UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown Praises Obama's 'Renewed Hope' For The World

Joint Press conference in London by Prime Minister Gordon Brown and President Barack Obama before the G20 summit.

Daily Mail's Quentin Letts has a somewhat different take on the conference.

Some of the best quotes from Letts' article, Obama told a joke and Brown laughed... and laughed... and laughed... and laughed

The Prime Minister, appearing alongside Barack Obama after breakfast today, stared at his American visitor and almost shattered the TV camera lenses with his moony grin.

Mr Obama uttered a sentence. Mr Brown nodded. Mr Obama paused. Mr Brown froze, frowning. Mr Obama made a very slight joke. Mr Brown gassed himself, laughing for a good 30 seconds, eyelids fluttering like the wings of a soft-flapping Cabbage White.

Allegedly the most charismatic politician in the world, Mr Obama was a disappointment. It sounded as though he had a blocked nose and so his lack of energy may have been a symptom of a cold. Jet lag, too. He probably wished he could have stayed in bed.

He spoke slowly, in a meandering manner. Some might say that he was thoughtful and professorial. Others might call his manner circuitous, even yarny. Am I saying that he was a bore? Oh dear. I find that I possibly am.

Mr Obama fiddled with the cuff of one sleeve, Prince Charles-style, while Mr Brown hosed him down with treacle. The Prime Minister, fluffing with nerves in a couple of places, spoke of the president's 'leadership, vision, courage, dynamism, energy, achievements...'

Gordon praised and praised ... and praised and praised Obama
On and on it went. Stop, man! But he would not. 'A partnership of purpose, resilient, constant.' We were in total love mode. For his part, Mr Obama stared at Mr Brown with two weary, slightly glazed eyes, his mouth agape.

When Mr Brown let him get a word in, it was 'Gordon' this and 'Gordon' that. Mr Brown had by now turned his profile to us and it meant we could see the silhouette of his pouchy-cheeked, greedy grin. His lips puckered, forming the shape of a robin's beak, and he nodded slowly, repeatedly, at times even swallowing, so much was he salivating.

When he turned back to face us his eyes were narrow with creamy pleasure and he pushed forth his chin, stretching his lower neck. Now he placed his hands behind his back and bounced a half inch or so on the balls of his feet, relishing the sound of Solomon Obama's replies to a few questions from the Press.

How come you can't get this kind of angle from the American Press?

This article is a refreshing departure from the kind of salivating lap dog Press coverage the President usually gets from political factions posing as journalists like CNN.

Gordon praised and praised ... and praised and praised Obama On and on it went. Stop, man! But he would not. ---- Hilarious!

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