The Problem

I recognized a problem today.

If you listen to the two political parties in our country, you have the Republicans living, breathing, and attacking on social issues and you have the Democrats getting in a tiz over Iraq, Bolton, and Darfur.

Basically, you have two political parties that have stopped giving a shit about Americans. The Republicans talk about freedom in foreign countries while cutting on personal freedoms at home. The Democrats say they are for the little man and the concerns of home, but they are focused on the Downing Street Memo and a UN nominee.

Neither party has stepped up to the plate lately to do anything about education, poverty, inequality, inadequate housing, inadequate healthcare, rising costs of living and lowering salaries (if any jobs at all).

The average person doesn't know who the hell Bolton is or where Darfur is AND THEY DON'T CARE!!!!

They want to have a good job that can feed their families! Start giving a shit about us, Dems, and you might find the tide turn on your luck!

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