Equality March in '08


Young, old; straight, gay; Republican, Dem; Christian, atheist

There is a call for a march for full equality. This is not about marriage. This is for our very lives and our souls. We are under attack and we need grassroots support from every corner of society.

Politicians have let us down, religious leaders have not only let us down but led the attack, and ordinary citizens are clueless on the impending dangers to equality for all of us.

We will not apologize for or allow concessions to weak unethical politicians and immoral religious leaders.

The Equality March will take place sometime near April '08. Read more about the march at and get involved:


Leading up to the national march, I make a call for statewide marches on our state capitols and equality rides/caravans (reminiscent of "Freedom Rides") to our nation's capitol.

Until everyday folks realize that good people refuse to allow bigotry and hatred to win, this war cannot be won. We have to work on the ground, face-to-face, showing our support and determination to let love win over hate.

If you are interested in organizing on the state level, contact me.

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