Thoughts on the Kids

I recently did a presentation at a conference in Atlanta on religion's influence on our private lives. As I did my research, I came to the realization that the religious "right" has moved from focusing on the lost cause of adult homosexuals to kids, whether it is the right of gays to adopt, to marry, or even now for gay teenagers to have a social club at school, it all comes back to kids.

Do a little research for yourself and see if it's not true.

Here's one recent example.

But it's not hard to find more. Just search for GSAs or gay-straight alliance, and you'll find plenty.

If they can control the minds of the children, they can control society. But remember, for every GSA that these people try to shut down, there is a kid like the one I used to teach many years ago that went home one day and put a shotgun in his mouth after years of being called "fag" by his classmates and having teachers turn a deaf ear.

Hell, I was even one of them in my fundamentalist, homophobic days. I told this student when he tried to confide in me that "maybe if he didn't act so sissy, then maybe he wouldn't get picked on.

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