Bully Justice

When you think of a Supreme Court Justice, do you think of someone serious, reflective, wise, and respectful? Or do you think of a cocky junior high schooler, with smart ass comments, and a bully attitude and sometimes lacking judgment (isn't that the worst characteristic a judge could have?)?

Scalia Says Not Recusing Himself From 2004 Cheney Case The "Proudest Thing" He's Done On The Court...

Scalia is proud of the fact that he can flaunt his obvious conflict of interest in the face of the American people. So his good buddy Cheney takes him hunting, and then gets a favorable ruling.

Joe Conason writes in
New York Observer:

"Antonin Scalia, the loudest mouth on the highest bench, has indulged himself again. The idol of the far right has provoked fresh doubts about his temperament--and this time, unfortunately, the rest of the world is likely to notice.Surely as brilliant as his admirers claim, Justice Scalia's intellect is too often overshadowed by aggressive bluster and rigid ideology. He suffers from an uncontrollable impulse to give insult and an insufficient respect for the opinions of others. Widely advertised as exceptionally smart, he sometimes does and says things that are extraordinarily stupid."
In your face, America!

Picture from
Boston Herald.com

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