Peace and Many Questions

The suspected killer of a local gay man was finally apprehended

A 16-year-old Maplewood High School student was arrested and charged with the murder of Eric Scott Mansfield.
Mansfield, 33, was fatally wounded while behind the wheel of his silver Volkswagen Jetta at Chapel and Greenwood Avenues on Friday, Nov. 11. Mansfield drove a short distance before pulling to the side of Chapel Avenue between Douglas and McKennie Avenues. He suffered a gunshot wound to the chest and was found unresponsive by his partner, O&AN staff writer David Miller.

A follow-up article analyzed the local newspapers and news sources early responses to the story. From the uncertainty in how to acknowledge Mansfield's partner, David Miller, to the extent of recognition to give their relationship in write-ups and on camera. Making it even more difficult was the inability of Mr. Miller to discuss the matter.

Friends of David Miller report that local mainstream media is, in fact, interested in this story and the unsolved crime. Though he receives calls from local media on a daily basis, they say he remains unable to speak of his experience without breaking down.

At least now, Eric Mansfield and his partner, two children, and parents he left behind can have a brief moment of piece. Let's hope justice is found.

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