NY LGBT Leader Refuses to Support Hillary

This is indicative of the divide being created within the Democratic Party between the GLBT community and its leaders.

Since the death kneels to our community of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and especially DOMA, that were signed by Hillary's husband, the Democratic Party and the GLBT community have been heading toward an inevitable clash.

Like stated in this article, I can't see the logic or reason behind giving money to candidates that have been very clear in their disdain for our community. It's all well and good that Hillary has supported AIDS-funding (bully for her), but she still supports a "separate and UNequal" status, basically second-rate citizenship for gay Americans. That is NOT acceptable!

If you back off from this what you find is a candidate who gives pity or sympathy support to a section of American society. She feels sorry for us so she gives half-assed support for us, but never equality. For that, bitch, you don't get our money.

Gay Rights Leader Calls For Halt To LGBT Support For Hillary Clinton

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