Apparent ABC News Employee Caught Baiting Ground Zero Mosque Protestor

Ahh, the enlightened and ever-so-unbiased media. Andrea S. Lafferty writes in Big Journalism on the agent provocateur actions of an apparent employee of ABC covering a Ground Zero Mosque protest. Andrea noticed that the man was aggressively questioning an older gentleman holding a sign that read, “No Sharia Here." “Why do you feel threatened? What are you afraid of? Why can’t you answer my questions?” “Why do you feel threatened? What are you afraid of? Why can’t you answer my questions?” hammered the younger man dressed in black shirt while brandishing a phone camera.

Andrea's instincts kicked in and she took out her camera to record the scene. Andrea writes, When I challenged the man in the black shirt, asking him to tell me what media outlet he worked for, he refused to answer. He walked away. But there was cameraman was standing nearby, watching the scene play out. When I asked, he said he worked for ABC News. I then asked if the man in the black shirt was with him. The ABC cameraman said, “yes.”

Read the whole post here.

You don't think the media would try and stage a confrontation and then cover the ugly scene as news do you? -- Yes! They must be desperate.

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