While we were working, I asked him a simple question, "What color is the snow today". He turned and gave me a strange look and said, "It's white, today and it's always white."
I said, "Not true, when I was a kid, snow was green."
He said, "Green?, no way dad"
I said, "Well every time it snowed, I would go out and shovel driveways and make money, green money."
"How much?"
I told him that when I had a shovel I used to make about $50 every snow. But when I got a snowblower, I used to make $200 per snow.
"Can we could get a snow blower?"
I told him that I bought the snowblower with the money I made mowing lawns.
"Cool, I am going to buy a snowblower next winter. (He and his 11 year old buddy were recently contracted to cut a neighbors lawn this spring and summer.)
After we finished our driveway, my son teamed up with his neighbor buddy and shoveled three more driveways. They each made $40.
When I put him to bed I asked him if it felt great to earn that much money. He grinned from ear to ear and said, "Dad, I sure hope it snows again tomorrow."