Five Reasons Republicans Will Win

The White House optimism for Republican victories in the upcoming election are not just "cheerleading". Bush, Cheney, and Rove have five solid reasons why they think the GOP will be victorious.

Read the full story here.
  1. No Republican is being taken by surprise, unlike many Democrats in 1994. Shortly after Bush's reelection, White House and Republican National Committee officials began working to convince House members that the formidable reelection record for incumbents (since 1996, 97.5 percent) was not something they could take for granted. "What we attempted to do last year," said one of these officials, "was to go out of our way to say to people: 'You face a potential of a race. In order to win as an incumbent, you better have a plan,' " including an intensive focus on voter registration, a message plan that would unfold in phases, and a ground organization that was operating in a measurable, quantifiable way. One official involved in the process said Republican officials deliberately "scared" lawmakers, telling them: "You face a very tough road. You better be ready."

  2. Absentee ballot requests and returns, closely tracked by the party, are meeting or exceeding past levels for Republicans in key states and districts. Republican officials say White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and party operatives are scrutinizing this data with the same intensity that they followed metrics like voter registration earlier in the cycle. For at least 68 races, they have been getting reports once a week on the number of voters registered, phone calls completed and doors knocked on. Now, they're getting a second report on the number of absentee ballots requested, absentee ballots returned and early votes cast. "We can look at that data flow and make an assumption about what's going on and plotting it out," a Republican official said.

  3. When the national parties, national campaign committees, state "victory" committee accounts and competitive campaigns are added up, Republicans maintained a substantial financial advantage over Democrats at the last filing period. "We didn't look on it as one pot," said one official involved in the process. "We looked upon it as four pots, with synergy available through all four."
  4. Republicans say the district-by-district playing field favors them in several structural ways not reflected in national polls. Here is their thinking, starting with statistics from the President's 2004 race against John F. Kerry: "There are 41 districts held by a Democrat that Bush carried, and 14 seats held by Republican that Kerry carried, so we're fighting on better turf. You see it in the open seats, where Bush carried 18 of the Republican open seats and Kerry carried two. So we're fighting on better turf."

  5. The get-out-the-vote machine designed by Rove and now-Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman in 2001 was dubbed the "72-hour" program, but officials say that's quite a misnomer and that it's really a 17-week or even two-year program. "In Ohio, we are making more phone calls this year than we made two years ago," said an official involved in the process. "Now, that's not the case necessarily in Virginia, which was not a battleground state. You have to build that. In other places, we built that and built it early."

Source: Time, The Allen Report

Payback: Democrat Heckler Taken Out

At a George Allen campaign appearance today in Charlottesville, a heckler tried to get near Sen. Allen but was blocked by supporters. He was instructed to leave by one of the supporters but would not. The heckler yelled out, "Why did you spit at your first wife, George?" At this point the supporters assisted him in leaving. Click the image below to watch the video.

This heckler is Mike Stark, a first-year University of Virginia law student, liberal blogger and regular poster at dKos.

Allen's first wife, Anne Waddell, said the question posed by Stark was "a baseless, cheap shot."

In case the liberals go wacko over this, let me give you some ammunition to fight back with. Do you remember in the 2004 campaign when Al Franken body slammed a heckler at a Howard Dean rally? Here is a precedent, set for you by the very liberal (but apparently not a pacifist) Al Franken.

Video Source: Hot Air

2001 Fess Parker PINOT NOIR "American Tradition Reserve" (Santa Barbara County)

This was a fully mature, flavorful, Pinot Noir, though it wasn't that complex. Rich, sweet nose of wet earth, sappy cherries, and peaches. Rich, soft, earthy flavors, with lots of body. Very voluptuous and up front. Kind of a floozy, but floozies have their place, right? 87. Was $22 at Fiesta Mart near Reliant Stadium.

2004 Chateau de la Greffiere MACON LA ROCHE VINEUSE (Burgundy,France)

A notch above even the previous Mommessin Macon Villages, this was a superb unoaked Chardonnay. Had it at Farrago restaurant this past weekend. I've seen it around in stores -- not sure if it was Richard's, Spec's, or both. But I think it's around $15-$16 retail. It had more of everything that the Mommessin had going for it. More fruit, more body, more freshness, more length. Years ago, I preferred oaky California Chardonnays to the unoaked, more minerally and restrained Maconnais wines, but now I'll take a wine like this any day.

2004 Mommessin MACON-VILLAGES "Old Vines - Chardonnay" (France)

This is a dynamite buy in a cheap, well-made, unoaked Chardonnay. Didn't have time to take notes, but this wine had good body and ripeness, some nice minerality, and nice balance on the long finish. About $8 at most Spec's stores. GET SOME.

Coupla Mediocre Wines

2005 Domaine de Coccinelles COTES DU RHONE Rose -- Pretty, light bubble gum pink color, but things went downhill from there. Tight, austere, minerally nose, followed by tight, tart, austere flavors. Got some body, but unfriendly flavors. 74.

2004 Domaine de Gournier GRENACHE NOIR (Rhone region, France) -- An estate imported by Robert Kacher, which is usually a good sign. This wine, however, while it had good color, was austere and acidic, with sharp, scorched earth and tart cherry flavors. Lots of acid on the finish. Heartburn city. 70.

John Kerry Degrades Our Troops

There are things I would like to say about John Kerry but I would have to break my policy of no profanity.

"Kerry then told the students that if they were able to navigate the education system, they could get comfortable jobs - 'If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq' he said to a mixture of laughter and gasps."

I had to read this a couple of times for it to sink in. Let me rephrase it so it is clear.

If you're too stupid to make it in college, then you will have to serve in the military. So John Kerry is saying that our troops are stupid. Or at least not as smart as our college students.

What a jerk! I think that is on the same low level as Bill Maher's Steve Irwin Halloween costume.

Of course, what does that say about him serving in the military? Was he too stupid to make it in college?

Source: SGV Tribune

Quitting Is Not An Option

My Arkansas Razorbacks are doing quite well in football this year. Yes, we took an early hit from an awesome USC team but since then we've stepped up. There are some tough games ahead of us but we will show up and play to win.

This brings me to the upcoming election. The MSM and left-leaning pollsters have tried to make this look like a blue wave is going to overtake the country.

Just this past week in Arkansas, some liberal educators from my alma mater, the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, released a poll that showed gubernatorial candidate Mike Beebe significantly ahead in the polls. Anyone who knows anything about this race is that it is statistically a dead heat. We have seen in recently polls that these people are not taking a representative sample of the state's citizens. How about 42% Dems polled vs 28% Republicans? Or 50% of those polled with a Little Rock residence? Only 5% of the population lives in Little Rock. Can you say "skewed?"

What would the people of Arkansas say if Razorback head coach Houston Nutt decided that we couldn't beat South Carolina this weekend so he was just going to keep the team at home and forfeit? I can tell you. Coach Nutt would be looking for a job on Monday.

If you don't vote because of the polls and the MSM's slanted reporting of the races, then you are just as guilty as Coach Nutt of being a quitter. Don't be quitter. If you try, you might win. If you don't try, you're a loser.

Liberals "Exploit" Kids in Political Ad

I wonder if Mike Beebe has seen the ad running in California where kids are railing against George W. Bush and his "cronies" for sticking their nose in California's business? The ad is similar in production to Asa's "Just Like Mike Beebe" ad.

Of course, when Democrats use kids in ads, it is acceptable because they need to do whatever they can to defeat Bush and the Republicans.

I don't agree with the content of the ad but I am not appalled that they used children. Although there is an irony here. Children are being used in this ad to promote unrestricted abortion. The Dems are working to remove parental authority and I have a long answer as to why but that will be another post.

Hat Tip: LGF

Who Makes Our Voting Machines?

We all know that Hugo Chavez is an honest man so we have nothing to worry about, right?

So it won't bother you to know that the Venezuelan government owns a piece of a company that makes voting machines that are installed in 17 states and the District of Columbia?

And that the owners have tried to obscure their ownership by setting up offshore companies to hide behind?

And we also know that Hugo Chavez has a great relationship with the current administration and Republicans in general so he wouldn't do anything to affect the outcome of the midterm elections, right?

Someone help me, I'm trying to figure this out. Is there anyone in this country who could benefit from such an arrangement between Chavez and the voting machine manufacturer?

Hat Tip:

Democrats Love God - Republicans Don't

I am not easily offended. Most of what I hear from the left is dismissible. I am not from Tennessee but I am a next door neighbor and Harold Ford, Jr. has offended me greatly.

You can criticize my support of President Bush. You can criticize my belief in fiscal responsibility. You can even criticize my belief that life begins at conception and that life is precious. I'm a big boy and I can take it.

But when you shoot your mouth off for the sole purpose of your own political gain by criticizing my belief and faith in God, you have crossed the line.

Harold Ford, Jr. has done just that. I would call him "Mr. Ford" but he is far too immature for that title.

The boy from Memphis said that only Democrats love the Lord. Republicans fear the Lord, but Democrats fear and love the Lord.

I am a 44-year-old conservative Republican and I have been a Christian since I was seven years old. I have been involved in a specific ministry for the past 15 years. I would venture a guess that my church has done more to help people than most Democrats have done personally. We feed homeless people, we give groceries to people who are unable to buy them, we housed several hundred Katrina victims, and a lot more.

And we don't have to steal from other people to do all of that like Ford and his Dem buddies do. We do it because of the love of Christ in us and the love of our fellow man.

The hidden truth is that Ford and his Dem buddies do it to maintain power. Their programs don't help people out of their misery. The Dems have controlled Louisiana for decades and just look at New Orleans. Dem programs keep people dependent upon them being in government and therein lies their true source of power.

Michael J. Fox: Shill or Puppet?

Michael J. Fox and I are essentially the same age so I grew up watching his movies. He is a great actor and seeing him suffer from Parkinson's Disease is difficult.

I truly believe Michael J. Fox is all about finding a cure for Parkinson's. He says he is not tied to one political party and I believe him. He says he is not a shill for the Democrats and I believe him.

From the time I saw the ad he did for Claire McCaskill I wondered if he knew the content of Amendment 2. In his interview with George Stephanopoulos, Michael J. Fox said about Amendment 2:

And so I have to qualify it by saying I'm not qualified to speak on the page-to-page content of the initiative...On full disclosure, I haven't read it...

Michael J. Fox is a "big boy" (in his own words) and he can make judgements for himself. He should have read Amendment 2 to learn what it says. But he didn't.

I believe the Democrats lied to him about Amendment 2, Claire McCaskill, and Jim Talent, to get him to do that spot. Because he wasn't given the facts, he unknowingly was used as a puppet by the Dems.

Rush Limbaugh made an errant speculation and the MSM continues to saturate us with it. He apologized and that should be the end of it. In interviews, I think MJF has handled it pretty well. He could have erupted into a raging liberal tyrade but he hasn't.

Michael J. Fox is no shill. But if he isn't more careful, he could wind up as one.

No Longer a Liberal!

I have renounced my liberal label!

Yesterday I voted and it felt DAMN good to give the big ol’ FU to Bredesen, Ford, and Cooper and to stand up for my right to marry the person I love. I’m really fuckin’ pissed off at the people saying they’re just holding their nose and voting anyway for bigots. They're not the ones seeing their personal lives up for a vote and blatantly disregared and "less than." You guys don't know what it feels like to have THREE neighbors within less than a mile from you have "Vote YES" signs in their yard, letting you know without a doubt that someone nearby hates you so much that they'll vote against you protecting your family.

I swear to God the Democratic Party has become so unprincipled, misguided, and well, scared cowards that they’d vote for Satan himself if he just had a “D” behind his name.

What does liberal really mean anyway? provides a few ideas:
7. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
8. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
9. characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.
10. given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.
11. not strict or rigorous; free; not literal: a liberal interpretation of a rule.
—Synonyms 1. progressive. 7. broad-minded, unprejudiced. 9. beneficent, charitable, openhanded, munificent, unstinting, lavish. See generous. 10. See ample.
Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

The Democratic Party has taken this definition and twisted its meaning. They want so hard to be “back in power” that they have become too tolerant of unliberal beliefs. In their zeal to “tolerate” others, they’ve opened themselves to the prejudiced and bigoted parts of our world. They’re tolerating the wrong people! They’re listening to hateful bigots while turning their back on the very people who have time and again put them into power. I refuse to be a party to this blatant stupidity and unscrupulous moral blindness anymore.

Take the TN race with Harold Ford, for example (not to mention many others from across the country). Numerous “liberals” have told me they will hold their nose and vote for this unrepentant bigot and homophobe, just because he’s a Democrat. They’ve listened to the lies of false prophets saying Ford won’t be nearly as bad as ANY Republican that might get voted in. They’ve opened their minds to falsehoods and they are falling into the snare of the enemy. Sometimes, being too “open-minded” and “too tolerant” of the opposition is a bad thing.

Liberals have gotten the reputation of being “flaky” and “uncertain,” even “wishy-washy,” not by lies but by their own behavior. They’ve not taken a principled and unwavering stand on unrepentant bigotry and homophobia. They’ve tolerated the middle-road, half-loaf, back of the bus but at least on the bus mindset for too long. Their inability to be principled and firm has led to their demise and it will continue to lead to their failure to win elections.

I can’t even count how many “liberals” I’ve told that if they don’t stand firm, they will lose and continue to lose. You don’t win by mimicking the Other. You win by differentiating yourself from the Other.

I’m no longer a liberal. I’m a principled American.

prin‧ci‧pled  /prnsəpəld/
–adjective imbued with or having moral principles (often used in combination): high-principled.
Based on, marked by, or manifesting principle: a principled decision; a highly principled person.
based on or manifesting objectively defined standards of rightness or morality; "principled pragmatism and unprincipled expediency"; "a principled person"

Spiritual event wants GodMen, not girly men

WHY do these things always start in Nashville? Jesus! (no pun intended) I thought I had improved things by moving from Alabama, but the idiots of this world just keep following me.

Testosterone-fueled alternative to Promise Keepers debuts here

At the daylong GodMen event downtown Saturday, men will be able to cuss, smoke cigars, watch videos of football pileups and car crashes, listen to specially composed Christian rock songs such as "Testosterone High" and attend workshops on how to fight pornography addiction.

It's an effort to connect Christian men alienated by traditional church settings or men's groups with their "spiritual masculinity," said Brad Stine, a Christian stand-up comic behind the conference.

"Men are different," Stine said. "They're aggressive. They connect with sports. They jump. They scream. They've got passions that are more difficult to subdue, like lust. And a lot of things that make men energized just don't make it into church.

"A lot of church is feminine. We want to let men know that just for today, being a guy is OK. It's good enough. There's an army that will help you."

WTF?! Since when has being spiritual (notice they didn't say being Christian) about smoking, cussing, and violence??? They say the church has been feminized. That's a bad thing? Ladies, watch out for any man that would succumb to an event like this. Next thing you know, he'll be proving how Godly he is by slapping you back into your rightful place as his breeder and caregiver.

Maybe it's just me but I don't seem to recall Jesus scratching his balls while watching Nascar then slappin' his ho Mary Magdalene when she didn't watch his feet properly.

The New Jersey Marriage Ruling

The results of the New Jersey marriage ruling left me with a mixed feeling. I wasn’t euphoric over it that’s for sure. Basically, the court said gay couples should be allotted all of the same rights, benefits, and privileges of marriage that heterosexuals have, but they’ve left it up to the legislature to come up with a term for it. The legislature within 180 days will have to decide to include us under the umbrella term “marriage” or create a separate line at the clerk’s office just for the homos.

The good:
•This will now give my partner and I four states to move to (MA, VT, and CT
being the others)
•It does say we should be given the same rights as heterosexuals
•The ruling never brought in the strawman issues of “marriage is for procreation,” “heterosexual marriages are best for children,” or “it’ll lead to men marrying their pet iguana.”

The bad:
•We still get 6 months of torture waiting to see if we will be considered equal citizens or second-class citizens (though without this, we were just NO class citizens)
•This ruling only works on the state level. In NJ there are approximately 65 marriage rights that we’ll be able to participate in. But what about the 1,100 federal rights we don’t get.
•Just don’t leave NJ. With state determined marriage rights, folks need to realize that the rules change from state to state. A couple can get “civil unioned” or “married” (or whatever they’ll call it) in NJ, but drive over to CT, have a wreck, and lose the right to make medical decisions for their spouse. This is the problem with piecemeal rights. Even if they call it marriage, it only applies to the rights of that state.

So many people assume this is automatic equality for us. As someone else said on another blog, this is equity, not equality. It won’t be equality until we are acknowledged by our federal government as legitimate and equal to our heterosexual peers.

That will be a long time coming for sure. The opposition doesn’t want us to be equal to them. Even many heterosexuals, who are nice to our face, hold an innate belief that we are inferior. They want us to go through incredible pains just to acquire what they get with a trip to the clerk’s office and a $20 fee.

Pam’s House Blend grabbed a quote from Victoria Cobb of the Family Foundation out of VA (note: lots of gay Virginians are leaving the state because of the homophobia there):

She said the goal isn't to drive gay people out. She said "extreme homosexual organizations" might be trying to frighten their members by circulating false information about the amendment. She said it wouldn't add new restrictions on gays but would simply underscore the ways their relationships are already restricted.

"I think it's extremely sad they would leave because of something they were never allowed to do anyway," said Cobb, who said she believed gays could go to court to defend themselves if a partner's family members challenged their right to own property in common, arrange powers of attorney or visit each other in the hospital.

Why the hell should we even have to!? WHY?! Someone answer that for me. There’s no other answer but that these hateful people want to make our lives unbearably hard and in turn establish their superiority over another group.


Being hateful won’t make us stop being gay and it won’t keep us from being together and building lives and families together. Since the beginning of time, we have held our relationships together without the benefit and privilege of social acceptance or a piece of .50 cent paper. We’re stronger than any law you can ever come up with. We were here yesterday, we’re here today, and we will continue to be here tomorrow, no matter what you say or do.

Red State Update 36: Harold Ford Jr. Political Ad

Jackie and Dunlap on guys 'n' gals, blacks 'n' whites, and how pornography has made the South a better place.


Harold Ford Jr. , corker , playboy , pornography , elections , tennessee , racist , commercial , political , republican , democrat , attack ad , RNC , commercial , political , rednecks

Red State Update 35: Michael J. Fox Political Ad

Jackie and Dunlap try to figure out how many babies we need to kill to make Michael J. Fox healthy again.


video , michael j. fox , stem cell , research , missouri , elections , rush limbaugh , commercial , political , republican , democrat , attack ad , mccaskill , commercial , political , rednecks

Wolf Blitzer Wants Us To Win But...

Lynne Cheney, wife of Vice President Dick Cheney, appeared on CNN with Wolf Blitzer to discuss her book. Just a few days ago, Rep. Duncan Hunter was on CNN with Mr. Blitzer criticizing the airing of terrorist propaganda videos showing American soldiers being killed by enemy snipers. Rep. Hunter asked, "Does CNN want America to win this thing?"

This subject came up again in the interview with Ms. Cheney and she unloaded both barrels on him. She pointed out the Rep. Hunter had asked a question about whether CNN wanted us to win this war and he did not answer. This time, Mr. Blitzer did answer. He said, "The answer of course is we want the United States to win. We are Americans. There's no doubt about that. Do you think we want terrorists to win?"

That is when Ms. Cheney backs him into the corner and he does not give a good answer.

Why Is Beebe Squealing Like A Pig?

I am sick and tired of hearing that Asa's Just Like Mike Beebe ad is "despicable" or "wrong" and that it is an "attack" ad. The only reason Mike Beebe is squealing like a pig is that it is 100% true.

Definition of "attack ad" - When a Republican uses an ad to tell the truth about a Democrat's position on an issue or where they mislead voters by taking both sides of an issue

Another thing...Asa is not "using" anyone. There is only one of two scenarios in play here. Either the parents of those children approve of the content of the message and wanted their children to be in the ad or, those children are paid actors. In either case, no one is being used.

Maybe some of those kids and their families were hurt by Beebe's buddies in the legislature who stole $1.9 million while Beebe looked the other way. Maybe the parents of those kids just don't want a governor they can't trust.

Maybe those kids are smarter than Mike Beebe thinks.

Not Your Father's Democratic Party

If the conservative right aids in the Dem takeover of Congress by staying home on November 7, they should know up front what they are unleashing on the American people.

The Democratic Party used to be respectable. Still wrong on some issues but yet respectable. Harry Truman had to make the gut-wrenching decision to drop A-bombs on Japan. No Democrat today (or Republican for that matter) would have the guts to do that to North Korea or Iran. JFK cut taxes. When is the last time you read about a Democrat congressman introducing or campaigning for a tax cut?

That was then, this is now. This is not your father's Democratic Party. It has been taken over by the looney left. Many of those left loonies have infiltrated Congress and stand in line to become powerful committee chairmen if the Dems win in November.

Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) Elected 1969, 18th term Rep. Obey voted with the AFL-CIO 100% of the time. Obey voted against the Deficit Reduction Act, against Defense Funding (FY06), against the Legislative Line Item Veto, and against funding the Global War on Terror (FY04). “Mr. Obey was one of those Democrats who ripped Mr. Clinton for endorsing a balanced budget in 1995. Rather than cut spending, his goal would be to spend less on defense and more on domestic programs and entitlements.” (WSJ, 08/31/06)

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) Elected 1970, 18th term Rep. Rangel voted with the ACLU 94% of the time. Rangel consistently voted against free trade agreements, against the Bush tax cuts, against Pension Reform, and against Welfare Reform. Rep. Rangel “opposed the Bush tax cuts and recently voted against free trade with tiny Oman. His committee’s crucial health care subcommittee would be run by California’s Pete Stark (1972), who in 1993 criticized Hillary Clinton’s health care proposal because the government wasn’t dominant enough.” (WSJ, 08/31/06)

“No question about it.” -Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), when asked whether tax increases across the spectrum would be considered should Democrats take control of Congress. (CongressDaily, 09/26/06)

Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.) Elected 1964, 21st term Rep. Conyers voted with the AFL-CIO 100% and the ACLU 100% of the time. Conyers consistently voted against any liability reform, against the USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization, against REAL ID, against the Child Interstate Abortion Notification bill… “He recently made his plans clear in a 370-page report… the report accuses the Administration of violating no fewer than 26 laws and regulations, and is a road map of Mr. Conyers’s explicit intention to investigate grounds for impeaching President Bush.” (WSJ, 08/31/06)

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman John Dingell (D-Mich.) Elected 1955, 25th term Rep. Dingell voted with the AFL-CIO 100% of the time. Dingell voted against exploring for American-made energy in ANWR and OCS, against reforming the Endangered Species Act, and against the Telecom Reauthorization bill. “The Michigan Congressman would do his best to provide taxpayer help to GM and Ford. But telecom companies would probably get more regulation in the form of Net neutrality rules, and a windfall profits tax on oil would be a real possibility.” (WSJ, 08/31/06)

Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman George Miller (D-Calif.) Elected 1974, 16th term Rep. Miller voted with the ACLU 95% of the time. Miller voted against Higher Education Reauthorization, against Head Start Reauthorization, and against Pension Reform. Rep. Miller is “the chief sponsor of the ‘Employee Free Choice Act,’ which would make it much easier for unions to organize by largely banning secret elections. The Californian also wants to raise the minimum wage and fulfill the National Education Association wish to spend more federal dollars on local school construction.” (WSJ, 08/31/06)

Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) Elected 1980, 13th term Rep. Frank voted with the AFL-CIO 100% and the ACLU 95% of the time.“…the ascension of Barney Frank (1980) would mean a reprieve for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, despite $16 billion in accounting scandals. His main reform priority has been to carve out a new affordable housing fund from the two companies’ profits. And forget about any major review of Sarbanes-Oxley.” (WSJ, 08/31/06)

Government Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) Elected 1974, 16th term Rep. Waxman voted with the AFL-CIO 100% and the ACLU 95% of the time. Waxman voted against the 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act, against the formation of the Bipartisan Katrina Committee, and against 527 Reform. Rep. Waxman would compete with Mr. Conyers to see who could issue the most subpoenas to the Bush Administration.” (WSJ, 08/31/06)

Intelligence Committee Chairman Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) Elected 1992, 7th term Rep. Hastings voted with the AFL-CIO 92% of the time. Hastings voted against declaring that the U.S. will prevail in the Global War on Terror, against the 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act, against Supporting Terrorist Finance Tracking, against the USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization… Rep. Hastings “who, should Ms. Pelosi succeed in pushing aside current ranking Member Jane Harman, would take over the House Intelligence Committee. Before he won his Florida seat in 1992, Mr. Hastings had been a federal judge who was impeached and convicted by a Democratic Congress for lying to beat a bribery rap. He would handle America’s most vital national secrets.” (WSJ, 08/31/06)

Is this who we want running the House of Representatives?

Sources: Wall Street Journal,

Ignorance Is Not A Leadership Quality

Is Mike Beebe the norm or is he an aberration? Do Arkansas legislators routinely vote on bills for which they don't have any information or any understanding?

Mr. Beebe voted to override Gov. Huckabee's veto of a bill that allowed legislators to bilk the State of Arkansas out of almost $2 million. When questioned about this during the current campaign for governor, what was his response? He didn't know what he was voting for.

Now that strikes me in one of two ways. Either Mike Beebe is just plain stupid or he had to try to talk his way out of something he knowingly did. While the first excuse is very tempting, I believe the latter is more plausible. But the excuse for the latter is so terrible, it makes you wonder if both theories are true. It is a response from someone who has been put on the spot and can't come up with a believable lie. He should take lessons from Bill Clinton.

Things get worse for Beebe. Nick Wilson, the Senator and scam ring leader, said that everyone knew about what was going on. Everyone except poor Mike Beebe. He didn't know what he voted on and he didn't know what was going on. Exactly what was Mike Beebe doing in the legislature?

Finally, after the scams and bilking of 1.9 million taxpayer dollars were exposed (to Beebe since everyone else already knew), Mike Beebe had the opportunity to show his leadership ability and slam the cell doors on Nick Wilson, Mike Todd, and the others.

How did Beebe show his leadership skills (or lack of)? He openly opposed censure of these criminals who stole money from taxpayers and children.

Once these criminals were convicted, again Beebe had an opportunity to make things right. What did he do? He opposed kicking the bums out of the legislature. He supported letting these convicted criminals who stole millions of dollars of taxpayer money, stay in office.

If my closest friend and ally in the legislature did this to Arkansas taxpayers and children, I would have to ask him to resign or get kicked out. There is no excuse for the scams or for Mike Beebe's irresponsible actions in response.

This man is currently our Attorney General. He is supposed to represent the people of Arkansas. How can we trust Mike Beebe to protect us now when he didn't protect us back then?

Mike Beebe is the wrong man for Arkansas. On November 7 we need to put an end to this career of poor judgment and representing the wrong people. Vote for real, proven, experienced leadership. Vote for Asa Hutchinson.

Sources: New York Times, Arkansas Times

Great Rebuttal Ad To Michael J. Fox

A new TV ad featuring Jim Caviezel (Jesus in Passion of the Christ), Jeff Suppan (St. Louis Cardinals pitcher), Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond), Kurt Warner (St. Louis Rams QB), and Mike Sweeney (KC Royals First Baseman) will run tonight during World Series Game 4 that explains Missouri's proposed Amendment 2.

This is a fantastic rebuttal to the Michael J. Fox/Claire McCaskill ad that falsely implied that (a) Amendment 2 is about stem cell research and (b) Jim Talent opposes stem cell research.

The truth is:
  1. Amendment 2 is a constitutional approval of human cloning, not stem cell research.
  2. Fox never makes a distinction between adult stem cell research and embryonic stem cell research.
  3. Jim Talent supports adult stem cell research.
  4. Embryonic stem cell research has resulted in no progress towards a treatment or cure for any disease or condition.
  5. If embryonic stem cell research was promising, private investors would be flocking to fund it. We don't need funding from the government.
UPDATE: This ad popped up so quickly I wondered if it was already in production. It was. This was not a last-minute response to the Michael J. Fox ad. Also, it has been reported that the celebrities requested to be part of this ad. They were not asked by the opponents of Amendment 2.

"Your Overconfidence Is Your Weakness"

The Dems and the MSM have written an epitaph for the Republican Party in this election. Dems are measuring drapes and commissioning paintings for their new offices.

All I can say is, keep it up.

As Luke Skywalker's rebellion against the Empire seemed hopelessly defeated, he never gave up. He was even bold enough to say to the Emperor, "Your overconfidence is your weakness." You know the rest of the story.

President Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove believe the Dems and MSM are overconfident. Could they be right? Is the imminent defeat of the Republicans in Congress a creation of the Dems and MSM?

The evening of November 7, will the Chicago Tribune run this headline in ecstatic anticipation? "Dems Defeat GOP"

I'm sorry Emperor Pelosi, but my faith in my friends is not my weakness. It is my strength.

NOTE: Photograph manipulated in Photoshop. Original photo was of Harry Truman holding newspaper with headline that read "Dewey Defeats Truman."

Whose Side Is CNN On?

Rep. Duncan Hunter was on CNN's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer today to talk about the network running enemy video of American soldiers being killed by snipers.

While he remained calm throughout the segment (I certainly could not have done that), Hunter was unapologetic about asking Donald Rumsfeld to remove embedded CNN reporters from Iraq. He pointedly asked, "Does CNN want America to win this thing?"

This is a must-see clip. It has been edited for brevity but you will certainly get the point.

Hat Tips: Michelle Malkin and Hot Air

Warning: April Fools Coming November 7 This Year

The Dems and the media are so giddy over the possibility of the Dems taking control of Congress that they will simply be unrestrained on Election Day. What should you expect?

  1. Skewed Exit Polls - Remember 2004? According to exit polls the morning of the election, John Kerry was going to be our next president. I firmly believe this was an attempt to make it look as if the election was over and keep Republican voters away from the polls.
  2. Premature Declarations of Victory - Remember 2000? The MSM declared Gore the winner in Florida before the polls were closed in the Central Time Zone of the Panhandle. According to a survey by John McLaughlin & Associates, thousands of right-leaning voters may have been dissuaded from going to the polls after the false declaration. Bush carried that part of Florida 67% to Gore's 31%.
  3. Charges of Voting Irregularities - In the event of any critical losses by the Dems, you can rest assured they will level charges of various types including vague ballot listings, malfunctioning voting machines, vote tampering, voter intimidation, too few voting machines in Democratic counties, and maybe some new ones we haven't heard of yet. Remember, Republicans have to "steal" elections to win, Bush's presidency is "illegitimate", etc., etc. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...
  4. Voting Irregularities - No election ever goes off without a hitch. No system is perfect. Because no system is perfect, it can be manipulated. It has already been reported that dead people in St. Louis have registered to vote this year. BTW, these people would be dead Democrats.
  5. Sabotage and Intimidation - During a recent election Republican "Get Out The Vote" vehicles had their tires slashed. GOP candidate offices were vandalized. Make no mistake. The hatred on the left is at a fever pitch and you can expect more of the same.

You can find more instances of Democratic election chaos on the Power Line Blog.

A friend of mine recently went to his polling place in rural Arkansas to vote in the Republican primary. Here is a paraphrased version of what he was told by the poll workers, "You don't want to vote over there (the Republican primary). You'd just be wasting your time."

To be fair, I will tell you another election story. I live in a small, conservative district of Arkansas. At my polling place, everyone knows everyone. In the last primary the Republican line was long while the Democrat line was empty. One of the Democrat poll workers told a guy at the back of the Republican line that he could come over and vote on the Democrat side. His response was a classic and he was quite serious. He said, "I can't vote over there. That goes against everything I believe." The Republican line erupted in laughter. And we all waited for our turn.

2005 Trumpeter Mendoza TORRONTES (Argentina)

Torrontes is a white varietal that is a specialty of Argentina. I view it as a poor man's Viognier because it has lots of tropical fruit scents, fairly full body, yet falls apart within one to two years.

This one is very inexpensive, but not bad. Bright, crystalline light brassy-gold. Very fruity nose of tropical fruit (mango?), with apple and ruby red grapefruit scents as well. Medium bodied, with lots of up-front fruit and fruit-pit flavors, with citrusy notes. Fades fast in the mid-palate, however. Short, clean finish. 82. Was $7 at Spec's on Westheimer (near Fogo de Chao).

2005 "Red Guitar" Navarra "Old Vine" TEMPRANILLO/GARNACHA (Spain)

This wine has started to show up at a lot of stores. Apparently a big, well-connected company is behind this, although I can't tell which one.

Surprisingly for a wide-distribution wine, this has some character. A saturated dark ruby/purple color, with a fragrant nose of spicy ripe raspberries, cinnamon, stones, and cream. Medium full-bodied and pure in the mouth, with penetrating, tight fruit, some youthful, but soft, tannin, and a clean, spicy fruit and mineral finish. Will soften and expand in flavor over the next year. Very good value at $9 at Whole Foods on Bellaire (also available at Spec's and some supermarkets). 87+

2004 Chateau de Chatelard BEAUJOLAIS BLANC "Vieilles Vignes" Chardonnay (France)

The last wine (the Sancerre Rouge) was a rare red from a white region. This is a rare white from a red region.

Bright, light nose of crisp apples, pears, and chalky minerals. Tight, fresh and minerally in the mouth; not terribly concentrated, but very clean and balanced. A nice oddity, but not a repeat purchase. 86. Was about $10 at Spec's on Smith.

2003 Jean-Max Roger SANCERRE ROUGE "Cuvée Les Caillotes" (Loire, France)

A very distinctive Pinot Noir, displaying the minerally, austere capabilities of the grape.

Medium light ruby. Snappy nose of tart cherries, plums, and lots of sweet, pungent minerals. Dry and austere texture, this wine has lots of bone-dry cherry and mineral flavors, with some crisp acidity and peppery heat. Distinctive, and an interesting wine to sip and ponder, but not the most hedonistic of wines. 84. Was about $19 at Spec's on Smith.

Oh The Irony!

These are two front page images taken from our local paper, The Tennessean, a few days back. What do you think when you see this?

For those who don't know, Sara Evans is a country singer and this story has been talked about ad nauseum in our local paper. She's accused him of adultery and porn addiction. Now, apparently, he's accusing her of the same.

I can SOOOO see now how my gay relationship totally destroyed this marriage, can't you?

TN has 33% More Gay Couples

According to a new study, Tennessee has seen a 33% increase in gay couples since 2000.

The Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy at the UCLA School of Law found the number of same-sex couples in the United States increased more than 30 percent between 2000 and 2005. The national population, by comparison, increased 6 percent in that period.

According to the study released earlier this month, 13,570 same-sex couples were living in Tennessee in 2005, a 33 percent increase over 10,189 same-sex couples in 2000.

Approximately 2,033 of those couples were living in Nashville-Davidson County, including domestic partners Ben Papa and Brad Bullock.

"My initial reaction is that there are more people admitting to being gay and living as a couples," Papa said. "I do agree, though, that society is slowly becoming more open."

Same-sex couples increased by more than 30 percent in six of the eight states that have proposed constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage this November.
"It appears that one of the consequences of the referendums is that instead of gays and lesbians feeling less willing to be open, our data suggests the reverse," Gates said.

One of our dimwitted state Senators, David Fowler, R (of course)-Signal Mountain, who has given up his senatorial seat to head the nonprofit organization Family Action Council of Tennessee, an advocacy group that supports the proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, claims

He said he had not seen a marked increase in same-sex couples in his district and did not expect the new data to influence voters' decision.

"I think the beliefs of the vast majority of Tennesseans are strongly held and years in the making," Fowler said. "I just don't see it changing their opinion."

I doubt there is a plethora of gay couples living openly around Signal Mountain anyway. How can he make such an idiotic statement? Oh, wait, he's a fundie that's how!

Do you think these amendments have caused more people to come out? Have you been more outspoken since these amendments have started popping up?

Cross-posted on Pam's House Blend.

Another Actor Comes Out

'Grey's Anatomy' star T.R. Knight Comes Out

"I guess there have been a few questions about my sexuality, and I'd like to quiet any unnecessary rumors that may be out there," Knight's statement read. "While I prefer to keep my personal life private, I hope the fact that I'm gay isn't the most interesting part of me."

Guess that's that damn liberal Hollywood again!

Early Voting Problems in TN

Our local organization Vote No on 1, which has been working on defeating our state anti-gay amendment, have been receiving reports that voters are being misled about Amendment 1 to our state Constitution. Evidently, a voter in one county was told that he should vote no if he wanted "two men or three women to be able to marry."

Vote No has been in contact with our Division of Elections and been assured that the counties have been notified that poll workers are not to discuss the amendment with voters, and if anyone has questions, they are not to summarize it but simply tell the voter to read the amendment.

Could these actions be considered voter tampering? I think so. What do you think?

Cross-posted on Pam's House Blend.

Who Says Gays Can't Procreate?!

Melissa Etheridge and her partner, Tammy Lynn Michaels, obviously can. They are parents of new twins, a boy named Miller Steven and a girl named Johnnie Rose. Is it just me or do those names sure set those kids up to be rock stars? Coincidence? Melissa previously had two children, Bailey Jean and Beckett, with her then partner Julie Cypher.

Congratulations to Melissa and Tammy!

Cross-posted at Pam's House Blend.

Smackdown: Tom Kean vs Mike Beebe

Tom Kean, Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, stepped into the muck of the Arkansas Governor's race that has been created by Mike Beebe. Without facts to back it up, Beebe has attacked Asa Hutchinson's record in the Department of Homeland Security and his "understanding" of security issues.

If nothing else Mike Beebe has said in this campaign makes you question his honesty and leadership ability, this should. This is so ironic it is laughable. Asa is infinitely more experienced and qualified in matters of homeland security than Beebe will ever be.

Word of these ridiculous attacks made their way to 9/11 Commission Chairman Tom Kean who spent years studying the events leading up to 9/11 and the action taken to secure our country after the terrorist attacks. Chairman Kean took the time to write a letter in defense of Asa and condemn Beebe's attacks as "petty politics".

Read the full text of Chairman Kean's letter here.

Small Town vs Economic Growth

For those of you outside of my hometown, please bear with me while I cover a very important local race.

Fort Smith, Arkansas is a great place to live. Nestled on the Oklahoma border, it is a former gateway to Indian Territory and home of the famous Judge Isaac C. Parker, and it is rich in history. The cost of living here is as good as it gets.

Fort Smith is in an awkward position in its development. Some want it to maintain its "small town" appeal while others want to see it become an economic center in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Is it possible to achieve both? Not likely except in limited areas. So, what should we do?

This year's mayoral race features two candidates who exemplify the two philosophies for Fort Smith. The City is run by a City Administrator and Board of Directors, with the Mayor playing largely a public relations role.

Incumbent Ray Baker has been mayor for 16 years. He is a very energetic, fun-loving person who genuinely loves Fort Smith. He spends his days honoring citizens and visitors with awards, proclamations and keys to the city. Mayor Baker is a good Christian man who teaches Sunday School. Mayor Baker is a proponent of the "small town" vision for Fort Smith.

Challenger Steve Jackson says it is time for a new vision for Fort Smith. He says that the mayor's office needs to focus on promoting economic development and enticing businesses to locate here. Economic development and new businesses mean more jobs for Fort Smith (and surrounding area) residents.

This election will define the direction Fort Smith takes for the next several years. Are we satisfied with the status quo or do we want to progress as a city?

It is almost certain that our largest employer, Whirlpool Corporation will be leaving Fort Smith. The downsizing has already started. This will either force other businesses to move or close their doors. Beverly Enterprises may not be far behind.

It is imperative that we look forward to the future and plan for growth. If we do not grow, we will stagnate. And that will spell disaster for Fort Smith.

I am supporting Steve Jackson for Mayor this November.

Do Tax Cuts Work?

Thanks to Andy Roth at for the numbers showing the effects of the 2003 Bush Tax Cuts. And here they are:

2003 Bush Tax Cut: By The Numbers

Historic Tax Cut Boosts Growth, Lifts Stock Market, and Increases Jobs

$14,374,330,000,000 Total Increase in Household Wealth Since April 2003
$5,700,000,000,000 Total Increase in Shareholder Wealth Since May 20, 2003
$863,654,000,000 Total Amount of Tax Cuts Enacted Since Fiscal Year 2003
$783,890,000,000 Total Amount of Additional Tax Cuts to be Returned to Taxpayers Through 2010
$625,000,000,000 Total Increase in Federal Tax Revenues Since FY 2003
$207,788,000,000 Reduction in the Deficit in the Past 29 Months Due to Stronger Economic Growth
$98,600,000,000 Combined Income Gains for Shareholders From Dividend Increases & Tax Savings 03-05
$62,000,000,000 Surplus of Capital Gains Tax Revenue Not Accounted For By Revenue Estimators
$60,000,000,000 Deficit REDUCTION Since the Tax Cut Was Signed Into Law
300,001,643 Total Number of Americans benefiting from President Bush’s Tax Cut
91,000,000 Number of Individuals Owning Shares of Stock in America
23,000,000 Number of Small Businesses Benefiting from Income Tax Reductions
6,600,000 Number of Jobs Created Since the Tax Cut Was Signed Into Law
12,000 The Magic Number of the Dow Jones Industrial Index is an Arms Length Away
$2,092 Tax Increase for a Family of Four With $50k of Income if Tax Cuts Are Repealed
200 Number of House Members Who Voted Against This Growth Generating Tax Cut
50 Number of US Senators Who Voted Against This Growth Generating Tax Cut
25 Number of Years Dividend Paying Companies Declined Prior to the 2003 Tax Cut
164.0% % Increase in the Dividend Tax Rate if the Income and Dividend Tax Cuts Expire
123.0% % Increase in Dividend Income and Share Repurchases Since 2003 Tax Cut
91.0% % Increase of Stock Ownership in the Bottom Quintile of Income Distribution Since 1995
74.0% % Increase in S&P 500 Companies Boosting Their Dividend Since 2002
65.0% % of Voters Who Were Investors in the 2004 Elections
51.2% % of Total Tax Cut "Cost" That Has Been Recouped From Higher Levels of Growth
14.0% % Margin of Victory for Republicans From Investor Voters in 2002 Elections
4.6% Unemployment Rate Which Continues To Disprove the Constant Economic Pessimism
3.7% % Average Quarterly GDP Growth Since Tax Cut Was Enacted (long run average is 3.3%)

In The Cross Hairs: The First Amendment

While I absolutely despise some of the things the far-left has to say about Republicans and conservatives in general, I firmly believe in their right to say them. This is a free country and the First Amendment to the Constitution affords them that right. Jon Stewart and Bill Maher are free to make stupid comments on their shows and Al Franken has the right to call Rush Limbaugh a "big fat idiot". (This is especially humorous to me since Rush is neither fat nor an idiot. If Rush is an "idiot" making millions of dollars a year from his radio program and Al Franken has gone in the hole $400,000 from his radio program, what does that make Franken?)

Recently, liberals have tried to quietly move toward restricting free speech when that free speech is detrimental to them. Look at talk radio. Can anyone in their right mind say that Air America is equivalent to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, etc.? The last time I checked, Rush had not filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Since the liberals have been unable to compete in the arena of talk radio, they want to regulate it. The term "fairness doctrine" has been thrown around lately. This means that on any issue that is deemed "political", those on each side of the issue must be given equal access to radio time, television time, or whatever medium it might be.

Liberals also want radio time given to a particular issue or candidate to be quantified in terms of dollars. Since there are limits on how much money can be contributed to any candidate, speech regarding that candidate would be restricted to the monetary limit or fines would be assessed if the limit was exceeded.

Look at a case that happened in Seattle. The state government of Washington imposed a 9.5 cent per gallon tax on gasoline. Two radio show hosts supported a repeal of that tax. Public support for the appeal was overwhelming.

The pair of radio show hosts were taken to court and the judge ruled that they were agents of the repeal campaign. Therefore, their on-air support was considered a political contribution which is limited to $5,000 in the final three weeks prior to an election. They were forced to talk only 15 minutes per week or face substantial fines.

With the talk show hosts unable to get the word out on the air, the repeal campaign could not garner enough support and failed 54.6 to 45.4 percent. A law firm is taking their case to the Supreme Court.

If you read George Will's article on this subject, he cites three additional cases where free speech was silenced by the opposition. With radio and print media in the cross hairs, can bloggers be far behind?

Does The GOP Need A Lesson This November?

Today I was listening to a caller on a very prominent conservative radio talk show. Her concern was that the conservative wing of the GOP may stay home on November 7 to send a message to the moderates who are controlling the party. My questions are, does the GOP need a lesson this November and what will the cost of that lesson be?

First, I agree that the party is being dragged down by moderates like John McCain, Arlen Specter, Lincoln Chafee, and even at times by George W. Bush. Their desires to be remembered as a uniter and to get things accomplished for their legacy overtake the need to get the right things done.

So should we conservatives send them a message? Yes, we do. But not at the expense of putting the Democrats in power. There are too many serious issues in this country and worldwide that could prove disasterous if we do not have strong leadership.

The Democrats will quickly destroy what has been accomplished in Iraq and Afghanistan, and terrorism will increase dramatically after they take over those two countries.

The Democrats will wage a War on Tax Cuts that will stifle the brisk economy we now enjoy.

The Democrats in the Senate will make sure that no conservative judge will see the light of day, especially on the Supreme Court. President Bush will be forced to appoint a moderate to liberal or face a filibuster.

If Democrats take over the House, you can be assured that impeachment of President Bush will be pursued. Just ask John Conyers.

There are ways to send a message to the GOP other than by jeopardizing this country and its people.

Go out an vote Republican on November 7. This country's future depends on it.

Who Should Be Our Next President?

Today has been somewhat of a slow news day where politics are concerned, with the exception of the same old stories that are getting hashed over and over. So I thought I would take a few minutes to tell you who I think should be our next president. I am only considering leadership ability only here, not electability, or whether they will run.

There are some capable people in the GOP who could lead this country down a solid path. There aren't any I could say that I agree with on every issue. Some are too fiscally moderate and some are too socially moderate. Some who are likely to run just aren't qualified.

There are some brilliant people in the Republican party like Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Condoleezza Rice, Rudy Giuliani, and many more. However, there is one person who seems to have an understanding of issues beyond most other people. He is a scholarly thinker and a proven leader. He knows how to get things done. As a matter of fact, he directed the Republican Party into a takeover of the House and Senate in 1994 with his "Contract For America."

Yes, I am talking about Newt Gingrich. If he runs in 2008, he will have my full support. He is not liked by the left so his electability is questionable. But I think he would make a great president.

Truth about the TN Marriage Amendment

This is a story that should make anyone on the fence on this amendment think twice. For those who are on our side, you should feel as sick and disgusted by this as I do.

Our local paper The Tennessean ran an opinion article by Rev. Jerry Sutton of Two Rivers Baptist Church. This is the same church that hosted the Justice Sunday events and will be hosting Dobson's anti-gay rally tonight (Stand for the Family). Of course, being who Rev. Sutton is his editorial was scathing of our relationships.

Our paper allows comments online to the articles and one gentleman retold a touching story. He's 72 years old and had a partner for 30 years. They had had good relations with their families. However, when his partner died, the partner's family came in and took all of their possessions and took this man to court to get the property they jointly owned. He and his partner had done all of the legal paperwork they could to try to protect themselves and their property. Unfortunately, he spent $300K on legal fees and court costs to try and get their possessions and property back. He won the battle for the property but never got their possessions back. He even had to get a court order just so the police would listen to him.

The story many that oppose us tell is that we can get the legal protections we need through a lawyer and that as long as we do that we don't need to get married. As the story above clearly states, this is a bald-faced lie. I've asked several lawyers this question and all say that we can't have any guarantee no matter how much legal paperwork we do. Marriage is the only sure way we are guaranteed to be recognized as "next of kin" and rightful inheritor of our jointly owned property.

If it was this hard before the amendment, imagine how hard it will be AFTER!

The public has been lied to and duped. The allegations of our opposition are FALSE. These amendments are not just about placing us in a second-class status but a NO CLASS status! They don't leave doors open for civil unions or domestic partnerships, but are intended to block recognition of anything that provides similar benefits and privileges of marriage. That includes legal documents. Do not be fooled!

Fortunately, there is a great grassroots movement started here in TN for support of our relationships. I'm pleased to report that even The Tennessean came out in opposition to the anti-gay amendment. In time, these discriminatory amendments will be undone, just like we've undone discrimination in the past. It'll be a long road until then, but let's do our part to make sure we're on the right side of the street. Vote NO!!!

Cross-posted at Pam's House Blend.

Hannity For President?

I received an automated political polling call this weekend regarding potential presidential candidates for the upcoming 2008 race. The candidates for each party were pretty predictable and I was asked in a variety of combinations who I would vote for if the election were held today.

But near the end, I was asked who I would vote for if Al Franken was running against Sean Hannity. That question seemed kind of strange.

I'm really glad they didn't ask me a difficult question like "Hillary Clinton vs. Michael Moore" or "Joe Lieberman vs. Lincoln Chaffee".

2004 Lolonis Redwood Valley ZINFANDEL (Mendocino County, California)

This was a beautiful, textbook Mendocino Zin.

Beautiful saturated black purple/ruby color. Classic Zin nose of crisp, ripe, penetrating mountain berries, creamed caramel, and lemony spice. Round, soft, and full, yet vibrant mouthfeel. Perfect fruit/acid/ alcohol/tannin balance. Ooodles of pure fruit with an undercurrent of toasty balsa wood. A big, beautiful, food-friendly Zin. I think it's organically grown too. 90. A very good value at $15.20 at Spec's on Westheimer (near Fogo de Chao).

New Army Recruiting Video and Slogan: AWESOME!!

I just watched the new Army recruiting video yesterday and it is unbelievable. Forget about slogans like "Be All You Can Be" and "An Army Of One".

This new slogan and video makes me want to sign up and charge the hill. Incredible!!

Hat Tip: Blackfive

Worth 1000 Words: Freedom vs Tyranny

From 1905 to 1945, Japan occupied Korea. After World War II, Korea was divided into two sections - North and South. The North was setup as a Communist government by the Soviet Union and the South was set up as a democracy by the United States. In the early 1950's, North Korea attempted to take over South Korea with the help of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. The United States came to the rescue and liberated South Korea.

The past 50 years in Korea have been an experiment - Communism vs Democracy. The photo at right is worth 1000 words. It is a night shot of North and South Korea. The lower half showing many lights across the country is South Korea. The upper half showing only one small dot of light is North Korea. Click here for an enlarged view.

South Korea is a modern, flourishing, free, capitalist democracy. The North Korean people are suffering under a tyrannical, Communist dictator because of a lack of food and judging from this photo, they don't have electricity. Any who are caught trying to escape are treated inhumanely and tortured. Some Chinese soldiers have testified that returned escapees have had cables jabbed through their hands or under their collarbones and are strung together with other escapees.

A Good, Old Fashioned Butt Whippin'

I am not a violent person. I have never been in a physical fight in my life. But sometimes I hear about things that make me wonder if I could snap someday and give somebody an old fashioned butt whippin'.

Today's story that almost sent me to anger management comes from Britain. Codie Stott, a 14-year-old British schoolgirl was assigned a group science project with five Asian students - four of whom did not speak English. The teacher told her to discuss the project with the Asian students. The Asian students began talking to each other in their native language so that Codie could not understand.

Codie went to the teacher to ask to be moved to another group because she could not understand the Asian students. The teacher, apparently a politically correct nut case, went ballistic. She said to Codie, "It’s racist, you’re going to get done by the police."

A report was filed with a school police officer and Codie was arrested for refusing to study with non-English students. She was taken to the police station, had to remove all of her jewelry and was fingerprinted. Codie was humiliated.

RSC Comments - Both teachers and the police need to be lined up and given a good, old fashioned butt whippin'. This is not even political correctness. This is WAYYY beyond that!! This is complete and utter liberal insanity. Is America next?

Hat Tip: LGF

What We Believe At RSC

Some readers have asked where we stand on certain issues. So we've decided to make a short list here on the RSC blog. This list will be updated as issues are raised.

First Amendment - We believe the First Amendment was written to protect the Church from the Government, not vice versa. We do not believe that those who hold religious beliefs should be excluded from holding public office. We do not believe in the "separation of Church and State" where its meaning is twisted to preclude any writings, teachings, doctrines, or religious beliefs from legislative, executive, or judicial debate or decisions. We also believe in the right to free speech and that it must not be infringed upon by any individual or organization.

Second Amendment - We believe that every mentally competent American is guaranteed the right to own and bear arms. This includes concealed carry permits. We also believe that individuals should be able to use those arms for self-defense and to protect innocent people without fear of prosecution by the Government.

Fourth Amendment - We believe that all Americans are guaranteed the right to privacy and that their property cannot be searched or seized without probable cause, nor should their telephones be illegally tapped. Please note that this right applies to American citizens only who are not talking with suspected or known terrorists.

Abortion - We believe that the Constitution of the United States protects all human life, regardless of its stage of development or condition of health. We believe that human life begins at the moment of conception. We do not believe that any person has the right to terminate the life of an innocent human being, unless the existence of that human being poses an imminent and life-threatening physical health risk to the mother.

Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Because we believe all life is protected under the U.S. Constitution, we cannot support this type of research which threatens innocent human life.

Gay Marriage / Foster Parenting / Adoption - We believe that homosexuality is a deviant lifestyle and that it is a symptom of a deteriorating society. Homosexuality is unnatural and defies the natural order of the human race. Because we believe it is deviant and unnatural, it is our belief that no child should be subjected to such a relationship through foster parenting or adoption by gays.

Illegal Immigration - A sovereign nation should have complete authority to limit the number of people who enter its borders. Any person entering this country illegally, while they should be treated humanely, should not inherit rights provided by our Constitution and should be immediately deported. In the interest of national security, we must secure our borders.

Global Warming - Alarmists have existed for thousands of years. In the 20th Century, the global warming / ice age scares seemed to be cyclical. Man did not create this planet and we do not have the power to destroy it. We believe global warming has been scientifically documented to be an invalid theory.

Taxes and Spending - We believe the Government has become a bloated bureaucracy that wastes billions of dollars each year. We believe the Government should be required to operate on a balanced budget. We believe that income tax is confiscatory and should be abolished. We support a flat consumption tax with breaks for lower income families.

Eminent Domain - This is something we cannot believe is happening in this country. Eminent domain is legalized theft of property.

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