only slightly to the coarse side. Would be very good with rich stews and braises, which would tend to smooth out the tannins. 87. Got this at Whole Foods on Bellaire, I think, for around $14.

Obama Picks A Candidate

President Obama selected Judge Sonia Sotomayor as his candidate for Supreme Court Justice.

Many people point to the fact that 3 of her 5 decisions that were heard by the Supreme Court (Out of 380 total rulings) were overturned by the Supreme Court. At first glance that seems like a valid point to go after. I actually disagree.

The Supreme court hears approximately 80 cases per year. With that known, how many cases would they hear that the Supreme Court would simply agree with the judge. Probably not very many. I would think that the reason the Supreme Court would take on a case is when they feel it should be overturned, or that there is reason to believe that it could be overturned. Therefore a high overturn rate would be normal. Unless some one informs me otherwise, that will be my opinion on that.

HOWEVER, I do think that she is not a good candidate for SCoTUS for two simple reasons. 1) Her controversial statements that she has said on record, and 2) The fact that she has been chastised multiple times.

Not All Great Military Leaders Make Great Politicians

Colin Powell was a great military leader and I respect him tremendously. However, his comments regarding the Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter, show that strong military leadership does not always translate well into the political arena.

To all of the Colin Powells, John McCains, and other naysayers who want to move the GOP to the left, why do we need two liberal parties? If the Dems already own the liberal agenda, why are you necessary?

Why do you continue to believe in the repeatedly disproven theory that moving the party left will somehow get you elected? That ship has sailed and sunk - more than once.

Can't you see what is really happening? As a Republican, you are reaching out to a bunch of big government liberals ("What can I get out of this?") who wouldn't vote for you if you were the reincarnation of FDR.

By reaching out to liberals and shunning your own, you are alienating your base who is disgusted with your complete lack of integrity. Until you learn that lesson you will be relegated to minority status.

Sotomayor: Left. Turn Left Again. One More Time.

Barack Obama is expected to nominate his first Supreme Court Justice today and insiders say the nominee will be Sonia Sotomayor. Sotomayor is not a centrist nor a moderate. She is a full-bore liberal who may believe that the federal bench has the responsibility and authority to make laws.

Republicans are already running from a filibuster because she is Hispanic to avoid alienating the rapidly growing Hispanic population. To the GOP: What will it take for you to have some convictions and integrity that exceed your lust for power? Stand up for what you believe in, do what is right and if you aren't re-elected, so be it.

One theory that has been lofted is to let Obama and the liberals run wild passing every socialist piece of legislation they can get through and filling the federal benches with their kind. Then, in 2010 and 2012, after Americans have seen the truth, conservatism will rise once again. However, letting these kamikaze pilots fly this country unimpeded could end up in a ball of flames.


Congrats to the TTU Baseball team who beat Jacksonville State 4-3 in 10 innings to win the OVC Tournament Championship. Their overall record this season was 30-22-1 (one tie from a game called after 5 innings due to rain).

This win qualifies them for an automatic bid into the NCAA Tournament next week.

Memorial Day - Freedom Isn't Free

A tribute to all who have served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

We will never forget.

Andrew Klavan: Unapologetic American

I want to encourage all of you to get a copy of the May 2009 Limbaugh Letter which has a fantastic interview with Andrew Klavan, a Hollywood scriptwriter and novelist. He has written movie scripts and books that have been made into movies such as One Missed Call, Don't Say A Word (Michael Douglas), True Crime (Clint Eastwood), and A Shock To The System (Michael Caine).

Andrew Klavan is currently working on The Last Thing I Remember, a young adult novel that is very politically incorrect. Pre-publishing reviews have elicited responses from liberals such as "jingoistic paranoid" and "rah-rah patriot." Jeanine Garafalo would probably it "redneck racist."

The novel is about a kid who is abducted by an organization of Islamic terrorists and American traitors who sympathize with them. I can't wait to read it and I hope it is made into a movie by someone who isn't a liberal. I know, that really narrows down the choices but there are conservative movie makers out there.

Please America, let's support Andrew Klavan. It is people like him who have an opportunity to help turn this country around and get it off the road of self-destruction.

Gingrich Responds To Pelosi Claim That CIA Lied To Her

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich called Nancy Pelosi's claim that the CIA lied to her and mislead the Congress of the United States the most despicable, dishonest and vicious political effort I've seen in my lifetime. She is a trivial politician, viciously using partisanship for the narrowist of purposes, and she dishonors the Congress by her behavior.

Gingrich added, Speaker Pelosi's the big loser, because she either comes across as incompetent, or dishonest. Those are the only two defenses The fact is she either didn't do her job, or she did do her job and she's now afraid to tell the truth. This is really, really dangerous, and it is going to get a lot of people killed, if we don’t call a halt to it.

Here are Newt's comments on SanFran Nan's latest convoluted version of the truth.

Nancy Pelosi's face looked particularly frozen yesterday as she accused the CIA of lying to her and misleading the U.S. Congress and of course added that Bush was misleading the Congress. Blink, Blink, Blink, go Nancy's eyes as she tries to dance around her knowledge and involvement in signing off on the enhanced interrogation techniques approved by members of the House Intelligence committee of which she was the ranking Democrat. Here is Nancy version 5.0 for your viewing pleasure. The segment of Nancy's taking heat from the D.C. Press Corps begins with ABC News Jonathan Karl asking You're accusing the CIA of lying to you?

Dana Milbank dishes about the 'Presser' that rapidly devolved into a fiasco for Madame Speaker.

NBC's Mike Viqueira was the first questioner. He asked if she had been "complicit" in the use of techniques such as waterboarding because her aide had been told that such techniques were in use.

"My statement is clear, and let me read it again. Let me read it again," she said. She looked for her statement. "I'm sorry, I have to find the page," she said. She read a few lines, then paused. "I'm sorry, I had the pages out of order." By now she had begun to employ her hands in the conversation, raising an index finger, circling her hands and finally moving both hands as if conducting an orchestra.

ABC's Jonathan Karl wanted to make sure he'd heard right. "You're accusing the CIA of lying to you?"

"Yes, misleading the Congress of the United States," Pelosi repeated. As she answered, she held a fist up, waved her index finger, formed her hand into an O, pushed her hair back, then resumed leading the orchestra. She appeared to have developed a case of dry mouth and was swallowing hard.

Now questions were being shouted from all around the room; Pelosi chose one from the back. Did she wish she had done more to object? "No, no, no, no, no, no," Pelosi said. "As I say in my statement," she repeated, looking down at her papers again.

You get the idea.


From Bloomberg.com;

“We can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” Obama said at a town-hall meeting in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, outside Albuquerque. “We have to pay interest on that debt, and that means we are mortgaging our children’s future with more and more debt.”

Really? Barrack Obama says that we are spending uncontrollably? NOOOOO! NEVER! Hey,why don't you try practicing what you preach, chump.

Barack Obama - Do as he says, not as he does.

Bill Miller Interview Podcast

There were 4 people who at one time or another were in the hauler. There was myself and Bill of course, then also, my dad was sitting in since he was at the races with me, and at one point Bill's wife came in for a minute. And no, the loud blurps are not farts. This was done in Bill's Hauler in the pits before the first round of qualifying on Saturday, and the funny cars were preparing to run, and were testing the engines. So, for everyone...enjoy!

Interview Link

Catholic TV: Vatican On The Verge Of Disinviting Obama From Notre Dame

Change is coming to South Bend, and I don't mean Barack Obama. Word is that the Vatican is on the verge of correcting the outrageous error that currently reigns over Notre Dame and disinvite the One who is the most pro-abortion president ever from giving the commencement address to the class of 2009 and receiving an honorary degree from the University.

Major H.T. to Gateway Pundit.

Miss California, Carrie Prejean: I Was Punished For Excercising My Free Speech

Good on you Carrie Prejean! Brains, Beauty and Bravery beat out the PC infused simplemindedness of sheeple everytime!

Miss California gets to keep her crown despite the hailstorm of invective hurled at her from the 21st Century Leftist Nazis!

The Donald was not fooled by the rhetoric or cowed by the agitation of PC simpletons like Perez Hilton. Hey Perez, if you don't play in the game, you can't judge the competition!

The Donald said, She gave an honorable answer. She gave an answer from her heart.

Miss California Maintains Control

This morning Donald Trump announced that Miss California, Carrie Prejean, would keep her crown. The Donald said Miss California shared her opinion on gay marriage with Barack Obama. Fabulous! Who can argue with that?

Here's a big fat raspberry to Perez Hilton, Keith Lewis, and all of the liberal media who did their best to destroy Miss Prejean. THHHHPPPPPPTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

You morons in the media didn't fool me one bit. Your agenda was clear - kill the conservative. Since she shares the opinion with Barack Obama, can you tell me why you haven't attempted to destroy him? Can you come up with a plausible explanation? (sound of crickets chirping) I didn't think so.

To be fair, I really should thank Hilton, Lewis, and the media. Your efforts have made Miss Prejean more powerful than she could have ever imagined. You have made her a household name. You have made her a rebel with a cause. For that, I am truly grateful.

Kind of reminds me of Star Wars when Ben Kenobi tells Darth Vader:
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Keep that in mind. When you attack someone who has pledged themselves to God, you better make sure you're not standing out in the open or underneath a tree.

RSSCM Award: Chris Matthews

It's been a while since I have seen something so egregious that I felt like it deserved an RSSCM award. Now I have.

I used to like Chris Matthews just a little. Over the past 2-3 years he has managed to erase that like completely and replace it with disdain. He is nothing more than a mouthpiece for liberalism and because he is a smart guy, he is able to deceive those who are not aware of his political agenda.

Matthews, like many other liberals, has already forgotten September 11. He has forgotten the 3,000 innocent Americans who were ruthlessly murdered by Islamic terrorists. He has forgotten the real threats from Al Qaeda and Islamic countries that support these terrorists. His own political agenda and his hatred of Bush/Cheney are more important to him than the security of Americans.

For this utter stupidity, Chris Matthews gets the RSCCM Silver Award.

H/T: HotAir

2005 Domaine de L'Espigouette COTES DU RHONE "Vieilles Vignes" (France)

A terrific, traditional styled Cotes du Rhone. Tastes like a baby Chateauneuf du Pape.

Black ruby color. Earthy, gravelly scents with spicy blackberry and raspberry fruit. Deep flavors of spicy, dark berries, earth, and iodine-tinged minerals. Lots of soft tannins and loads of minerals and herby-fruit in the long finish. 89. Good value at $15 at Spec's Outlet on Westheimer in Montrose. Imported by J et R Selections Mt. Pleasant, MI (an excellent importer specializing, I think, in Rhone wines).

2006 Willakenzie Estate "Pierre Leon" PINOT NOIR (Willamette Valley, Oregon)

Too much oak, too little concentration. At this price, I want some depth of fruit.

Black ruby with garnet highlights. Lots of high quality, toasty sweet oak, with sweet, earthy, caramelly scents. Sniffing carefully you can also pick up a little ripe, sappy cherry juice too. Soft and loaded with oaky flavors, but not that much in the way of fruit concentration. Pretty good finish. 86. Was $35 at Richard's on Weslayan and Bissonnet.

2007 "Velt.1" GRUNER VELTLINER (Koenigsegg, Austria)

Very minerally, crisp, citrusy, and refreshing.

Light straw gold. Demure nose of minerals, melted butter, dried herbs, and grapefruit peel. Crisp ans steely in the mouth, with a pleasant roundness. Bone -- and I mean bone --dry. Linear minerally and lemon-lime flavors. A hint of bitterness in the minerally, medium length finish. Refreshing with food on a hot day, but a little severe on its own. 86. I think I paid around $9 or $10 at Whole Foods on Bellaire for this. Imported by Winesellers Inc., Skokie, Ill.
(Sorry -- 2005 shown)

2006 Salinas "Mo" MONASTRELL (Alicante, Spain)

A rich, deep-toned wine.

Very dark black ruby. Meaty, beefy aromas with ripe blackberry and tomato juice scents. Round balsa wood and cigar box flavors overlay some ripe plummy fruit. Very deep-toned flavor profile. Low acidity and a long, softly tannic finish. 87. Was about $15 at Central Market. Imported by European Cellars (Eric Solomon).

Movie Review: Star Trek (No Spoilers)

Let me preface this review by saying that I have been a Star Trek fan since the original TV series in the 60's. Actually, I must have watched it in syndication because I wasn't old enough to remember the series during its original run.

I went to see Star Trek on opening night and it was incredible from beginning to end. Even though the actors were different, it was like being home and was very much like the original TV series but with much better special effects.

The new actors were quite good overall. I was especially pleased with the three main characters Chris Pine (James Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), and Karl Urban ("Bones", Dr. McCoy). I don't want to leave anyone out but I can't list everyone who did a good job. There were only a couple of people who didn't match the acting skills of the others but you can figure those out for yourself.

If you are a Star Trek fan, this is a must see. If you don't know anything about Star Trek, you won't be lost watching this movie and you'll enjoy every minute of it.

MUST SEE: Make Mine Freedom

This is on the verge of being scary. Socialism was considered evil 50 years ago. My how times have changed.

Every American should be required to watch this video at least once a week. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid should have to watch it 24/7.

This video is 9:30 long but don't turn it off. The longer it goes the better it gets. The ending is the best part.

H/T: Ace

Glenn Beck Hits ACORN Spokesman On Massive Voter Fraud---Then Tosses Him Out Of Studio For Claiming Beck's Afraid Of Black People

Glenn Beck hits the ACORN guy with cold hard facts about ACORN managers and employees being involved in voter fraud cases in 14 states! The ACORN guy won't address the issue, and tries the well-worn 60's radical's tactic of talking at the same time as Beck to avoid having to answer a series of straight-forward questions. At one point Beck asks the guy if he can think of one Republican that the group has ever endorsed. The guy couldn't name one! Not one! Finally the guy tries to pull out the old race card and Beck throws him out of the studio. Good family viewing.

President Obama has a long association with ACORN and provided the group with easier access to Federal money under the CDBG (Community Development Block Grants) program wrapped up like a pig in a blanket in the $825 Billion boondogle known as the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009". Under set-asides like CDBG money is available to "community action" groups like ACORN. Another Obama Administration gift to groups like ACORN are Federal funding allocations like the Neighborhood Stabilization Program which enables the group to compete for Federal money alonside state and local governments. Under programs like this, nefarious groups like ACORN can feed from the public trough thanks to the generosity of their Democrat benefactors.

The American Spectator quotes then-candidate Obama telling a group of community organizers in December 2007, Before I even get inaugurated, during the transition, we're going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda. We're going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America.
And so he has.

Oklahoma: I Wish Arkansas Was More Like You

Let me 'fess up right at the beginning. I'm a bred, born, raised, educated, and degreed Arkansas Razorback. Furthermore, I live in Arkansas approximately four miles from the Oklahoma border. My in-laws live about seven minutes away in Oklahoma and about 100 yards from the state line. By default I learned to dislike Okie's (my in-laws excluded). Now mind you, it had nothing to do with whether they were good people or not. It's just that they weren't Razorbacks.

Yes, I admit I have been prejudiced most of my life against Okie's. Not the people but their sports teams. I grew tired of hearing Okie's brag about their Sooners. While my Razorbacks were delivered a few thumpings by the Sooners over the years, I was able to take my vengeance out in the 1978 Orange Bowl. Oklahoma was heavily favored. Arkansas had three players, two very important starters, suspended for violating a team rule. Despite the odds being heavily stacked against us, we showed the Sooners how to play football that night and sent them packing 31-6. Okay, enough reminiscing.

From a political viewpoint, I envy the people of Oklahoma. They consistently produce better politicians and certainly better Republican politicians than Arkansas does. Even their Democrat politicians are moderate to slightly conservative. What is Arkansas famous for? Bill Clinton. Need I say more?

This week, the Oklahoma legislature pulled out all the stops. Keep in mind, Brad Henry is not that bad of a Democrat governor. But the Oklahoma legislature was none too happy when he vetoed their resolution to declare the state's sovereignty. So, they got together and passed another resolution by a large enough majority that Governor Henry has no say in it.

What is significant about this resolution? Nothing legally but it sends a message to Washington that the people of Oklahoma are tired of this out-of-control, unrelenting, unnecessary spending and growing federal government control. One legislator noted that the federal government frequently violates the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which states that powers not delegated to the federal government shall be reserved to the states.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

If I ever move out of Arkansas it will be to Texas or Oklahoma. Boomer Sooner!

H/T: HotAir

"You Got A Dijon Mustard Or Something Like That?" Says Obama At Ray's Hell Burger Diner

You want cottage fries to go with that order Mr. President? Just a couple of working stiffs, that's our Prez and V.P. Joe Biden. The One dropped by an Arlington, Virginia burger joint with the Veep in tow to sample some of the local cuisine.

No word on whether the Vice President took the subway to get to the diner. Mr. Vice-President, to get there off the D.C. Metro, take the Orange Line to Courthouse. Here's a schedule.

Says ieatdc of this ground-breaking event; chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp:News! Ray's Hell-Burger--Still Delicious.

For those leary of taking public transit during Swine Flu Panic Week, the Veep has some sage advice.

Michael Savage On British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith: When has this witch listened to my program in England?

Britain's Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith lumps radio talk show host Michael Savage in with murderers, Neo-Nazis, Islamic terrorists and skinheads because she doesn't like his opinionated conservative commentary. Apparently, being a conservative in today's England under the Labour government is a thoughtcrime, straight out of the pages of newspeak as chronicled in chilling detail in George Orwell's 1984 .

2007 Casa d'Ambra AGLIANICO (Irpinia, Campania, Italy)

A bit on the thin, not-yet-ripe, and short side.

Black ruby color. Reticent nose of lemon-coated minerals and scorched earth, with a little (not much) spiced cherry fruit. Lean, almost spare in the mouth. Bitterish, peppery mineral flavors predominate. Some cherry brandy fruit underneath if you concentrate on it enough. Medium-bodied, with a short finish. 81. Was $15 from North Berkeley Imports (direct).

2005 Domaine Calot MORGON "Vieilles Vignes" (Beaujolais, Burgundy, France)

A pretty good Beaujolais.

Deep black garnet. Earthy, stony, hard cherry candy/plum candy scents. Lots of direct cherry fruit and hard stony flavors, bone dry, and very soft textured yet, strangely, tightly wound and austere feeling. Fully mature. 86. $23 from North Berkeley Imports (direct).

2005 Trimbach GEWURZTRAMINER (Alsace, France)

It's really hard to find a bad Trimbach white. They're not the upper echelon of Alsace, but they are consistently good and typical of their varietal and region. This was a good, flavorful, and classic Gewurz at a fair price.

Bright brassy gold color. Rich nose of lychee nuts, essence of pear, and sweet minerals. Full and broadly-flavored, with pear, lychee, rose petal and grapefruit components and a slight (but pleasant) bitterness in the long finish. Drink now, as this is an open, low acid gulper. 88. (A tad more acidity and this would have been a superstar.) Was $21 at Spec's. (Importer: Diageo Chateau & Estate Wines).

Movie Review: X-Men Origins: Wolverine (No Spoilers)

Look, I'm not a movie critic. I just know what I like and don't like. Being a fan of the X-Men trilogy I was excited about the release of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

While it wasn't a bad movie, I was somewhat disappointed. The cinematography left something to be desired as well as the special effects. Some of the CG was noticeably bad.

Hugh Jackman was a bright spot in this movie. He made you feel what Wolverine was feeling. I was pleasantly surprised by Taylor Kitsch who played Gambit/Remy LeBeau. We may see him in future X-Men films.

The script left too many loose ends. Also, it took too long to get into the "meat" of the story.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give it a 6.

Arlen Specter, D-PA

Does anyone else wonder like I do how Arlen Specter ever made it into the Republican Party? I'm starting to think maybe senility is setting in. I've listened to him over the past few days and he sounds like a Democrat. No wonder he switched parties.

There are two outrageously stupid comments Specter has made that I want to address.

Arlen Specter is having delusions of grandeur. He thinks he is the great Lord Messiah Barack Obama. On Deface The Nation yesterday Specter said if the Republican Party would have listened to him, he would have made sure Jack Kemp was alive today. That, my friends, is a typical Democrat exploitation. Jack Kemp hadn't even been gone for 24 hours before Specter was using it for his own political gain. What a jerk! I am so glad he's no longer in the GOP. He fits in much better with people like the Clintons, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy, et al.

Lie #2. Specter said on Meet The Obama Press that "the Republican Party has gone far to the right since [he] joined it under Reagan's big tent." WRONG!! The Republican Party establishment has moved left with the Democratic Party. Americans are still right where they were - right-of-center. Sorry, I take that back. We ARE the center. The Dems listed above are far left.

Specter will make a good Democrat. I sincerely hope whoever his opponent is in 2010 just mops the floor with his Democrat ass.

GOP Big Tent Idea: Completely Useless

Most of us have realized the primary goal of politicians is to gain power or retain power. The American people are considered only to the point that they are useful in reaching the primary goal. This is true of politicians in all parties.

This political selfishness and lust for power breeds stupid ideas like the "big tent" of the GOP. This is nothing more than an attempt to maintain a wide base and gain or retain power. Most GOP politicians, leaders, and media subscribe to this useless idea.

Do I have a better suggestion? Yes.

First, the GOP loses more voters than it gains by trying to stand on both sides of "hot button" issues. This lack of conviction and integrity drives away voters who want to know what the candidate stands for and what their vote will mean.

Second, the majority of Americans are right-of-center politically. Most Americans still believe in the traditional American ideas of hard work, personal responsibility, and morality. When the GOP wants to be inclusive of people who do not subscribe to the same ideas they are only hurting themselves.

Ronald Reagan was not a "big tent" Republican - not to the extent that it required him to compromise his beliefs and principles. He didn't bring down Communism by being inclusive and tolerant. He didn't defeat his detractors by compromising. He did these things by being right!

So to all of the John McCains, the Michael Steeles, and the Peggy Noonans, wake up! You aren't building your base - you are destroying it. You are hammering it into rubble.

If the GOP is working to be just like the Democrats, why do we need two parties?

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