President Bush compares Iraq War to Vietnam

Long overdue response to the anti-war crowd's claim that "our presence in Iraq" is the cause of trouble in the region. The President quotes liberal Democrat and Bill Clinton mentor, Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas who said of the Vietnamese people "What earthly difference does it make to nomadic tribes or uneducated subsistence farmers in Vietnam or Cambodia or Laos whether they have a military dictator or a socialist commissar?" How's that for look into the dark heart of free thinking, "progressive", liberalism? As Bush once said when challenged at a summit by a couple of European bureaucrats that the problem with the world is the US goes into too many places and our presence brings instability to places that would otherwise have peace and harmony, "I looked at him right in the eye and I said the American people and the United States government are the solution. We are not the problem."

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