Female Radio Host Says TSA Screeners Handcuffed Her To Chair and Tore Up Her Airline Ticket

Are airline passengers now regarded as criminals in the TSA playbook? Radio host Meg McLain says she was singled out by TSA agents for daring to opt out of a search by a full body scanner. After yelling "opt out" to the other screeners in their cadre, McLain says that because of her voiced reservations regarding the full body scanner, TSA agents physically pulled her to the side, subjected her to humiliation before other travelers, cuffed her to a chair, and ripped up her airline boarding pass.

TSA screeners are able to avoid screening as shown in this news story.

In this video a security expert demonstrates how this aggressive search method can easily turn into groping and fondling.

The Airline Pilots Union is advising its members to not submit to full body scanning and is pushing back on the TSA's new enhanced and aggressive frisking methods.

Scott Ott writes regarding the TSA's strip-and-grope policy, "Without regard for threat potential, airline passengers of all ages can now be forced to make the choice between baring their nakedness before a federal agent, or getting a full-body fingertip groping by another federal agent. The advanced imaging technology (AIT) scanners — AKA strip-search machines — now stand watch in more than 65 airports nationwide, with their numbers set to grow by more than 40 percent at year’s end, thanks to your federal stimulus dollars.

The procedure is so humiliating and so invasive that even flight crews are rebelling. The 11,000-member American Pilots’ Association just received a letter from its leader decrying the humiliation, radiation danger, and ineffectiveness at deterring terrorism of this strip-and-grope regimen."

AirSafeNews reports that you do have recourse if you feel you have not been treated with dignity or respect during an encounter with the TSA.

(Call) attention to anything that you think is unnecessary or (have) a TSA supervisor or law enforcement official present. You can also file a complaint with the TSA, with the AirSafe.com complaint process.

The article notes that the ACLU has received complaints of several types of common abuses:

•Unnecessary groping of passengers’ breast or genital areas

•Humiliating experiences including for disabled or transgendered passengers

•Lack of privacy during pat-downs

•Lack of respect for religious requirements.

If you feel that you have not been treated in a fair and professional matter, you can contact the airline. If you like, you can stop flying and write a letter to the airline telling them why you're not going to be flying anytime soon.

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