Bad Week for Democrats

It's been a bad week for the GetOutofIraqTheUSisDefeatedBushIsHitlerHalaHalaHalaburton crowd and leaders of the Democrat Party.

Democrat Senate and Congressional leaders have done their level best to undermine the President and the war effort through a series of deranged, malicious and politically motivated stunts. The Democrats have revived the Marxist political tactic of "death by a thousand cuts" against their nemesis, George Walker Bush. Their hatred for this man is so consuming that they cower at the mere mention of his name. The Democrats have staged a ridiculous all night sleep-in in the Senate, introduced various meaningless amendments to "bring the troops home 'cause we really support them", moved to cut and delay funding for the armed forces during time of war and launched over 300 "investigations", spewed 350 requests for documents and interviews and held over 600 oversight hearings in the space of about 100 days.

After indulging in all the political chicanery and mischief they can muster they wake up to a week where:

Britain's new Prime Minister on his first official visit to Washington, praises George Bush on his leadership in fighting the global war on terror and vowed cooperation with President Bush.

The New York Times publishes an article reporting that we are turning the corner in Iraq and may very well win the war. Worse yet for the Dems the guys writing the article are liberals from a think tank run by liberals!

Former Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate for 2000 Senator Joe Lieberman (I) Connecticut rebuked Dems for their refusal to work with President Bush and the constant mudslinging conducted on Capitol Hill.

The Hill quotes Lieberman when he states, “I fear that some people take this position also because anything President Bush is for, they’ll be against, and that’s wrong,”.....“There’s a great tradition in our history of partisanship generally receding when it comes to foreign policy. But for the moment we’ve lost that.”

Then retired three-star General John Keane had the temerity to deliver a positive report about Iraq to Congress this week. Democrat Congresswoman Nancy Boyda found the positive report so upsetting that she had to leave the briefing room in a huff as reported by Hugh Hewitt and other bloggers who cite Boyda's actions as impetus for the inauguration of the Nancy Boyda award.

Hewitt writes of this little demonstration of Democrat frustration with the truth, OF COURSE, THE COUNTRY IS full of Nancy Boydas – people who refuse to hear good news from Iraq. They believe that the war is lost and that the sooner America and especially the Bush administration admit its humiliation at the hands of Al Qaeda and abandon millions of Iraqis to genocidal massacres, the better. It is in Nancy Boyda’s honor that I now introduce the Nancy Boyda Award, which I will present to people who ostentatiously deny whatever good news might come out of Iraq.

Robert Steely has more on the antics of Kansas Congresswoman Nancy Boyda here.

Finally Hot Air posts an interview with Representative James Clyburn Democrat of South Carolina who in this video interview makes it very plain that, it would be a “real big problem for us” if Petraeus’s progress report is good.

Looks like good news for the country is bad news for Democrats.

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