Mrs. Clinton gets marriage proposal at IBEW in L.A.

While campainging in Southern California for that state's February 5th participation in Tsunami Tuesday, the AP reports that Senator Hillary had just outlined the main points of her "Economic Stimulus Package" before a crowd of supporters at the IBEW union hall in the City of Commerce, California. During the Q&A period the first question came from a man who said, "Hillary, marry me baby."

The crowd loved the moment of levity and heartily applauded amidst the merriment that filled the packed auditorium. The Senator responded with a polite no to the proposal and ventured, "That is certainly the kindest offer I've had in a while,....I'd probably be arrested."

I have to hand it to Senator Clinton's staff for running this latest phase of her campaign to soften her image as a steely, grasping political wonk and add an element of warmth to the candidate. This latest offer sure beats the one she got while campaigning in New Hampshire.

While addressing voters gathered together in a New Hampshire school auditorium the Senator was greeted by a pair of "protestors" who held up a sign that read; "Iron My Shirt" while chanting the slogan, before Hillary called for the lights to be turned on so the crowd could see the "Dumb and Dumber" apprentices.

The scruffy duo turned out to be a pair of jokers from a local radio station. The big guy in the video was identified by the New York Daily News as Adolfo Gonzalez Jr. and his partner in nascent adolecscent idiocy was Nick Gemelli. Both men were suspected by Clinton critics of being planted in the crowd in order to get a visceral reaction from the Senator's supporters. It did seem like a pretty smooth transition for the Senator to move from being the one heckled to turning the spotlight back on the heckler to bask in the jeers and ridicule of the crowd. It also gave Mrs. Clinton an opportunity to riff, “Oh the remnants of sexism, alive and well tonight,” and cracking wise about "breaking glass ceilings." I wonder if she's been moonlighting as a stand up comic while keeping her day job in the Senate.

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