If Emperor Obama Wants War, That's What He'll Get

I am seething and probably should not be writing this now. I should wait until I've cooled off but I have got to get this off of my chest.

Barack Hussein Obama is an arrogant, manipulative, scheming excuse for a President of the United States. He is not there to help America. He is not there to improve America's economy. He is not there to improve our standing in the world. He is there to bring greater power to the Democratic party and to browbeat the spineless Republicans into agreeing with everything the Democrats do.

Listen up, Republicans. If you bow to Obama and the Dems we will replace you with people who have backbone and will stand up to this pseudo-emperor.

Obama essentially told the GOP in Congress that they must drop conservatism if they want to work with Democrats. As a conservative I am HIGHLY OFFENDED!!

Obama, you have now picked a fight. You were going to bring change. You were going to work together with everyone. What a load of crap that was!

Now I am going to say it loud and clear - I hope you fail miserably! I hope you fall flat on your face. How dare you?

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