You're Either With Us Or Against Us

The struggle over the ill-devised health care bill is nothing less than a battle for the soul of this nation. It is that important.

Because it is so important, there are no Democrats, Republicans, or Independents in this battle. You are either with us or you are against us.

If you choose to support this grotesque bill that will rape this nation and burden it with more financial weight than it can bear, then we will do everything within our power to see that you are looking for a new job on your next election day. Your polling guys know stats. The majority of Americans oppose universal health care. You support it, you're a lame duck.

If you stand against this bill and fight for this nation, we will do the same for you. We will circulate your name, talk about your courage, campaign for you, and raise money for you.

Make no mistake. We intend to kill this bill and any others that attempt to establish a government-run or controlled health insurance program.

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