Going from numeric scores to A+, A, A-, B+, B, etc.

You know, I'm just not sure I really can consistently cut it quite that fine. About the only real difference for me between what I consider to be an 87 point wine and an 88 point wine is that I usually am willing to buy an 88 point wine again if it's a good value. Beyond that, who knows what the difference is? But that's just me. It's way more important to read the tasting notes and see if that sounds like something that would taste good to you.

On a related note, I've been asked why I don't have many wines in the C range or below. Many times, if the wine really sucks, I won't blog on it. But if the wine really should have been good but wasn't, I'll try to let my 7 readers know so they won't make the same mistake I did. Also, from experience, I'm pretty good at making educated guesses at what's going to be good or not. (Turning the label around and checking for a top-flight importer is a big headstart.)

Anyway, so long numeric scores. Hello, slightly-fudgier letter grades. (Anything A- or higher I will continue to label as "90 or better.")

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