2003 Bush Tax Cut: By The Numbers
Historic Tax Cut Boosts Growth, Lifts Stock Market, and Increases Jobs
$14,374,330,000,000 | Total Increase in Household Wealth Since April 2003 |
$5,700,000,000,000 | Total Increase in Shareholder Wealth Since May 20, 2003 |
$863,654,000,000 | Total Amount of Tax Cuts Enacted Since Fiscal Year 2003 |
$783,890,000,000 | Total Amount of Additional Tax Cuts to be Returned to Taxpayers Through 2010 |
$625,000,000,000 | Total Increase in Federal Tax Revenues Since FY 2003 |
$207,788,000,000 | Reduction in the Deficit in the Past 29 Months Due to Stronger Economic Growth |
$98,600,000,000 | Combined Income Gains for Shareholders From Dividend Increases & Tax Savings 03-05 |
$62,000,000,000 | Surplus of Capital Gains Tax Revenue Not Accounted For By Revenue Estimators |
$60,000,000,000 | Deficit REDUCTION Since the Tax Cut Was Signed Into Law |
300,001,643 | Total Number of Americans benefiting from President Bush’s Tax Cut |
91,000,000 | Number of Individuals Owning Shares of Stock in America |
23,000,000 | Number of Small Businesses Benefiting from Income Tax Reductions |
6,600,000 | Number of Jobs Created Since the Tax Cut Was Signed Into Law |
12,000 | The Magic Number of the Dow Jones Industrial Index is an Arms Length Away |
$2,092 | Tax Increase for a Family of Four With $50k of Income if Tax Cuts Are Repealed |
200 | Number of House Members Who Voted Against This Growth Generating Tax Cut |
50 | Number of US Senators Who Voted Against This Growth Generating Tax Cut |
25 | Number of Years Dividend Paying Companies Declined Prior to the 2003 Tax Cut |
164.0% | % Increase in the Dividend Tax Rate if the Income and Dividend Tax Cuts Expire |
123.0% | % Increase in Dividend Income and Share Repurchases Since 2003 Tax Cut |
91.0% | % Increase of Stock Ownership in the Bottom Quintile of Income Distribution Since 1995 |
74.0% | % Increase in S&P 500 Companies Boosting Their Dividend Since 2002 |
65.0% | % of Voters Who Were Investors in the 2004 Elections |
51.2% | % of Total Tax Cut "Cost" That Has Been Recouped From Higher Levels of Growth |
14.0% | % Margin of Victory for Republicans From Investor Voters in 2002 Elections |
4.6% | Unemployment Rate Which Continues To Disprove the Constant Economic Pessimism |
3.7% | % Average Quarterly GDP Growth Since Tax Cut Was Enacted (long run average is 3.3%) |